
Chapter 537 Bravely breaking into the enemy camp, the situation is critical!

Chapter 537 Bravely breaking into the enemy camp, the situation is critical!
Originally, Tong Yan hadn't thought of a good way to sneak into the enemy camp, but he didn't expect those hundreds of black-armored rebels to come to his door by himself.With their selfless help, it would be hard for Tong Yan not to win.

By the time he arrived at Dongyangmen with a hundred well-trained dead soldiers, the hundreds of black-armored rebels had already fallen to the ground.Tong Yan got off the horse and reached out to take off the mask of one of them.I saw that this person was bleeding from seven orifices and his complexion turned black. He died of poisoning.

It seems that the concubine Yao did not disappoint Tong Yan, the most elite army of the rebels was dealt with so easily by her.

While Tong Yan was inspecting the dead, Concubine Yao came out slowly from behind the rockery on one side.

Seeing her faltering, it must be clear that getting rid of these traitors will also consume a lot of her demon power.

Tong Yan looked at her, and immediately asked with concern: "Are you okay? Are you not injured?"

Hearing this, Yao Fei forced a smile and said, "I'm fine, although I'm a little tired, but I can recover after a few days of cultivation. How is it? Are you satisfied?"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said: "Satisfied, of course satisfied! I am grateful for the concubine Yao's help. But these rebels are poisonous, if I accidentally touch them, will I be infected by the poison?"

The concubine Yao shook her head and said, "Don't worry, the poisonous mist has dissipated. As for the poison on their bodies, as long as you don't eat it, nothing will happen. But why are you asking this? Do you still want to collect their corpses?"

Tong Yan said with a mysterious smile: "From the moment they step into the imperial city, they are no longer my people. Who cares about the life and death of the enemy? I am only interested in the clothes and weapons on their bodies. Just come and get dressed. Come on, someone, pull out their clothes, and then you all change into them."

As soon as this remark came out, the dead soldiers behind him immediately responded in unison.

Ten minutes later, everyone, including Tong Yan, changed into the costumes of the black-armored rebels, and the weapons in their hands were replaced with the chain scimitars used by these black-armored rebels.

The concubine Yao has witnessed all this with her own eyes, and seems to have already guessed a thing or two.

"Your Highness, is it too risky for you to do this? How about I go with you!"

Tong Yan shook his head and said: "Yaofei, you have helped me a lot. Besides, I still need you to help me guard this Dongyang Gate. This time, let me do it myself! After all, this is my country, if I hide in In the future, he is no longer worthy of the throne."

After listening to this, the concubine Yao nodded and said: "Okay, since you have made up your mind, I won't say anything more. I'm waiting for the news of your victory, don't let me down, okay?"

Tong Yan laughed and said: "Then you just wait, if I come back alive, I will buy you a drink! All the soldiers follow the order and leave the city with me!"


In this way, Tong Yan quietly left the imperial city with a hundred dead soldiers. Except for the soldiers guarding Dongyang Gate who knew that His Highness had left, no one else knew about it.

Before leaving, Tong Yan made a special request not to tell anyone else.If it is known that His Royal Highness is not in the imperial city, it will inevitably depress morale and make people think about it.With the glorious image he managed to establish, he didn't want to be seen as a covetous person who fled the imperial city.

It's just that his trip is really dangerous and unpredictable. If he can't get rid of the third prince and the fifth princess in one fell swoop, it is very likely that he himself will die in the rebel formation.

But still the same sentence, how can you get a tiger if you don't enter the tiger's den?Those who achieve great things have no courage, and absolutely cannot do it.

Outside the imperial city at this moment, the lights are brightly lit.The rebels each hold torches, which look like thousands of stars from a distance, but they can't see the slightest beauty, but are disgusting.

As soon as Tong Yan led the dead soldiers out of the imperial city, he didn't expect to see a team of dozens of people rushing forward with torches in hand.

Seeing that their clothes were exactly the same as the black armor that Tong Yan and the others put on, and they were all wearing beast masks, so naturally they couldn't tell who was who.But it is certain that these black-armored rebels must be in the same group.

The rebel squad came forward, and the person in charge immediately asked, "Why are you so small? Where are the others?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan hurriedly replied: "There is... an ambush in the city, only we escaped, the others... the others are all dead!"

"What? Is there an ambush? There are only a few hundred imperial guards in the imperial city, how could they stop our black armored soldiers? Could it be that old man Shangguan secretly sent troops to stay in the palace? Forget it, let's not take care of these for now, you can do whatever you want." I'll go see the prince. The prince is waiting for your good news, and now it seems that this is probably bad news!"

Upon hearing this, Tong Yan immediately asked, "My lord? Is it the third lord?"

Hearing this, the leading man in black armor immediately said displeased: "Aren't you talking nonsense? It's not the third prince, who else do you want to see? Hurry up and follow!" After saying that, he turned around and left with his own people.

Seeing this, Tong Yan secretly laughed in his heart.I didn't expect to meet the third prince so soon, it was a surprise.

After following up with a group of dead soldiers, they went straight to the rebel camp about three miles away.Here, Tong Yan saw several different flags.From the looks of it, this is not only the camp of the Three Princes, but also the command post of the rebel alliance.

Maybe the fifth princess is also here.If these two culprits can be taken down in one fell swoop, the battle to defend the imperial city will be a perfect curtain call.

But what I didn't expect was that Tong Yan had just entered the camp with a hundred dead soldiers, and was surrounded by groups.

And the people who surrounded them were the black armor leader who led them here.

"You guys still have the face to come back without completing your mission. Take them down for me and tie them up to see the prince!"

When a hundred dead men hear this, they must protect Tong Yan.Seeing that the situation was not right, Tong Yan hurriedly threw the weapon in his hand on the ground, and then said loudly: "Although we have no face to come back, it is better than dying in the imperial city. If you want to tie it, you can tie it. I will do it myself." Plead guilty before the prince!"

With his reminder, the hundred dead soldiers stopped resisting.

Hearing this, the leader of the black armor sneered and said: "You have a bit of backbone, and you are worthy of being my black armor soldier. Don't worry, I will plead with the prince for you. But will the prince forgive you outside the law? That's another matter. What are you still doing? They're all tied up!"

Tong Yan didn't resist, but let himself be tied tightly.This situation is not impulsive.Only after seeing the leader of the anti-thief before making any plans.

But with his arms tied, if the third prince suddenly attacked him, how would he resist?
But he didn't care about so much, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, and with his sharp tongue, things might not turn around.As long as he can meet the third prince, his plan to capture the thief can take a big step forward.

Although this is too risky, but until the last moment, who will win and lose, who can say for sure?
(End of this chapter)

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