
Chapter 548 Violating my territory, even if it is far away, I will be punished!

Chapter 548 Violating my territory, even if it is far away, I will be punished!
Tong Yan had already prepared for the worst, but unexpectedly, the current situation was far worse than he expected.The Flying Dragon State has special troops that ride flying dragons, while the Northern Yan State has a large, rough-skinned and thick-skinned savage army.But what does Zhao Guo have?Whether it is national strength or population, Zhao State is far behind the other two countries.From the perspective of book strength, Zhao Guo will undoubtedly lose this battle.

But there are no absolutes in everything. If you just give up like this, then you will never recover.

Tong Yan took a deep breath, swept away the haze in his heart, and then said, "Where are the Northern Yan army stationed at present? How many troops are there in our border guards?"

The general pointed to the northwest direction of Zhao State with a wooden stick, and it landed directly on the earth bag with a small flag. "Your Highness, this is Heifeng Pass, and the army of Northern Yan Kingdom is stationed here at the moment. Heifeng Pass is the territory of Northern Yan Kingdom, and it goes all the way to the south. This is Hukou Pass. Our troops are in this Hukou Pass. A total of [-] troops were dispatched this time, of which [-] were from the Savage Legion. I dispatched [-] strong soldiers here at Hukou Pass, and it would be very difficult to stop the [-] troops from the Northern Yan Kingdom. But I think, Frontier soldiers will definitely fight to the last moment, even if they all die in battle, they will never back down!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan thought for a while, and then said: "So, the Northern Yan Kingdom is actually our biggest threat. Then how many troops do you arrange in Xisha Pass?"

"Twenty thousand! The total number of Zhao's army is only more than 6. Thirty thousand are sent to Hukou Pass and 1 to Xisha Pass. The remaining [-] are stationed in the major cities on the border. If the pass If they fall, they can also protect the people and retreat to a safe place."

Regarding the general's deployment, Tong Yan praised: "It's not a problem for the general to deploy defenses like this. The people are the foundation of the country. When the time comes, we must put the safety of the people first. You have done a good job, but I think it should be adjusted a little bit!"

Hearing this, the general immediately asked, "Your Highness, how to adjust?"

Tong Yan stared at the sand table for a long time, and then said: "With our current strength, if we divide our troops into two places, I'm afraid we'll end up with nothing to stop. It's like a bucket of water. It is enough to extinguish one fire, but now there are two fires. If this bucket of water is divided into two small buckets, I am afraid that neither fire will be extinguished in the end. Not to mention wasting water, the arrogance of these two fires It will only become more and more prosperous. Our [-] soldiers and horses are equivalent to this bucket of water, and the enemy troops of Beiyan Kingdom and Feilong Kingdom are those two groups of fire. Originally, [-] soldiers and horses were barely enough It is enough to deal with a foreign enemy. If we separate them now, it will definitely greatly weaken the real combat power of our Zhao country. In the end, not only will all the [-] soldiers be buried, but we will also be unable to stop the invasion of Beiyan and Feilong. Therefore, my idea is to transfer all the [-] soldiers from Hukou Pass to Xisha Pass, and unite them in one place to deal with the weaker Feilong Kingdom.”

Before the general could speak, the fifth princess said first: "Rui'er, what you say is reasonable, but in this way, isn't it the same as opening the door to the Northern Yan Kingdom? They have not been blocked at all, and I am afraid they will drive straight in. In the end, it will directly approach Yong'an City. At that time, how can we contend with it?"

What the fifth princess said was actually what the general and others wanted to ask.

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "I concentrate on dealing with Feilong Kingdom, but that doesn't mean I will allow Beiyan Kingdom to act recklessly. Now that the enemy is outnumbered, the most important thing to avoid is to face the enemy head-on. Beiyan Kingdom hopes that we will fight to the death with them." At that time, they will be able to annihilate our army of Zhao State in one fell swoop. At that time, it will be difficult for Zhao State to survive. At present, you and I have a total of 1 horses in our hands. I want to use these 1 horses to hold back The army of tigers and wolves of the Northern Yan Kingdom. Not only can they drive the army of the Northern Yan Kingdom out of the Zhao Kingdom in one fell swoop, but at least they can delay their capture of Yong'an City and buy us as much time as possible to deal with the enemy troops of the Feilong Kingdom. Wait for us After successfully defeating the Feilong Kingdom, we will turn around and deal with the Beiyan Kingdom. I think by then, we will have the capital to fight the Beiyan Kingdom."

His proposal was indeed very convincing, but the general still felt that something was wrong.

"Your Highness, you said that using [-] soldiers and horses to hold back the [-] troops of the Northern Yan Kingdom, isn't that hitting a stone with an egg? It is impossible to deal with the army of the Northern Yan Kingdom with all the strength of the Zhao Kingdom. How can a mere [-] soldiers and horses succeed? "

Tong Yan saw that he was worried, and immediately explained: "Generals, please take a look. From Hukou Pass to Mingcheng, then to Sanshan City, and finally to Yong'an City. This journey is not short or long. But along the way Most of the above are mountains and rivers. If 1 people are divided into more than a dozen teams, lurking in the mountains and valleys along the way. Harass the army of the North Yan Kingdom from time to time, and then destroy the bridges along the way, even if the North Yan Kingdom With an army of 1, I'm afraid they won't be able to approach Yong'an City in a short period of time, right? Not only that, but the [-] people I arranged can also consume the strength of the Northern Yan Kingdom's army along the way. When they really arrive at Yong'an City, Maybe it's the end of the battle. If we go back and deal with them, won't the odds be greater?"

Tong Yan's strategy against Beiyan is actually what we often call guerrilla warfare.During that difficult period, our army adopted guerrilla warfare in the early stage.For the final victory, made a great contribution.

The current situation of Zhao Guo is actually very similar to the previous period.The enemy is strong and we are weak, but as long as you don't give up and don't bow your head, victory will eventually come.

After Tong Yan's explanation, everyone in the combat room fell silent.After a while, the general was the first to express his support.

"Your Highness, although the old man has never had such combat experience, I think what you said should be right. The old man is willing to command the [-] soldiers and hold back the [-] troops of the Northern Yan Kingdom. Please do so, Your Highness! "Speaking of which, he knelt down on one knee, looking forward to it.

He expressed his opinion, and others responded one after another.

Seeing this, Tong Yan said with satisfaction: "You don't need to argue, I already have a suitable candidate in my heart."

Upon hearing this, the fifth princess immediately asked: "Rui'er, you have already been selected? Who is it? Who can take on this great task?"

Tong Yan raised his eyes to look at Wang Hu, smiled slightly and said, "General Wang Hu, such an important task belongs to you!"

Upon hearing this, Wang Hu immediately knelt down on one knee and said, "Thanks to Your Highness for not giving up, the general will definitely live up to his mission. Even if he dies, he will definitely live up to His Highness's expectations!"

Tong Yan shook his head and smiled and said, "Dead? Why do you want to die? I want you all to live and drive those wolves, tigers and leopards out of Zhao! At that time, I will not treat you badly! I am going to Xisha Pass. I want Feilong Kingdom to know that Zhao Kingdom is not something they can bully if they want to. Anyone who violates our territory will be punished no matter how far away!"

(End of this chapter)

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