
Chapter 538 Experts help each other, they are scheming!

Chapter 538 Experts help each other, they are scheming!

The only good news is that the leader of the black armored soldier didn't doubt Tong Yan's identity, he just thought of him as a talkative brat.

It can be seen from this that there are quite a few black armored soldiers. If there are only a few hundred, as the leader, he should know a little bit about each soldier.But the leader didn't have any doubts about Tong Yan at all, which is enough to prove that the black armored soldiers are not only the elite of the Third Prince, but also the main force with the largest number of people.

To be able to train so many brave and skilled black armored soldiers, this third prince is indeed not an ordinary generation, and it also means that he was motivated to seek power and usurp the throne as early as when the former emperor was in power.He could bear it for so long, and trained such a team without knowing it, which shows how deep this man is, but even so, Tong Yan didn't have the slightest fear, on the contrary, he still had such a glimmer of expectation in his heart.

"I think it's because you talk a lot, so I'll let you accompany me to meet the prince. Let me tell you, you'd better pay attention when you speak later. Although the prince has a kind face, his cruel methods are quite fearful even for me." After all, you are one of my black armored soldiers, and I don't want you to lose your life in vain! Remember?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan hurriedly nodded and said, "Yes, thank you for your enlightenment, my lord. I will remember it!"

Seeing this, the leader of the black armor nodded in satisfaction, then raised his legs and walked towards the depths of the camp.

Tong Yan was escorted by two black armored soldiers, and immediately followed.

Although the camp was built temporarily, there were quite a lot of tents in the camp, and they were set up in an orderly manner.Tong Yan was a little surprised at the scale of the rebel army. He originally thought that the rebel army was just scattered, but after the real encounter, he had to admit that he had underestimated the strength of the rebel army.

It would be a good choice if all these rebels could be subdued and used to resist the invasion of the two major foreign enemies, Beiyan Kingdom and Feilong Kingdom.But how could this rebel army be willing to be used by him?Just think about it!

Following behind the leader of the black armor, after walking forward for a short time, he saw the largest tent in the middle of the camp.

The front of the tent is guarded by more than a dozen black armored soldiers, and a small team patrolling around the tent can also be seen.With such strict security, it seemed that the third prince was also worried that an assassin would assassinate him.However, according to Tong Yan's speculation, what he was guarding against should not be the people in the palace, but his direct competitor, the killer of the fifth princess.

For a common goal, forming an alliance for a short period of time, no matter whether it is the third prince or the fifth princess, they probably hope that the other party will die unexpectedly.

The leader of the black armor walked to the front of the camp, and immediately said to the black armor soldiers guarding the gate: "Go and report to the prince, and say that the people from the vanguard have returned. There is something important to report!"

Hearing this, one of the guards hurriedly bowed and said, "My lord, wait a moment, and my subordinates will report right now!"

The leader of the black armor nodded, then raised his eyes to the sky.Tonight, the moon is high and the stars are shining. It is indeed a good weather.However, he had no choice but to choose to kill people under such darkness.

After waiting for a while, the guard who went to report quickly returned.

"My lord, the prince has summoned you, please come in!"

The leader of the black armor responded, and then he raised his legs and walked towards the tent.When approaching the gate of the tent, the guard inside the tent opened the tent door first.The leader of Heijia walked in without hesitation.Under the escort of two black armored soldiers, Tong Yan finally entered the main account of the rebel camp.

As soon as he stepped into it, he saw the middle-aged man in golden armor sitting at the farthest end.This person does not look fierce, but rather bookish.His skin was a little pale, his eye circles were a little dark, he didn't wear a helmet, and his long hair stood tall and was fixed with a golden crown. The hair was combed a little loose, and a small lock of hair hung down on his forehead.His figure was thin, and even though he was wearing armor, he didn't have that heroic air, but he had a bit of nobility.No need to guess, this should be the third prince who is the leader of the rebels!

In addition to the Third Prince, there were a few people dressed in fine clothes sitting in the big tent, all of them were shiny and pink, and they seemed to be living a pampered life on weekdays.These people should be relatives of the emperor, and they are also among the rebels.

But besides these, there is actually an old man with white beard.The old man was dressed in the most common gray cloth, and he looked a bit fairy-like. He was holding a crutch made of unknown wood. The crutch was engraved with dragons, which was probably not an ordinary thing.

Tong Yan took a closer look at the white-bearded old man. He was sitting in front of the third prince's left, and his position was higher than other princes.The third prince valued it so much, and Tong Yan felt relieved. It turned out that there was an expert to help, no wonder the third prince was able to manage the army in an orderly manner.From the looks of it, the role played by the old man should be a military advisor similar to Zhang Liang and Fan Zeng.

The white-bearded old man also stared at Tong Yan, but Tong Yan hurriedly averted his eyes, for fear of showing his feet.

The leader of the black armor walked ten meters in front of the third prince, and immediately knelt on one knee and said: "My subordinate, Wang Hu, the black armor army, brought deserters here to meet the prince!"

As soon as he said this, Tong Yan was immediately pushed to the ground by the two black armored soldiers on the left and right.Tong Yan didn't resist, and just knelt on the ground.

The man is able to bend and stretch, for the smooth progress of the plan to capture the thief, even if he is a little bullied now, he is determined to endure it.

The third prince looked at the leader of the black armor, then at the masked Tong Yan, and then smiled slightly: "General Wang, please hurry up, you are my old subordinate, and you will avoid red tape when you see me in the future." Get rid of it."

Hearing this, Wang Hu hurriedly stood up. "Thank you, my lord!"

"General Wang, you just said that you brought deserters? You mean, this is deserters? What's going on here, tell me in detail."

When Wang Hu heard this, he immediately explained briefly how the vanguard of the black armor soldiers entered the imperial city and was ambushed.This is what Tong Yan told him, so he can't tell if it's true or not.

"My lord, this is the vanguard sent to enter the palace first, let him tell you the details!"

The third prince frowned slightly, he really didn't expect that his most elite vanguard would be hit hard.In this way, his plan to be the first to take the lead came to nothing.However, there were only a few hundred imperial guards in the palace, and they were no match for the vanguard of the black armored soldiers in terms of combat power, which made him a little puzzled.

He cast his gaze directly on Tong Yan, and then asked, "You are one of the vanguard troops, tell me, what happened to you when you entered the imperial city? Who hit you hard, and how did you escape?" Yes, these must be explained in detail!"

When Tong Yan heard this, he was about to answer.But at this moment, unexpectedly, the messenger broke into the big tent directly.

"My lord, the fifth princess's people have launched a strong attack on Xiyang Gate."

When the third prince heard this, he immediately stood up with a "thump".

"What did you say? That girl dared to violate the covenant and strike ahead of time. It seems that I really underestimated her. Send the order quickly, and all the crusades will launch a strong attack. We must rush into the palace before the fifth princess!"

As soon as the third prince finished speaking, the messengers were about to leave the big tent to report.But at this moment, the old man with white beard laughed.

"My lord, as the saying goes, the snipe and the clam fight for the fisherman's gain. Why should we be in a hurry? Since the palace has already prepared, let the fifth princess's people fight with them. We will wait until we both lose. Wouldn't it be better to break through the city again?"

Tong Yan couldn't help frowning when he heard this, this old man is indeed a bit tricky, it seems that he is his real opponent!
(End of this chapter)

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