
Chapter 550 The method of killing dragons, with a heart of stone?

Chapter 550 The method of killing dragons, with a heart of stone?
"Your Highness, I heard that you are devoting all your power to deal with the army of the Feilong Kingdom. Such a wise decision really makes me admire from the bottom of my heart. But Your Highness, are you sure of victory against the army of the Feilong Kingdom?"

Tong Yan drank a glass of wine, then smiled slightly and said, "I don't know if Governor Huo has any tricks? You might as well tell me and let me hear!"

Huo Tian looks fair and clean, with deep eyes and a big forehead, which is full of heaven, but his seal is a little black, which is a bit surprising.

Hearing this, Huo Tian hurriedly said: "Your Highness is joking, there is no clever plan, but I have a little understanding of the flying dragons in Feilong Kingdom. I wonder if Your Highness is interested in listening to me?"

Tong Yan was already worrying about the flying dragon soldiers of the Feilong Kingdom, but Huo Tian didn't expect that Huo Tian knew something about the flying dragons of the Feilong Kingdom, which made Tong Yan very happy.

"Prefect Huo, I would like to hear more about it, please tell me!"

Huo Tian nodded, and then said: "His Royal Highness, as far as I know, the flying dragon in Feilong Kingdom is not a dragon, but a snake with wings."

"A snake with wings? Could it be a flying snake?"

Huo Tian smiled slightly: "You can also call it that way, anyway, it's a snake, not a dragon. Does your Highness know why this flying snake breathes fire?"

Tong Yan shook his head, expressing his ignorance.

Huo Tian continued: "The reason why the flying snake can breathe fire is not because of its natural ability, but because they like to eat the fruit of a kind of grass. In order to make the flying snake breathe fire, the dragon trainer of the flying dragon kingdom will often Feed them this kind of fruit. If they eat too much fruit, the flying snakes will naturally breathe fire. But about this secret, except for the dragon trainer in Feilong Kingdom, no one else knows about it. This flying snake is said to be a fire-breathing flying dragon. But in fact, it's just for scaring people."

Hearing this, Tong Yan frowned and said, "So, if those flying snakes don't eat that kind of fruit, they won't be able to breathe fire?"

Huo Tian nodded and replied: "That's right, that's right! But it is basically impossible to prevent the dragon trainers of the Flying Dragon Kingdom from feeding the Flying Dragon Soldiers with fruit before they set off. So if you really want to stop these flying snakes from breathing fire, you have to By another method!"

Tong Yan was completely aroused, and immediately asked, "What method?"

"Use wine! As long as the wine is thrown into the air, as long as the flying snake smells the wine, it will cause the fruits it ate before to burn. At that time, before it can breathe out the fire, it will burn itself to death."

Hearing this, Tong Yan felt even happier.If it is true as Huo Tian said, wouldn't it be a piece of cake to deal with these flying dragon soldiers?
"Prefect Huo, how did you know this method? Could it be just your speculation?"

Huo Tian shook his head and said with a smile: "That's not the case, Your Highness, to be honest, I was lucky enough to meet a dragon trainer from Feilong Kingdom. It was she who told me this."

Tong Yan was still a little worried, so he confirmed, "Is the dragon trainer lying to you? Is he trustworthy?"

Huo Tian smiled, and then clapped his hands.Following several rounds of applause, a tall but handsome woman walked out of the side room.

The woman was wearing strong clothes, her hair was yellowish, and she looked a little like a member of her own tribe.

The woman stepped forward and immediately knelt down in front of Tong Yan.

"My daughter, Ariel, pay my respects to His Royal Highness!"

Seeing this, Tong Yan immediately said: "Get up, Ariel, by looking at you, you must not be from my country of Zhao, right?"

Ariel nodded and said: "Your Highness is right, I was indeed not from Zhao before, but now I am from Zhao."

Tong Yan was a little confused and looked directly at Huo Tian.

Huo Tian took a look and quickly explained: "Your Highness, this is my wife. She is also the dragon trainer of the Flying Dragon Kingdom I told you about! She told me about the Flying Snake."

wife?The Dragon Trainer of Feilong Kingdom?According to the laws of Zhao Guo that Tong Yan had read, one of them was that intermarriage with other races was not allowed.But I didn't expect that Huo Tian would dare to marry a woman from the Feilong Kingdom. This guy was too courageous, and the crime was added, which was enough to kill him.

But this is just Zhao Guo's law, Tong Yan is a modern person, he certainly doesn't care about these things.

"I see. It looks like Prefect Huo, you want to tell me this on purpose, right?"

Hearing this, Huo Tian immediately stood up, then respectfully knelt down and said: "Your Highness, I know you are a wise king. The reason why I dare to take the risk to tell this matter is to hope that you can make it happen. I I have long been in love with Ariel, but because of the laws of the country, I have never dared to marry her openly. I owe her a title, and I owe her a real family. Therefore, I beg Your Highness, you can help us, just Make an exception for us, okay?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, I may not be able to promise you. Making an exception cannot be given to you just because you have meritorious service. In that case, no matter who makes meritorious service in the future, I will Are we going to make an exception for them?"

Hearing what Tong Yan said, Huo Tian reached out and grabbed Ariel's hand, and said sadly: "Your Highness, I know this is very embarrassing for you. If it doesn't work, then please remove my official position and let me leave Zhao Guo Go! Please!"

Seeing the two hold hands so tightly, Tong Yan smiled.Just as he was about to speak, Nightingale at the side couldn't stand it any longer.

"How can you be so impersonal, a dignified prince and future monarch? They really love each other, why can't you fulfill them? I think you are really hard-hearted, really bad!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan chuckled and said, "How do you know that I have a heart of stone? I just haven't finished my sentence. Prefect Huo, it is impossible to make an exception. But...but I am willing to abolish this unreasonable law for you .In the future, not only you, but also my other Zhao people, if you meet a lover of a different race, you can marry. In this case, you are nothing special. How? Do you want to leave Zhao this time?"

When Huo Tian and Arier heard this, they couldn't help crying on the spot, watching them hug each other tightly.Only then did Tong Yan look down at the food on the table, and after seeing it, he was a little speechless.

Is this nightingale a pig?There was a large table of dishes, and there was not much left for her to eat.Regarding the eyeliner of Tongtian Tower, he really didn't know what to do.

After a short rest, just after dawn the next day, Tong Yan and his party bid farewell to Huo Tian and his wife, and embarked on the journey to Xishaguan again.

This trip to Sanshui City, Tong Yan can be said to have gained a lot, with a way to deal with the flying dragon soldiers, he seems to have seen the dawn of victory.

But... The Feilong Kingdom is far from being as weak as he imagined. Even without the Feilong soldiers, there are still cruel masters who can call the wind and rain in the army of the Feilong Kingdom!
Can Tong Yan's true energy be condensed miraculously?How should he deal with the upcoming fight?
(End of this chapter)

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