
Chapter 546 A Group of Idiots, Lied a Little!

Chapter 546 A group of fools, cheating a little!

There is no one else in the whole bedroom except him, why would he ask such a question?Unexpectedly, just as he finished speaking, a graceful figure gradually appeared behind the screen beside the couch.

At the same time, a somewhat familiar voice sounded. "Your Highness, you are really powerful. I have hidden my body, but I was discovered by you unexpectedly. Can you tell me, how did you realize that I am here?"

Tong Yan followed the sound and couldn't help laughing.The person hiding in the bedroom is none other than the demon concubine who helped Tong Yan eliminate the rebels.

Tong Yan always thought that she had left the imperial city, but she was always there, but no one noticed.

"Yaofei, don't come here without any problems. I thought you were gone, but you are here."

Concubine Yao walked up to Tong Yan twisting her buttocks, then stretched out her hand to touch Tong Yan's face and said, "You are here, why are you willing to leave? I remember you still owe me a gift, how much is it?" The day has passed, have you thought about what to give me?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan put his arms around her waist and said with a smile, "It depends on what you want. As long as it's not my life, I can give it to you."

Hearing this, the concubine Yao immediately laughed coquettishly. "Little villain, you really know how to please people. In fact, I don't want anything else. As long as you can keep me by your side, people will be satisfied."

Tong Yan said with great interest: "You have such a high morality, are you really willing to accompany me? Are you not afraid of wronging you?"

Concubine Yao shook her head and smiled: "Of course I'm not afraid, as long as you take me with you wherever you go, even... even leave the Extinction Realm!"

As soon as these words came out, Tong Yan couldn't help but "thump" in his heart.This demon concubine obviously meant something, maybe she already knew the secret that Tong Yan didn't belong here.

Although Tong Yan was a little shocked in his heart, he still maintained an elegant smile and said: "Okay, as long as you want, I will take you wherever you go. Okay, I have to go out now, the army of Beiyan Kingdom and Feilong Kingdom We have arrived at the border. The war is about to break out!" Having said this, he withdrew his arm holding the concubine Yao, turned around and walked outside.

Unexpectedly, the moment he just opened the door, a black whirlwind appeared in front of him without any warning.

Concubine Yao raised her eyes, pulled Tong Yan back, and then said solemnly: "The people from Tongtian Tower are here, you have to be more careful."

After looking through the history books in the past few days, Tong Yan not only has a certain understanding of Zhao Kingdom, Beiyan Kingdom and Feilong Kingdom, but he has also done some research on the Tongtian Tower.

Although the soul officials of the Tongtian Tower do not often enter the territory of the Three Kingdoms, they have set up huge information networks in the three countries.As long as there is a slight disturbance in a certain country, they can grasp it in time.

"Now that the people from Tongtian Pagoda came here suddenly, could it be related to my true identity?" Tong Yan was thinking like this, but his eyes never left the black whirlwind.

There are many guards guarding outside the bedroom, who can easily knock out the guards and sneak into the palace without anyone noticing.The people in Tongtian Pagoda are really powerful, Tong Yan's only hope is that they are friends, not enemies.Otherwise, with his current strength, his life might be in danger.

The whirlwind spun for a few seconds, and then slowly dissipated.At the same time, four people appeared in the center of the dispersed whirlwind.

Those who came were none other than the three soul officials from the Tongtian Tower and Nightingale, the secret agent from Yong'an City.

Tong Yan stared at the four of them, then smiled and said, "As the saying goes, it's such a joy to have friends coming from afar. I don't know where the four of you came from?"

Before the three soul officials could speak, Nightingale said first, "These three are the fifth-rank soul officers of my Tongtian Pagoda. I came here today to meet you."

According to Tong Yan's understanding, there are five types of soul officials in the Tongtian Pagoda, each of which masters the power of the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.And soul officials are divided into grades, the best is the first-rank soul officer, and the lowest is the fifth-rank soul officer in front of you.

The level of grade also means the level of their cultivation.But even the lowest-level fifth-rank soul officer is far from being able to deal with martial arts masters.

Tong Yan is at most a martial arts master now, if he fights with these three soul officials, he will definitely lose.

Nightingale had already revealed their identities, so Tong Yan naturally couldn't be negligent, so he cupped his fists and bowed slightly: "So it's the soul officer of Tongtian Pagoda, I'm Zhao Rui, I've met you all! I don't know how many of you are here, why are you here?" ?”

The red-eyed soul officer looked Tong Yan up and down, and then said with a serious expression: "We came here because we wanted to ask you something. If you know, please tell the truth. Otherwise, I will anger Tongtian Tower. I think you should know what the consequences are."

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "It's clear, of course it's clear! Come on, everyone, please come in, let's talk slowly in the room."

Seeing that Tong Yan was still sensible, the three soul officials were not polite, and strode directly into the room.

Seeing this, Tong Yan also turned around, only to realize that Yaofei had already disappeared, presumably she didn't want to meet these Tongtian Pagoda people.

Tong Yan directly invited the four of them to sit down on the chairs in the room, and then found a place to sit down himself.

"Four, my guards outside have passed out. It seems that I can't bring you hot tea. Please forgive me for being so negligent."

The blue-eyed soul officer smiled slightly and said: "Your Highness is so polite, it makes me feel a little ashamed. To be honest, we came here this time because of a strange thing that happened a few days ago. Your Highness, you have been in the palace for a long time. , you must be the most clear."

Tong Yan already guessed what they were going to ask, but he still put on an air and said: "Several soul officials, but it's okay to say. If I know, I will never hide it."

The blue-eyed soul officer nodded and said: "Okay, then let's talk straight. As far as we know, on the day the late emperor passed away, a red light fell into the palace. I wonder if His Highness knows about this?"

Tong Yan's mind turned quickly, and then he sighed softly: "I do know about this, but I didn't expect that a few of you came here specially for this matter. I wanted to keep this matter hidden, but it seems that after all You have to say it. Alas..."

When he said this, the three soul officials immediately became interested. "Your Highness, what exactly do you know? Please tell the truth, so I can go back and return!"

Tong Yan sighed again, and then said: "Do you know how my father died? He didn't die of illness at all, but... was shot to death by that red light. I read an ancient book, it said, If the emperor has no way, he will send down the scourge of heaven. The red light is likely to be the scourge of heaven. If the world knows that my father is a foolish emperor, my Zhao family may not be able to continue to rule the world. So... that's why I brought this matter up. Buried deep in my heart, I never mentioned a word to outsiders. Even the few people who served my father were sent to the frontier by me. This is a scandal that cannot be spread in the palace. Please keep this secret for me! Thank you You!" Having said this, Tong Yan stood up directly and bowed deeply.

Hearing this, the three soul officials were also a little dazed for a while.They thought they could find out the whereabouts of the red light, but they didn't expect to be called the scourge of heaven.

Looking at Tong Yan's frank face, it doesn't look like a lie at all.The three of them looked at each other and decided to return to Tongtian Tower to report.But how did they know that Tong Yan was just putting on a show.But how long can this play fool Tongtian Tower?The crisis is still not over!
(End of this chapter)

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