
Chapter 547 Really Terrible, Powerless to Fight?

Chapter 547 Really Terrible, Powerless to Fight?
"I didn't expect the fact to be like this. Your Highness, we are sorry for bringing up your sadness, and please don't blame me. Tongtian Tower just wants to know the truth of everything, and it didn't target you Zhao Guoyi or your father. Meaning, I hope you don’t misunderstand. Well, now that everything is clear, we will take our leave first. As an unsolicited apology, Nightingale will give it to you. She is one of the most valiant warriors in our Tongtian Tower , with her, I think you can have an extra guarantee of security in the decisive battle with Beiyan and Feilong."

After the blue-eyed soul officer said this, he immediately stood up with the other two soul officers.

Tong Yan didn't know their intentions. Although he had accepted the lie he made up on the surface, he still left behind this eyeliner named Nightingale. With her following him, Tongtian Tower could keep track of his whereabouts at any time, and he could also know more about his whereabouts. what I did.

But looking at it now, it seems that Tong Yan can't refuse, otherwise, these guys might pull out some moths.

After weighing the pros and cons, Tong Yan immediately said: "I'm really sorry for your troubles, I will definitely treat this nightingale girl well. But I also ask the three soul officials to keep this secret for me, please."

The three soul officials readily agreed, and walked out of the palace instead.Standing outside the bedroom, the black whirlwind arose again, and soon swept them away from the palace.

Tong Yan watched them leave, and then looked at Nightingale who was also watching him.

"Your name is Nightingale? You must sing very well, right? Follow me from now on, I know how to appreciate beautiful singing."

Hearing this, Nightingale shook her head and said, "I can't sing, I can only kill."

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said: "It seems that you are really different from the bird named Nightingale, so please be my personal bodyguard, and I will leave my safety to you. Now, I am going to deal with some Big deal. Can you stay here and wait for me?"

Nightingale chuckled lightly and said, "You want to get rid of me, don't you? It seems that you have been disappointed. I will follow you every step of the way. Unless, you want to make an enemy of Tongtian Tower."

Facing Nightingale's rudeness, Tong Yan didn't take it seriously. "Okay, since you are willing to follow, then follow. I happen to be sleeping alone at night, so I will leave the task of warming the bed to you." As he spoke, Tong Yan raised his legs and walked out of the bedroom before Nightingale could speak.

There were two blushes on Yeying's face, she wanted to reprimand Tong Yan a few words, but found that the other party didn't give her this chance at all.From Nightingale's point of view, this prince is no different from those dignitaries.Not only is she lustful, but also shameless, but even though she has many complaints in her heart, she can only keep up with her responsibility.

In fact, there was not only Nightingale by Tong Yan's side, but also the invisible demon concubine.

None of the three soul officials found the concubine Yao who was hiding in the dark. It seemed that the strength of the fifth-rank soul officials was no more than that.As long as Tong Yan can recover a little bit of true energy, he is confident that he can easily deal with them.But these are things for later, what he has to deal with now is not Tongtian Tower, but Beiyan Kingdom and Feilong Kingdom.

After a while, Tong Yan brought Nightingale to the war room he built and named.

Although the weapons still use cold weapons, Tong Yan's tactical concept can be implemented first.

Walking into the war room, the five princesses, the general and other generals have been waiting inside for a long time.When they saw Tong Yan's arrival, they hurriedly knelt on one knee and said, "I will pay my respects to Your Highness!"

Seeing this, Tong Yan immediately said: "Everyone, please hurry up, didn't I say that? In the future, these red tapes can be avoided if possible. If everyone can gather together, they will be comrades-in-arms and friends."

The fifth princess did not salute, because she was the same as Tong Yan in terms of status.As an elder sister, Tong Yan should salute her instead.

Tong Yan didn't care about these etiquettes, so she naturally ignored them.However, she caught sight of Nightingale behind Tong Yan, and her beautiful eyebrows frowned slightly.

"Ruier, who is this girl?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled and said, "She is the guard sent by Tongtian Tower to protect me. From now on, she will always be by my side."

"Tiantian Tower? Why did they send someone to protect you?"

Tong Yan winked at the fifth princess, and then smiled slightly: "Maybe I'm worried about my safety, okay, let's not mention this. Everyone gather around, I need to know the latest border situation, you all report to me one time!"

After speaking, he turned all his eyes to the huge sand table in the room.This sand table was roughly made according to the geographical situation of Zhao State.The above several gates, as well as the main place names are marked.Compared with the map, although it is not as detailed as the map, it is more vivid and intuitive to the terrain and landscape, and it is more convenient to deploy troops and set up ambushes.

Although this sand table is a novel thing to everyone, after a few glances, they can understand it thoroughly.

The general specially prepared a small wooden stick, then pointed to the southwestern border of Zhao State and said, "Your Highness, this is Xisha Pass. Currently, the Feilong Kingdom's army is stationed [-] miles away from Xisha Pass. They have assembled [-] soldiers this time. It also includes [-] flying dragon soldiers. According to the Feige biography in front, the [-] flying dragon soldiers from Feilong Kingdom will launch a strong attack first tonight at the earliest, and at noon tomorrow at the latest. If Xisha Pass is lost, it will be [-] miles away from Xisha Pass The Shacheng outside will also fall. At that time, the war situation will be completely out of control, and one-third of the land of our Zhao country will be swallowed by Feilong Kingdom. Of course, if Xisha Pass can be kept, Feilong Kingdom will have nothing to do. "

Hearing this, Tong Yan frowned slightly and said, "General, you mentioned the flying dragon soldiers just now. What exactly are the flying dragon soldiers?"

The general hurriedly explained: "Your Highness, the reason why Feilong Kingdom has this name is actually because there is a dragon with two wings in their country. This kind of dragon can not only breathe fire, but also be tamed and used as a mount. It is really not easy to deal with. For so many years, there have been flying dragon soldiers harassing our country's borders, although we have killed a few. Compared with the losses, it is far from it. If the flying dragon soldiers can be restrained, the flying dragon country will not dare to be so arrogant."

After hearing the general's introduction, Tong Yan's heart was filled with a wry smile.I thought it was a war of cold weapon generations, but I didn't expect the enemy to have an "air force".How to fight this battle?People are flying in the sky, do you shoot with arrows from below?Regardless of whether you can hit it or not, even if you hit it, you may not be able to hit it.After all, it is a flying dragon, so it must have rough skin and thick flesh, and most importantly, it can breathe fire, which is really a headache.

This is a description of the enemy's situation in the Feilong Kingdom. He couldn't think of a countermeasure for a while, so he turned his attention to the Beiyan Kingdom.

"Tell me about the situation in Beiyan Kingdom. They don't have flying dragons, do they?"

The general shook his head and said: "It is true that they don't have flying dragons, but...but they have a huge army of savages covered in armor. Compared with Feilong Kingdom, Beiyan Kingdom is much stronger!"

"What?" At this moment, Tong Yan was a little messy.His grandma's, after a long time of trouble, it belongs to Zhao Guo and has nothing?How can we fight this battle?

The time to test Tong Yan has finally come. Can he lead the weak Zhao army to repel the enemy?Gunpowder smoke filled the air, and the breath of death swept towards Zhao Guo...

PS: Dear readers, unless it is a special case, the update time will be updated at midnight, and 3 chapters will be updated at a time.You can watch it every morning, so you don’t have to stay up late and wait!The weekend is coming, I wish you all a happy weekend!

(End of this chapter)

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