
Chapter 549 Soldiers are dispatched to Xiguan, the strange man Huo Tian!

Chapter 549 Soldiers are dispatched to Xiguan, the strange man Huo Tian!
Three days passed in a flash. During these three days, Tong Yan gave Wang Hu a few lessons, the contents of which were nothing more than how to fight guerrillas, how to entangle the enemy, and the extremely mysterious 36 tricks.

This Wang Hu's aptitude is not high, and he can only understand many things after Tong Yan said it several times.In contrast, Meng Ke, the general's son, is a quick learner.He proposed himself, and wanted to lead an army with Wang Hu to deal with the [-] troops of the Northern Yan Kingdom.Although the general couldn't bear it, he could only compromise when the country was ruined and the family was destroyed.

Tong Yan has great expectations for Wang Hu and Meng Ke, because whether they can hold back the army of Northern Yan is extremely important to the safety of Zhao.The longer they delay, Tong Yan and the others can concentrate on dealing with Feilong Kingdom without any worries.

This is considered to be an order in the face of danger. Although Tong Yan felt that it was a bit too risky, he really couldn't think of any other way.After all, he was the only one. If there were two more counselors like him who were well versed in the art of war, perhaps he could sit in the imperial city with peace of mind and wait for the good news ahead.

But the reality is cruel, and it is inevitable that he, the de facto king of a country, will be conquered by himself.

Putting on a golden armor and holding a golden long sword, Tong Yan stood above the court hall with a serious face and a heroic air.He is about to leave, but before he leaves, he needs to explain some things.If he fails, he can't let Zhao Guo really die like this.

"Northern Yan Kingdom and Feilong Kingdom are determined to perish, but now they lead iron cavalry to invade my territory and kill my people. Whether it is tolerable or unbearable, we cannot continue to let this group of wolves, tigers and leopards go on. Therefore, I Decided to go on a personal expedition and crusade against foreign enemies. After I leave, all affairs in this imperial city will be represented by the fifth princess. All adults must work together and assist the fifth princess. I don't think it will take long before you will receive a message from us You will hear the cheers from the soldiers in front of me. Although our Zhao country is small, we cannot allow foreign enemies to meddle in half a step. Although our people are kind, we do not allow the slightest bullying. My lords, I will leave the rear to you Now, I hope you will not let me down, let alone the people of Zhao State. Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the country, eliminate the enemy, and show off the prestige of our country!"

Following Tong Yan's generous speech, he and hundreds of soldiers marched towards Xisha Pass.As for Wang Hu and Meng Ke, they had already led the [-] guerrilla army to Hukou Pass first.The [-] garrison at Hukou Pass also rushed to Xisha Pass two days ago.

The flames of war have been ignited, and it's time for a showdown.

Some people may ask, why didn't Tong Yan directly transfer the 1 soldiers and horses from Hukou Pass, leaving [-] soldiers and horses to fight guerrillas?This is better than [-] people starting from the imperial city and rushing to Hukou Pass, right?

In fact, the reason why Tong Yan arranged it this way has a special purpose.The 5000 troops from the imperial city were all rebels, and [-] of them were black armor troops.Although they may rebel again, it is undeniable that the strength of these ten thousand soldiers and horses is higher than that of Zhao Guo's original soldiers and horses, especially the Heijia Army.The soldiers of the Black Armored Army all use a scimitar tied with a chain. This weapon pays attention to surprise, which has the same elements as guerrilla warfare.In addition, many of the Black Armored Army are people from the Jianghu, and the people from the Jianghu are naturally people with martial arts skills, and their advantages in fighting in the mountains and forests can be highlighted.Based on these points, the [-] rebels are the most suitable candidates to deal with the [-] troops of the Northern Yan Kingdom.

Even though accidents might happen, with Wang Hu, the former leader of the Black Armor Army, there might be surprises.

Whether he can do it or not, Tong Yan has to try, because he has no choice.

From Yong'an City, where the imperial palace is located, to reach Xisha Pass, it takes at least three or four days' journey.Even riding a horse day and night will take two days.Both people and horses need to rest, even if Tong Yan is eager, he can't change this irresistible factor.

As for the army at Hukou Pass, the journey from Hukou Pass to Xisha Pass will increase a lot.They are as short as seven days and as long as ten days.In this way, it also means that the [-] soldiers and horses in Xisha Pass must persist for ten days. Only in this way can they get reinforcements and launch a counterattack.

Tong Yan had sent a letter to the generals at the Xisha pass three days ago, asking them to refuse to leave the pass. With the blocking of the pass, they should be able to hold on for a little longer.

Time passed quickly, and night fell in a blink of an eye.Tong Yan and hundreds of cavalry continued to gallop forward along the road.They had to arrive at Sanshui City before midnight, where they changed horses and had a brief rest, and then they had to continue on their way.

Sanshui City is just a small city with a population of only a few thousand.There are only three to five hundred guards in the entire city, but the prefect who guards the city is quite famous.According to legend, this man was born able to read and write, he could pick up a pen and compose poems at the age of three, he had already read poetry and books at the age of five, and he could write poems at the age of seven.There are not many such strange people in Zhao country, and some people even assert that this person is probably a star of Wenqu, otherwise how could he have such attainments in poetry and prose?
Tong Yan really wanted to meet this person, if such a genius could be used well, he would be more powerful than ten thousand soldiers.

In the blink of an eye, the hour was approaching, and a brightly lit small town came into Tong Yan's sight.

"Your Highness, Sanshui City is ahead. We will rest here tonight!"

Hearing Wu Sanlang's introduction, Tong Yan just nodded and didn't say much.

This guy Wu Sanlang disappointed Tong Yan a little. During the Battle of the Imperial City a few days ago, Tong Yan asked him to take a few ministers to win over the royal relatives.Unexpectedly, the grandson hid with the ministers.He only showed up when Tong Yan entered the palace.

Tong Yan naturally knew the little Jiujiu in his heart. He was worried that Tong Yan would lose in the fight for the throne, so he chose to wait and see.If it wasn't for him being useful, Tong Yan would really like to tear him apart.But no matter what, he handed over the imperial forest army to Tong Yan after all, and from this point, he can be considered to have some credit.

The horses galloped wildly, and Tong Yan and others finally arrived at Sanshui City.Outside the city gate, he saw the city guard who had been waiting for a long time.It's just that he didn't expect that the prefect was so young, he looked about 30 years old.

Being able to become the prefect of a city at a young age can further highlight the extraordinaryness of this person.

"Huo Tian, ​​governor of Sanshui City, pay homage to Your Highness! Your Highness has worked hard all the way, and the officials have already prepared a banquet. Your Highness, please follow me into the city!"

Tong Yan rode on the horse, looked at Huo Tian for a while, and then said: "Get up, lead the way ahead!"

Hearing this, Huo Tian stood up quickly, and trotted all the way into Sanshui City with Tong Yan and others.

Although Sanshui City is small, it is very prosperous inside. Not only the roads are wide, but the houses are also neatly built. Most importantly, it is very clean, even cleaner than Yong'an City.

Tong Yan noticed this, and took a higher look at Huo Tian without facing him.

Ten minutes later, Tong Yan had already entered the prefect's mansion, looking at the exquisite dishes in front of him, he was really hungry.Nightingale standing next to him licked her lips and turned her head aside, it seemed that she was also hungry.

As for the prefect Huo Tian, ​​he just stood respectfully, and the dishes on this table were all prepared for Tong Yan alone.Tong Yan looked at Huo Tian and Nightingale, and then said, "You don't need to be restrained, you can sit down too!"

Upon hearing this, Nightingale immediately sat down unceremoniously.

Huo Tian hesitated for a moment, then sat down in front of Tong Yan.Tong Yan was about to ask him a little bit about the situation of Sanshui City, but Huo Tian unexpectedly revealed a piece of news that surprised Tong Yan.

What is the good news?
(End of this chapter)

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