
Chapter 542 The general situation is gone, I am the king!

Chapter 542 The general situation is gone, I am the king!
With a hundred dead soldiers plus those dozens of bewildered black armor soldiers, Tong Yan's battle is really not small.

He had to admit that such a great opportunity was created for him by Wang Hu.This person has an enmity with the third prince, and he is not the fifth princess's person. The most important thing is that this guy's skills are not bad.If he can attract his subordinates, he will definitely become a fierce general in the future.

What Tong Yan needs most at the moment is manpower, and the current situation in the imperial city is unknown.If he falls, he will have to lead his troops to fight back.If he could really accept Wang Hu as he wished, and then take these well-trained black armor troops for his own use, even if the five princesses were strong, he would dare to confront them head-on.At that time, no one would dare to compete with him for the throne.

Tong Yan and the others moved quickly, and they rushed to the collapsed main tent in less than 2 minutes.

With the addition of the patrol team, Wang Hu has already fallen into a desperate situation.The mask on his face has been knocked off, and his body is covered with scars. It seems that he is already at the end of his strength. If no one helps him, he will undoubtedly die today.

The royal relatives who were photographed under the tent have now crawled out of it.Seeing them watching from a distance, Tong Yan couldn't stop laughing secretly.To want to join the rebels with just this little courage is really overpowering.

It's just that Tong Yan looked around, but he didn't see the old man with the white beard.Is this old thing still under the tent?
Tong Yan didn't have time to pay attention to this, but immediately ordered to the soldiers behind him: "The Heijia army obeys the order, the assassin is Wang Hu, rush up and kill him!"

As soon as he gave an order, the people behind him rushed forward fiercely.

But at this moment, Tong Yan issued a second order. "The dead man listens to the order, catch Zhao Sun, the leader of the thief, alive! If he dares to resist, he will be killed!"

As soon as this remark came out, the black armored soldiers who had sneaked into the army of dead soldiers couldn't help being a little dumbfounded, wondering if they heard it wrong.

But the army of dead soldiers didn't care about this, they belonged to the prince Zhao Rui, and they had only one goal, that is the third prince Zhao Sun.

The third prince became more and more courageous in the battle, and his sword was deadly. The attacking Wang Hu retreated again and again, unable to fight back.But he never thought that the person who was about to die was not Wang Hu, but him!
Seeing a large number of soldiers in black armor rushing forward, he thought that his reinforcements had arrived.But before he could show a satisfied smile, these so-called "reinforcements" surrounded him.

Although the Third Prince had seen many battles, he was a little dazed at the moment.

"You... Are you all crazy? How dare you surround me? The assassin is Wang Hu, go and kill him!"

The other soldiers of the Black Armored Army were also a little dizzy now, and they didn't know what to do for a while.

But soon, they understood everything.

"Soldiers, I am the prince Zhao Rui. I led my troops here today to get rid of the rebel leader Zhao Sun. I know that you have no intention of being an enemy of me, but you were instigated by the thief leader Zhao Sun. That's why you committed a big crime. But God has the virtue of being good at life, as long as you can learn from your mistakes and make a new start. This prince can let the past go and forgive you. But if you dare to continue to fight me for the thief leader Zhao Sun, Then you are my enemy, not my people. I will never tolerate the enemy. If you want to live or die, think about it yourself!"

Tong Yan's gorgeous debut immediately attracted everyone's attention.The royal relatives and relatives who were standing not far away watching the battle were stunned when they saw Tong Yan revealing their identities, and they were at a loss for what to do.

Although the third prince was surrounded by heavy siege, he still had illusions in his heart.Through the gap, he shouted directly to Tong Yan: "I didn't expect you to be Zhao Rui, I was almost deceived by you. But even so, do you think you are sure of winning? Zhao Rui, let me tell you .My army is around the imperial city. If the king makes a mistake, do you think they will let you go? If you don’t want to die, just kneel down and give me the throne. Otherwise, you will be cut into pieces Bar!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan burst out laughing. "Uncle Sanhuang, you haven't seen the situation clearly until now. I thought you were a smart person, but now it seems that you really let me down. Since I dare to come here today, I have already done everything right. Prepare. Do you think that I will pay attention to the thousands of rebels in that area? To tell you the truth, the army guarding the frontier will reach the imperial city in a few days. In Zhao State, I am the king, and you are just a You're just a clown! Now, I'll give you a chance to kneel in front of me and admit your mistake, and I'll spare your life. If not, this is the place where you will die."

The third prince gritted his teeth fiercely, asking him to kneel down and beg for mercy like this was more unbearable than killing him.But if he really died like this, he was really not reconciled.

He thought for a while, and then shouted loudly: "Zhao Rui, don't you want to be the emperor of the Zhao country? Well, then you can compete with me yourself. As long as you can defeat me, I will not only serve you as the master, but also fight against me." All the Black Armored Army under your command will be under your command. But if you lose, then let me leave safely. Do you dare?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help laughing again.

"Zhao Sun, you are no different from a mad dog now. To deal with you, do you still need this prince to do it yourself? If you want to compete with me, you are not worthy! Come, someone, break his body into thousands of pieces!"

The third prince, Zhao Xun, wanted to use the aggressive method to make Tong Yan fight with him. He was wearing a soft gold armor, which made him invulnerable. Tong Yan competed with him, how easy is it to win?No matter who Tong Yan was, he could easily see through his tricks.Tong Yan wouldn't show off his bravery and fight him foolishly, perhaps only an idiot would do that.

Tong Yan was not fooled, and issued a kill order.The last glimmer of luck in Zhao Sun's heart also disappeared.Although he didn't want to admit it, he had to accept the fact.He was indeed defeated, and he was defeated badly.

The black armored soldiers beside him saw that the Third Prince was gone, they threw the weapons in their hands on the ground and fell to their knees.

The third prince looked at these subordinates who had surrendered, and felt mixed feelings for a moment, and couldn't help crying with his head on his back.

"Why did this happen? Why did I end up like this? A foolish prince is so resourceful, God, are you kidding me? Ah... ah..." He roared loudly in pain, and finally raised his soft sword , directly cut off his own neck.

With a "plop", he fell to the ground with his eyes wide open, and the blood instantly dyed the ground under him red.

There was no pity in Tong Yan's eyes, if he felt pity for the enemy, it would be like digging his own grave.

He successfully solved the third prince, and he has already won half of the battle for the throne.Now it's time to deal with the fifth princess. The real war has just begun!
(End of this chapter)

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