
Chapter 543 Subdue the rebels and approach the city!

Chapter 543 Subdue the rebels and approach the city!
Everything was progressing as Tong Yan expected, and he was indeed relieved to kill the Third Prince without any risk.But at the same time, he also deeply understood that the fifth princess might be even more powerful than the third prince.

After all, the Third Prince's ability to come to this day is basically due to that old man with a white beard.The fifth princess, on the other hand, relies entirely on her own wisdom.

By the way, where did that old thing go?
The dead man handed the soft gold armor and soft sword worn by the third prince to Tong Yan, and started looking for the old thing's whereabouts.But after some searching, they found nothing.

This old thing is indeed smart, seeing that the situation is not right, he escaped from this place immediately.Tong Yan couldn't help feeling a little regretful that he couldn't be killed together today.But he expected that the old man would definitely not let it go, they would meet again sooner or later, and when that happened, Tong Yan would never let him go, he would definitely let him die without a place to bury him.

Holding the soft golden armor and soft sword of the third prince in his hand, Tong Yan looked at it carefully for a while, and then put it on himself.Although this soft gold armor is not a magical weapon, it is made of excellent material, and it is difficult for ordinary people's swords to break through it. Wearing it is like wearing a body armor.As for this soft sword, it is much better than the soft golden armor.It is engraved with simple gossip runes, it should be a low-level magic weapon.

Just wait for Tong Yan's body to collect a little bit of true energy, the power of this soft sword is definitely much stronger than that of ordinary swords, let's make do with it first, and make it better later when there is a chance.

There was a layer on the soft gold armor where the soft sword was hidden, and Tong Yan directly inserted the soft sword into it, but there was no trace of it.

After accepting the "gift" left by the third prince before his death, he turned his attention to Wang Hu and those frightened relatives of the emperor.

Wang Hu definitely wants to take it for his own use. As for these royal relatives, he can also coerce and lure them to work for him.

Tong Yan had already made up his mind, and when he walked in front of a few people, he said bluntly: "General Wang Hu, I think you are jealous and a man. Would you like to follow me and be my vanguard general?"

Wang Hu already knew Tong Yan's identity, and when he saw Tong Yan recruiting him, he almost didn't hesitate at all, and immediately knelt down on one knee and said, "Thanks to Your Highness for not giving up, the general is willing to follow to the death!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan nodded in satisfaction and said, "Yes, I am very satisfied that you can see the current situation clearly and know how to rein in a precipice. Work hard, and I will never treat you badly."

"Yes, Your Highness!"

Tong Yan not only saved his life, but also avenged him. It is reasonable for Wang Hu to serve his life willingly.

After accepting Wang Hu, Tong Yan turned to look at the royal relatives who were trembling and kneeling on the ground.

"You people, who received the kindness of the former emperor, did not know how to be grateful, and even dared to cooperate with the rebels in an attempt to seize our country. Are you guilty?"

As soon as this remark came out, these royal relatives immediately kowtowed and begged for mercy.

Seeing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Since you have the heart to repent, I will give you a way of life today. But the death penalty can be forgiven, but the living penalty cannot be forgiven. Inform all your family soldiers to belong to my imperial army, wait This prince killed the fifth princess, and you can offset your merits and demerits. Would you like to?"

When the royal family and relatives heard this, they hurriedly answered yes.

Worried about the safety of the imperial city, Tong Yan did not stay here for too long.After recruiting the troops in the camp, he quickly headed towards the imperial city.

There are still a large number of black armor troops outside the imperial city, and Tong Yan must recruit them all.Only in this way can he have the capital to compete with the fifth princess.

With Wang Hu and the emperor's relatives supporting him, the recruitment of the rebels went extremely smoothly.After learning that the third prince committed suicide, those black armored soldiers transferred to Tong Yan's command without any thought.

The imperial army had reached more than 5000 people so far, and for a while, the prince Zhao Rui became the most powerful person in the Zhao country.

But somewhat unexpected by Tong Yan, the imperial city fell.

The army of the five princesses all gathered outside the Xiyang Gate. General Lei Tong who was guarding the gate fought to the last moment with the more than 300 soldiers of the Imperial Forest Army. It was not until the entire army was wiped out that the western defense line collapsed.

As for the other three sects, Tong Yan's original layout was to defend the city.After the fall of Ximen, this gatekeeping also became meaningless.The rebels entered the imperial city and quickly launched a fierce attack on the gatekeepers of the other three gates.

The untrained eunuchs and maids surrendered on the spot.As for the general, Mr. Wang and others, they were all captured alive.

Although Tong Yan recruited a large number of rebels, he lost the imperial city.It seems that he has won a big victory, but in fact he is evenly divided with the five princesses.

Leading the army to gather at the North Meridian Gate of the Imperial City, Tong Yan did not launch a strong attack, but chose to salute first and then fight.

No matter what kind of war it is, it will end in the end.Tong Yan didn't want to see these Zhao soldiers die in the war, so he decided to meet the fifth princess.

At this moment, in the Golden Luan Hall, a beautiful woman in red armor was sitting on the emperor's throne with an excited expression on her face.

She had been looking forward to this throne for a long time.Although she is a girl, she has the ambition and courage not weaker than a man.

Originally, she also thought about finding someone to marry, and then concentrate on caring for her husband and raising her children, but she didn't expect that the third prince would take the first step to seize the throne.She really knew her younger brother too well, and with his little promise, he would definitely not be able to keep the throne.Rather than being made emperor by the ambitious third prince, she might as well be a queen herself.

In this way, she joined the camp of the crusading army together with the general who defended the city, and took the first step to capture the imperial city, and sat on the throne.

"Father, didn't you say that women are not as good as men? How about it? You didn't expect the throne to fall into my hands in the end, did you? Hmph...From this moment on, I am the queen of Zhao, and the world is governed by me." Come to rule. Ha ha..."

Just as the fifth princess closed her eyes and was enjoying the joy brought by the throne alone, the messenger suddenly broke in.

"Report... to the princess, the gate of the city is urgent. Thousands of people are gathering outside the North Meridian Gate, and the enemy commander calls to see you!"

When the fifth princess heard this, she immediately opened her eyes, then frowned, and asked, "Who is the commander in chief of the enemy? But the third prince? If it is him, you tell him that I will sit on the throne, let me take the throne." Let him die. Yangcheng, Sishui City, and Beijun are all given to him. We each occupy half of the country, and don't provoke anyone. Otherwise, I will never mind going to war with him!"

Hearing this, the messenger said with some embarrassment: "Princess, the commander in chief of the enemy is not the Third Prince, but... His Royal Highness!"

As soon as this remark came out, the fifth princess stared at her immediately, and then said in confusion: "What did you say? Is it the prince Zhao Rui? How could it be him?"

(End of this chapter)

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