
Chapter 553 Victory in the first battle, not one left!

Chapter 553 Victory in the first battle, leaving no one behind!
Tong Yan lowered his voice, and then said to the air: "Yaofei, are you there?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt someone hug him tightly from behind.Turning his head to look, there was no one at all, and this further explained that the concubine Yao was right behind him.

Tong Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to whisper: "I may need you to do me a favor later, would you like it?"

Then, he felt something soft touch his face.No need to guess, it must be the demon concubine who secretly kissed him.But in this way, it means that she agrees.

With the help of the demon concubine, it shouldn't be a big problem if she wants to pour the wine from a high place.Now we are waiting for these flying dragon soldiers to come here, as long as they get close, the wines that have been prepared are definitely enough for them to drink a pot.

The general acted very quickly this time, and finally prepared the water and empty buckets that Tong Yan needed before the dragon soldiers arrived.

Tong Yan looked at the soldiers carrying buckets, and immediately said loudly: "Mix these wine and water together, I will use them to deal with the flying dragon soldiers!"

When the soldiers heard this, they certainly didn't believe it.But His Royal Highness gave orders, so they naturally had to obey.

Seeing that the wine and water were quickly mixed, Tong Yan stretched his neck and said again: "Among you, who is stronger? Pick fifty of them and listen to my orders later!"

To be able to personally serve His Royal Highness, they certainly wished for it, and fifty soldiers who thought they were physically strong and powerful stood in a row.

Tong Yan took a rough look, and found that it was not bad, and he should be able to spill the wine into the air as much as possible.

"Fifty of you, each carry a bucket of wine, remember it for me, use your helmets to scoop water, and when you see the flying dragon soldiers approaching, greet me with wine. The wine in this wooden barrel is to deal with If anyone of you wastes the magic weapon of the flying dragon on me, then I won’t be able to spare you. Of course, whoever kills the most flying dragons will definitely be rewarded heavily at that time. Do you remember it?”

As soon as he finished speaking, someone in the crowd raised his opinion. "Your Highness, can this drink really deal with flying dragons? Are you really right?"

Tong Yan didn't try it, how could he know if it was really what Huo Tian said.Just at this moment, several flying dragon soldiers roared over.Tong Yan turned his head and took a look, then smiled slightly and said, "Now I will show you a demonstration, show me all!" He took off Wu Sanlang's helmet and scooped half of it from the bucket. Helmets and drinks, and then quietly waited for those dragon soldiers to approach.

The flying dragon soldiers obviously found that the armor Tong Yan was wearing was different, the golden armor was particularly eye-catching on the high wall.It is precisely because of this that they can't wait to get away from the main force and rush to grab this first achievement.

Seeing the flying dragon soldiers getting closer, the soldiers around Tong Yan had pointed their bows and arrows at them, as long as they dared to step forward again, these bows and arrows would never show mercy.

These flying dragon soldiers are all wearing black iron armor, the iron armor is very dense, except for the eyes, all other parts are covered in it.It is definitely not that easy for arrows to penetrate their armor.

Seeing that the flying dragon soldiers were close at hand, the general became a little worried.

"Your Highness... why don't you hide first, it's too dangerous!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled coldly and said, "It's not us that should be afraid, but them!" Having said that, he lightly tossed the helmet containing the drink in his hand, and then kicked it out violently.

This kick was swift and powerful, and it kicked the falling helmet into the air, and hit one of the flying dragons very precisely.

There was only a "pop" sound, and the helmet shattered, and the wine inside also splashed like a fairy flower as the helmet shattered.

These flying dragon soldiers flew very close, the helmet containing the wine shattered, and the smell of wine splashed them all.Snakes have an extremely well-developed sense of smell. Although they may not be stronger than dogs, they are at least much stronger than humans.

Whether it is a jiao or a dragon, both evolved from snakes, so the sense of smell will only be strengthened on the basis of snakes, and will not be weakened.

The wine had already splashed on these flying dragons, and it was impossible for them not to smell it.But it remains to be seen whether it is true that, as Huo Tian said, they will spontaneously ignite after smelling the smell of alcohol.

Tong Yan looked at the flying dragons that were drenched in wine with a solemn expression, feeling extremely nervous in his heart.If he failed, everything he had asked people to do and say before would be reduced to a laughing stock.If he succeeds, then he can win a big victory in this first confrontation!
I saw those flying dragons calm down for a while after smelling the smell of wine, but then, they seemed to go crazy. Not only did they throw off the flying dragon soldiers on their backs, but they couldn't help but raised their heads and yelled.

The roar of "Aww" was deafening, and the soldiers on the high wall were shocked.

After these flying dragons screamed in pain, the originally black snake body became redder and brighter like a red-hot iron rod, and finally ignited a fire with a "hoo".

Seeing this, Tong Yan finally breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that Huo Tian did not lie to him, and alcohol is indeed the only magic weapon against Feilong.

In just a short while, the flying dragon, which was burning all over its body, could no longer maintain its flight, and directly turned into a huge fireball and fell heavily from the midair.

Tong Yan showed a satisfied smile, and the soldiers behind him also recovered from the brief shock, and then let out warm cheers together.

Tong Yan looked up at the sky, then turned to the soldiers and said, "Have you seen this? This is the way to deal with flying dragon soldiers. Although they ride flying dragons and think they are superior, they forget one thing, flying dragon soldiers The higher you go, the harder the fall. Now, follow my method and use alcohol to deal with these flying dragon soldiers. I believe that you will not let me down! Victory is just around the corner!"

His words greatly boosted the morale of the defenders, and the fifty soldiers spread out along the high wall carrying wooden barrels full of wine.

The rest of the drinks were left by Tong Yan for the concubine Yao.It is much better to go up from a high place than to go up from the bottom, and the coverage is much larger.

Seeing the flying dragons approaching the high wall and then turning into fireballs, the smile on Tong Yan's face became less and less.Maybe the flying dragon soldiers are just the vanguard of the flying dragon country's enemy army. Although the first battle was won, the next battle will be even more difficult!


In the big camp of Feilong Kingdom, the young prince was drinking fine wine alone.He is the third son of King Feilong. Although he is not the heir to the throne, he has never given up his fight for the throne.This time, he begged his father so hard that he was able to lead the army to fight against Zhao.As long as he can successfully eat half of Zhao's country, he can also return home triumphantly with his illustrious military exploits.At that time, the hearts of the people, the officials are convinced, the throne is not his, who else can it be?

At this moment, the door of the big tent was suddenly opened, and a messenger hurried in.

"Third Prince, something is wrong. We... our dragon army is completely wiped out!"

With a "bang", the third prince slapped the case in front of him to pieces.

"What did you say? The entire army of the Flying Dragon Corps was wiped out? It's impossible, impossible. Did you make a mistake? Or was there a misinformation ahead?"

"Third Prince, you can't be wrong. It's General Ada's message."

Hearing this, the third prince was silent, but a minute later, a cruel smile appeared on his face again.

"At first, I wanted to give them a way out, but I didn't expect the Zhao people to be so ignorant. Well, if that's the case, don't blame me. Tell the master that you can cast spells! I will kill all Zhao's defenders. Kill them all, leave no one behind!"

(End of this chapter)

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