
Chapter 545 Everyone is here, show up now!

Chapter 545 Everyone is here, show up now!
In an inn in Yong'an City, three people in black robes and bamboo hats were sitting around a round table in a box.They are already in the house, but they still seem unwilling to take off the bamboo hats on their heads, which is really strange.

There were no dishes on the round table, just a pot of tea and some delicate snacks.

The three of them sipped their tea patiently, as if they were waiting for something.

After being silent for more than ten minutes, there was finally an unhurried knock on the door outside the box, and then a woman's voice was heard outside the door.

"I don't know if the person sitting in the room is the master of Tongtian Tower?"

As soon as this remark came out, one of the three immediately said, "Exactly, come in!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the door of the room was pushed open, and then a young woman in a red dress, gorgeously dressed, and smiling like a flower walked in slowly.

She stepped into the room, closed the door casually, then knelt down on one knee and said, "My subordinate, Nightingale, pay my respects to the three soul officials!"

After hearing the words, the three soul officers raised their heads to look at Nightingale.The three of them were all in their forties, their faces were a little pale, but their eyes were very dazzling.Why use the word dazzling?

It turns out that the eyes of these three people are different from ordinary people, not the usual black, but red, green, and blue.The eyes of such different colors are really special, and anyone who sees them will be quite surprised.

The middle-aged man with blue eyes stared at Nightingale, then said, "No need to be polite, get up!"

Upon hearing this, Nightingale hurriedly stood up, and then asked: "The three adults came here suddenly, what is the reason?"

Hearing this, the blue-eyed soul officer smiled slightly and said, "Can't you guess why we came here? Tell me, how is the investigation going? Do you have any clues?"

Nightingale rolled her eyes, and then said with a smile: "It turns out that the three adults came here for the red light a few days ago. After many investigations by the subordinates, although it is impossible to determine what the red light is, they have found out the origin of the red light. Where it fell!"

"Where did it land? Why not continue the investigation?"

Nightingale said helplessly: "The place where the red light falls is heavily guarded, and it is not accessible to ordinary people like me. Frankly speaking, the place where the red light falls is exactly inside Zhao's palace!"

Hearing this, the red-eyed soul officer was immediately puzzled and said: "The imperial palace? Are you sure you are not mistaken? Did the red light really fall into the imperial palace?"

Nightingale nodded and replied, "There is nothing wrong with this. I have found an eyewitness. He is the Imperial Forest Army in the imperial city. He saw the red light fall into the palace with his own eyes."

Hearing this, the red-eyed soul officer frowned slightly and said, "It looks like I have to go to the palace. By the way, has anything unusual happened in Yong'an City recently?"

Hearing this, Nightingale immediately replied: "Yes, and it's a major event. The old emperor of Zhao State passed away a few days ago, and now the throne is inherited by the prince Zhao Rui. Besides, there are some important matters that my subordinates have to ask You report. On the day the old emperor died, it was the day when the red light fell into the imperial city. Not only that, but a crusade for the throne broke out in the imperial city two days ago. Fortunately, the throne was safe in the end. It still fell into the hands of Zhao Rui. But to the surprise and joy of the people, the prince Zhao Rui was originally a cowardly, cowardly and dull person. Unexpectedly, he attacked the camp of the rebel army at night and wiped out Then he subdued the rebel army and took back the imperial city from the fifth princess who had already occupied the imperial city without a single soldier. It is now widely rumored among the people that the prince Zhao Rui is the god of war. Yan Guo and Feilong Guo joined forces, and they will definitely not be able to set foot on the border of Zhao Guo. The name of the God of War may have spread to every corner of Zhao Guo."

"God of War? Hmph... This prince Zhao Rui has some brains. I think he put this title on himself. The purpose is very simple. It is to let the people of Zhao Kingdom support him as a god. As long as the soldiers and the people are united, Bei Yan Guo and Feilong are afraid that it will be really difficult for Zhao Guo to chew on this hard bone. Not only has he established his own prestige, but also boosted the morale of the entire army, this prince is no ordinary person!"

As soon as the red-eyed soul officer finished speaking, the green-eyed soul officer said, "Do you think this is too coincidental? The day when Emperor Zhao Guoxian passed away happened to be the time when the red light fell. A prince who was originally mentally retarded, suddenly Become brave and resourceful. Is there any mystery in this?"

The blue-eyed soul officer frowned, and immediately asked: "You mean, is this prince affected by the red light? That's why he suddenly became enlightened?"

"It's likely to be like this, but I can't be sure. Maybe the prince Zhao Rui hid himself too deeply, and he deliberately disguised himself as a fool before. But this possibility is relatively small, and I'm more inclined that he was affected by the red light , that’s why my temperament changed drastically.”

The blue-eyed soul officer thought for a while, then stood up suddenly and said: "Yes or no, the truth will be revealed when we go to meet. Let's go, let's go to the imperial city. I really want to meet this new king who claims to be the god of war. Will disappoint us!"


At this time, Tong Yan was sitting cross-legged on the couch, and he had already explained everything.What he has to do now is to concentrate on cultivation and try to gather a little true energy in his body before Yu Jia's personal conquest.At that time, not only will he have more means to save his life, but he can also set up a magic circle to deal with foreign enemies.

But what disappointed him was that there were very few auras in this realm of annihilation.It is basically impossible for him to condense his true energy in a short period of time, unless he can get some panacea, or have some adventures.Otherwise, let alone a few days, even a month or two, it would be difficult for him to gather his true energy, even just a little bit.

But having said that, he still refused to give up, maybe a miracle would happen?
It's just that the miracle didn't happen, but the guard's report came from outside the bedroom.

"Your Highness, the sand table you ordered has been completed. The General and the others are waiting for you in that...that war room!"

The reason why these guards still call Tong Yan His Highness is because Tong Yan has not really ascended the throne yet.Now that he has completely controlled Zhao Guo, it doesn't really make much sense whether he can get rid of that situation.On the contrary, he doesn't care at all whether he can be the emperor, after all, he doesn't really belong here.Maybe one day he will leave, and then let this stupid prince continue to be the emperor?Can he govern Zhao Guo well?Obviously not.

In fact, Tong Yan already had an idea in his heart, as soon as he led Zhao Guo's soldiers and horses to defeat the armies of Beiyan and Feilong, he would go back to the mountains and find a place with strong aura to practice.As for the Zhao Kingdom's throne, it was simply handed over to the Fifth Princess.The fifth princess is not only literary and martial arts, but also emphasizing love and righteousness. Tong Yan is very relieved that she will be the queen.

The war room was temporarily set up by Tong Yan, and its purpose was of course to deploy the entire border of Zhao State so that it could effectively deal with the invading enemies.Now that the sand table has been prepared, he will point out the country and win a thousand miles.

After getting off the couch, he was about to lift his legs and walk out.But at this moment, he suddenly noticed something and stopped.

"Friend, since you're here, why don't you show up and see?"

(End of this chapter)

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