
Chapter 544 Soldiers are bloodless, jackals are approaching!

Chapter 544 Soldiers are bloodless, jackals are approaching!

At this moment, the five princesses were no less surprised than the third prince who had committed suicide. They never regarded the prince Zhao Rui as an opponent from the very beginning.To put it bluntly, the silly prince Zhao Rui is not qualified at all.

But now, it turned out that Zhao Rui was the one who commanded thousands of people, which made the five princesses a little messy for a while.

The messenger confirmed again: "Princess, the commander in chief of the enemy is really His Royal Highness. By the way, he specially ordered someone to bring a poem, and the letter is here. Please read it to Your Highness the Princess!"

The fifth princess tried her best to calm herself down, then stretched out her hand and said, "Show me! I want to see, what kind of poems can a person who can't even speak clearly!"

The messenger stepped forward and handed the letter directly to her.

After receiving the letter, the fifth princess immediately opened it and read it.Miejing's writing was no different from that of the human world, so the five princesses could naturally understand the letter written by Tong Yan.

I saw this letter wrote: "Boiling beans burns Osmunda, and the beans are weeping in the cauldron. They grow from the same root, so why is it too urgent to cook?"

Speaking of which, this letter was not created by Tong Yan at all, but the seven-step poem written by Cao Zhi back then.It is really the most appropriate to use this poem now.

Although the fifth princess has never read such a poem, she is smart, but it is not difficult to understand the meaning of the poem.

She put the letter aside and immediately fell into deep thought.She and Prince Zhao Rui are not only born of the same father, but also born of the same mother.The blood on their bodies is the same, and Zhao Rui often played behind her when she was a child.

The situation in the past is vivid in my memory, but today their siblings are going to kill each other. As an older sister, she felt a little sad for a while.

The messenger just watched quietly, not daring to say a word.

After a while, the fifth princess breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked him: "Is His Royal Highness at the North Meridian Gate? I'm going to see him right now, you go to Tongchuan first!"

Hearing this, the messenger immediately responded loudly: "Yes, this subordinate obeys the order!" After saying that, he hurriedly retreated.

After the messenger left, the fifth princess carefully put the letter into her arms, and then she calmed down her emotions, then raised her legs and walked outside.She also misses her only younger brother, since she was kicked out of the palace by the former emperor, she hasn't seen Zhao Rui for a long time.Things like bloodlines are sometimes so strange. Although the two siblings are opposing each other for the throne, in the bottom of their hearts, they regard each other as close relatives.Anything can be cut off, only the blood is connected, and they will be together for a lifetime.

Ascending to the gate tower of the North Meridian Gate, the fifth princess immediately saw the prince in armor and riding a tall horse.

In her impression, the prince is always a child who will not grow up.But at this moment, her impression no longer exists.The prince with a heroic face and an extraordinary temperament in front of him seems to have a more royal demeanor than her.

She was a little confused all of a sudden, is this still the younger brother she knew?Except for the fact that his appearance has not changed, the whole expression of the prince is like a stranger.

But she was sure that this must be her younger brother, because their blood has always been connected.

Tong Yan was riding on the horse, quietly looking at the closed city gate.He didn't know if the fifth princess would be moved by the seven-step poem. If the fifth princess and Zhao Rui still had a relationship, maybe she would show up to see her.

While he was thinking secretly, Wang Hu on the side suddenly reminded him: "Your Highness, the Fifth Princess is here. It's just above the gate!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately looked up to the gate tower.He saw the heroic and armored Fifth Princess at a glance.Perhaps because of the temperament of the fifth princess, he can almost conclude that this is his biggest enemy right now.

"Little brother has seen the imperial sister! The imperial sister is safe and sound!"

Hearing this, the fifth princess hurriedly smiled and said, "Rui'er, you have really grown up, I almost don't recognize you, sister. Why do the soldiers and horses behind you look so familiar? It should belong to the third prince, right?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan nodded and said, "That's right, it belonged to the third prince. He had already killed himself, and I recruited these people under my command. But I didn't expect that my sister would break into the imperial city first. It's really shocking to my little brother." admire!"

Although Tong Yan said it casually, it shocked the fifth princess.The fifth princess always thought that the third prince was the one standing in the way of her becoming a queen, but she never expected that this fierce tiger would be dealt with by the lamb-like prince.

Although she doesn't want to admit it, but the facts are in front of her, can she really turn a blind eye?

"Rui'er, you really impress my sister. I always thought that you were an innocent and simple child who was far away from court, but now, you have made my sister feel ashamed. But my sister doesn't know one thing. You already have thousands of soldiers Ma, even if you can't break into the imperial city for a while, you only need to besiege for a month, and my sister and I will be defeated. Why do you want to see me?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan shook his head and said, "Sister, you're wrong. I'm not your enemy, I'm your younger brother. I don't own the Zhao family, but our Zhao family. I don't want to fight with you, because up to this moment, I also regard you as my most respected and beloved sister. Fraternal killing is probably the greatest tragedy in the world. What do you think?"

The fifth princess trembled slightly when she heard this, and sighed softly: "Rui'er, I really don't know that you have opened your mind. Otherwise... Otherwise, sister, how could I get my hands on the throne? You are right, we are Brother and sister, we are not enemies. My sister is wrong, can you forgive my sister?"

Tong Yan said sadly: "Sister, let the past go. After all, we have not reached the last step, and it is not too late. Open the city gate, the wolves outside have shown their fangs. What should we do?" Let's fight them together!"

Of course the fifth princess knew who the jackal Tong Yan was talking about was the Beiyan Kingdom and Feilong Kingdom that were coveting.They are the biggest threat to Zhao Guo now. If there is another civil war at this time, I am afraid that these wolves and tigers will fall into the hands of these jackals.

The fifth princess took a deep breath, and finally ordered loudly: "All officers and men obey the order, open the city gate, and welcome the new emperor into the palace!"

When the fifth princess said this, it meant that she accepted Tong Yan.And from this moment, the danger of civil war in Zhao country was completely lifted.

With the least casualties, with the weakest strength, with courage and superior strategy, Tong Yan finally took control of Zhao State.

In just one day, the silly prince became a wise king, and the news immediately spread to every corner of the Zhao country.

Although people were happy for the new king's accession to the throne, they were still worried about the iron cavalry of Beiyan Kingdom and Feilong Kingdom.

Can the new emperor really lead them to defeat those intruders who burned, killed, looted and committed all kinds of crimes?They didn't know, and Tong Yan actually didn't know what to do.But he will do his best to save the people of this side.

While Tong Yan was concentrating on preparing for the upcoming foreign enemy, the soul officer of Tongtian Tower sneaked into Yong'an City where the imperial city is located without anyone knowing it!
They came here precisely for Tong Yan, and a bigger crisis has come quietly, making it impossible to guard against!
(End of this chapter)

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