
Chapter 552: Flying Dragon Soldiers Arrive, Serving Drinks!

Chapter 552: Flying Dragon Soldiers Arrive, Serving Drinks!
When the general heard this, he hurriedly looked in the direction of Tong Yan's finger, and immediately shouted loudly: "No, the enemy army is coming, quickly send an order to all the soldiers, prepare to meet the enemy!"

Those who came with him were the generals guarding the Xisha Pass. When the general gave an order, they had no time to salute Tong Yan, so they rushed towards the military city.

Tong Yan knew that the situation was urgent, so he hurriedly reminded: "General, hurry up and order someone to prepare drinks, the more the better, there must be no mistakes!"

The general was startled when he heard this, and immediately said with some displeasure: "Your Highness, the enemy army is about to launch a fierce attack. Why do you ask me to prepare drinks at this time?"

Seeing his misunderstanding, Tong Yan quickly explained: "General, wine is the magic weapon against flying dragon soldiers. You do as I tell you. If the flying dragon soldiers from Feilong Kingdom dare to make trouble tonight, I will let them all come." No return! By the way, when you are ready to drink, let people move to the high wall, and I will wait for you on the high wall. As for the others, quickly follow me to the high wall, I want to see, this flying dragon How capable are the bastards of the country!"

Although the general had doubts about Tong Yan's words, but when he thought that His Royal Highness knew how to deal with the enemy, even if he didn't believe it, he still rushed to prepare.

The hundreds of soldiers led by Tong Yan were about to climb the high wall, but the patrol captain suddenly stopped him: "Your Highness, the high wall is the most dangerous. If you are discovered by the enemy, I'm afraid they will target you. In case You have three advantages and two disadvantages, which is tantamount to adding fuel to the fire. In the opinion of the last general, you should still sit in the military city, so that you can lead the defenders and deal with the enemy!"

The patrol captain's words are not unreasonable, but that is for ordinary people.But Tong Yan was wearing a soft golden armor, and his skills were extremely good, even though he didn't have true energy in his body, he was definitely a martial arts master.The enemy army of Feilong Kingdom wanted to kill him, but it was not so easy.

"What's your name?" Tong Yan asked directly.

The patrol team was taken aback when they heard this, and quickly replied: "Your Highness, my name is Zhang Long."

"Okay, General Zhang Long, I now order you to climb the high wall with me, and I will entrust my safety to you. No need to say anything, let's go!"

Zhang Long wanted to say something more, but His Royal Highness had already made up his mind, so he had no choice but to swallow the words, so he nodded and said: "Yes, the general will obey!"

With Zhang Long leading the way, a few minutes later, Tong Yan and his party boarded the high wall of Xisha Pass.Standing on the high wall, Tong Yan saw the enemy army approaching the pass not far away at a glance.

These enemy troops all hold torches in their hands, and with the large number of people, they are like densely packed sparks. If they are not given a fatal blow, this spark will not only start a prairie fire, but also burn half of the country of Zhao.

The soldiers on the high wall have already drawn their bows into the full moon, and when the enemy army gets closer, these sharp arrows will be shot down overwhelmingly.

But can these arrows really penetrate the shields in the hands of these enemies?After all the arrows are exhausted, how should they resist the enemy?

The high wall is 30 meters high. At such a height, you need the assistance of a long ladder to climb the high wall.Based on this natural danger, it is by no means an easy task for the enemy to break through Xisha Pass.

But Tong Yan didn't think it was a safe thing. Since the army of Feilong Kingdom dared to launch a strong attack from the front of Xisha Pass, maybe they already had a way to break through.

The flying dragon soldiers are probably the vanguard they rely on most, but besides the flying dragon soldiers, do they really have no other means?
Tong Yan speculated and pondered in his heart. For some reason, after seeing the huge formation of Feilong Kingdom, he felt a little uneasy.

This unease is not born of fear, he is not even afraid of ghosts and monsters, how can he be afraid of the army of Feilong Kingdom?So where does this anxiety come from?Is it my hunch?
After about 10 minutes like this, a short horn sounded from the army of Feilong Kingdom.With the sound of the horn, the army of Feilong Kingdom stopped.

Tong Yan was a little puzzled, what the hell is going on in Feilong Kingdom?How could it suddenly stop the pace of attack?

Soon he realized that there was a cry of "Aww" from behind the army of flying dragons.Could it be that the flying dragon soldiers from the flying dragon country were dispatched?

Although snakes don't know how to scream, the flying snakes in the Flying Dragon Kingdom are basically out of the category of snakes. Dragons can sing dragons, so it's not surprising that this flying snake can scream.

Together, they heard the sound of "whoosh". Tong Yan could tell that it was the sound made by flapping wings.

The "whoosh" sound was getting closer and closer, and finally, the legendary "Flying Dragon Soldier" appeared.

Tong Yan took a closer look, but luckily his eyesight was still there, so he could see the so-called flying dragon clearly.These flying dragons really cannot be called snakes, because they are closer to Jiao with wings.Each of them is at least five meters long, and the pair of wings on their backs are particularly eye-catching.The red wings are strong and powerful, coupled with the huge black snake body, it is not too much to call them flying dragons.

A tall and mighty soldier was riding on the back of each flying dragon. These soldiers were all carrying bows and arrows, and a huge quiver was tied to the flying dragon, which must contain at least a hundred arrows.A rough estimate puts the number of flying dragon soldiers at around [-].Dragons can breathe fire, and soldiers riding dragons can shoot arrows.I'm afraid there is no need for the army of Feilong Kingdom to do anything at all. These two thousand flying dragon soldiers are enough to deal with the [-] guards at Xisha Pass.

But that was before, and now Tong Yan already knew how to deal with the flying dragon soldiers.He planned to eat these two thousand flying dragon soldiers in one bite, firstly to enhance the prestige of Zhao Guo, and secondly to boost the morale of the defenders.

Seeing the flying dragon soldiers getting closer, Tong Yan was a little nervous, but more excited.If what Huo Tian said is not wrong, then he is almost certain to win this first battle.

At the moment when he was staring at the flying dragon soldiers, the general who was going to prepare drinks finally arrived.

"Your Highness, I have brought all the drinks you ordered. There are fifty altars in total. Have you seen enough?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan turned around and saw fifty soldiers climbing up the high wall with wine jars in their arms.

It is obviously not enough to use fifty altars of wine to deal with two thousand flying dragon soldiers.

"General, is this all the wine?"

The general heard this, nodded and said: "Yes, this is all the wine in Bingcheng. You also know that guarding the border is not allowed to drink casually, so I didn't prepare too much."

Tong Yan thought for a while, then suddenly said: "Is there any water? Get me another hundred buckets of water and fifty empty buckets."

When the general heard this, he hurriedly responded: "Yes, yes, I will arrange it right away!"

There is not enough wine, just add some water.But there is still a new problem, this problem is, if these flying dragons are not willing to fly low, how can the wine be poured on them?
If only someone could fly, wait, of course there is.Isn't this person far away in the sky and close in front of you?

(End of this chapter)

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