
Chapter 551 Arriving at the border, the fire is raging!

Chapter 551 Arriving at the border, the fire is raging!
The battle situation ahead was urgent, Tong Yan led hundreds of cavalry out of Sanshui City and ran all the way, even when it was lunch time, the people didn't stop for a moment, and finally arrived at the destination Xishaguan at Choushi.

Xisha Pass has a long history and is the first pass established by Zhao Guo after the founding of the country.This pass is built with the help of mountains, more than 30 meters high and about fifty miles long.There is a huge stone gate more than ten meters high at the pass. In the autumn of war, the stone gate will be closed, and foreign enemies will not be able to easily enter Zhao from here.Not only that, on the high walls around Shimen, there are also multiple beacon towers and watchtowers, so that the guards can watch the enemy's movements at any time and give timely warning by lighting up the beacon.

On the Great Wall of our motherland, there are many beacon towers.This is an important military defense facility in ancient times. It was built to prevent the enemy from invading.

Xisha Pass is patrolled by defenders all the time. As the largest pass in the southwest of Zhao State, if there is a slight mistake here, the direct result is that the enemy army enters the hinterland of Zhao State, but the court does not know it.When the enemy soldiers approach the city, it will be too late.The importance of borders is the top priority of national defense in any period.Back then, if Wu Sangui hadn't become a confidante in a rage and lured Man Qing into the pass, perhaps the Ming Dynasty would not have perished so early.

Let's say that when Tong Yan led the crowd to arrive here, the gate of Xishaguan had been closed tightly, and there were many torches and shadows on the high wall.

There is a barracks below Xisha Pass, which is more like a small city.Because there are so many guards and soldiers, if they don't do a good job in logistics support, if they really wait for foreign enemies to invade, how can these guards and soldiers try their best to fight the enemy?
Tong Yan did not enter the military city, but decided to go up to the high wall to see the situation. Only when he knew what was going on, could he make the right way to meet the enemy.

As soon as he led the accompanying soldiers to arrive a hundred meters in front of Bingcheng, a patrol squad under the high wall of Xisha Pass quickly greeted them.

Because the soldiers guarding here have basically never seen Tong Yan, they just heard from the general who rushed here first that His Royal Highness will arrive soon, but they don't know when he will arrive.

Although Tong Yan was wearing a golden armor and a red cloak, for the sake of safety, the patrol team leader still asked: "This general, I am ordered to patrol here, please show me your military badge and let me check it!"

Before Tong Yan could speak, Wu Sanlang next to him immediately scolded loudly: "Presumptuous, this is His Royal Highness. How can you, a mere patrol leader, be able to check?"

Tong Yan looked at the patrol captain with great interest, wanting to see what he would say.Unexpectedly, the patrol captain puffed up his chest and said without fear: "This is the responsibility of my patrol team. It is an order from the general. Even His Royal Highness is no exception. Besides, now Foreign enemies are staring at you, who can guarantee that you are not spies from the enemy country who have climbed over the mountains and sneaked into this place? In extraordinary times, you must use extraordinary methods, no matter who you are, you must cooperate!"

When Wu Sanlang heard this, his heart burned with anger, and he pulled out his sword with a "chuo". "It's really courageous. What should you do to be rude to His Highness?"

Hearing this, the patrol captain replied loudly: "The state owns the country's laws, and the army has its military regulations. If His Royal Highness cannot set an example, how can he serve the people? Even if you die today, I will never let you go one step forward." Having said that, he He also pulled out the saber from his waist.Seeing this, the patrolling soldiers behind him all pointed their finger at Wu Sanlang, looking like they would fight to the death.

The accompanying cavalrymen were worried that Tong Yan would be in danger, so they also showed their weapons "噗噢噐", and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

But Tong Yan didn't care about it, on the contrary, he was in a good mood at the moment.

"Okay, put away your weapons. You are all good soldiers and strong generals of our Zhao country. If you have strength, you will use it on foreign enemies. You don't want your own people to fight your own people. This general, you are right, even if I The prince is no exception. But I’m sorry, I really don’t have a military badge. Otherwise, I will definitely show it. General Wu, do you have a military badge on your body?”

Wu Sanlang nodded reluctantly and said: "Your Highness, the last general's military badge is on him, do you mean to let me show it?"

Tong Yan smiled slightly: "Exactly, take out your military badge!"

The prince had already spoken, Wu Sanlang naturally didn't dare to say more, and hurriedly took out his military badge.This military badge is actually a round wooden plaque engraved with the word Zhao.The pattern on the brand is very beautifully carved, it should be specially made.According to the patrol captain, every military general in the Zhao Kingdom may have such a military badge on his body, and the military badges are different according to the rank of the official.It's a bit like the current epaulettes, but it can also be used as an ID card, which can be said to be multi-purpose.

After Wu Sanlang took out the military badge, he threw it directly to the patrol captain, and then said arrogantly: "I am the captain of the Yulin Military Academy, take a closer look, is it fake?"

The patrol captain stared at it for a while, and said with some embarrassment: "Your military badge, your military badge is a bit different from ours. I have never seen it before. So... so please wait here, I will enter the army Let the city inquire, and then decide whether to let it go!"

Hearing this, Wu Sanlang trembled with anger, he gritted his teeth and said, "You bastard, are you deliberately preventing us from going in? You doubt our identities, and now I also doubt yours. Come on Man, take them all down for me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a group of people walking out of the military city.Although this group of people did not ride a horse, they walked very fast, and they arrived in front of everyone in a short while.

With the light of the torch in the hands of the patrolling soldiers, Tong Yan saw the leading general walking in the front at a glance.

The general also found out about Tong Yan, and he didn't dare to hesitate. He hurriedly knelt down on one knee and said, "The future is late, so Your Highness has been waiting here for a long time. Please forgive me, Your Highness!"

As soon as he knelt, the others also hurriedly knelt down.

"I'm waiting to meet Your Highness!"

Tong Yan looked at the crowd, immediately got off his horse and said, "Generals, please get up quickly! You guarding the frontier are the heroes of my country of Zhao. When you see me in the future, don't kneel down again."

These frontier guards did not expect His Royal Highness to be so approachable, and their affection for His Highness was greatly improved invisibly.

After everyone got up, Tong Yan asked directly: "General, you came here two days before us. I don't know what happened to the enemy army of Feilong Kingdom in the past few days?"

Hearing this, the general was about to answer, but unexpectedly, a raging flame was ignited on the beacon tower not far away, and the flame almost lit up half of the sky.

Tong Yan caught it out of the corner of his eye, and couldn't help frowning, "What's going on? Could it be that the enemy army launched an attack?"

(End of this chapter)

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