
Chapter 554 Trying to form an alliance, charge twice!

Chapter 554 Trying to form an alliance, the second charge!
Obtained the first victory in guarding Xishaguan, which is of decisive significance to Zhao Guo's defenders.Flying dragon soldiers have always been the nightmare of border guards. In their view, flying dragon soldiers are invincible.

However, everything has changed now.Because of the arrival of His Royal Highness, the aloof flying dragon soldiers have become so vulnerable. It seems that the rumors are true, and His Royal Highness may really be the "God of War".

Seeing the Feilong Kingdom's army receding into the distance, Tong Yan climbed down the high wall a little tiredly.

From the time he left Sanshui City to now, he hadn't eaten or rested.He decided to recharge his batteries before the enemy's second attack. Only with a strong physique and a clear mind can he concentrate more on the battle.

"General, I'm a little tired. You arrange the defenders to do patrol work, and you can't relax your vigilance just because of a small victory. Also, there may be a fierce battle tomorrow, so everyone must eat and rest well. "

At this moment, the general had already admired Tong Yan, and when Tong Yan spoke, he hurriedly responded: "Yes, Your Highness, leave the rest to me. I have already prepared a temporary for you in the military city." You have been busy for so long, hurry up and eat something, and have a good sleep. If there is any situation here, I will notify you as soon as possible. "

Tong Yan nodded and said, "Okay, I'll thank you for your hard work." After speaking, he turned around and went down the high wall.

This first victory not only greatly improved the morale of the defenders, but also gave Tong Yan a very high prestige in the army.Only by convincing your own army can you truly control the entire army, and in this way you can be invincible.

Entering Bingcheng, Tong Yan looked around while walking forward.The general really has some skills. The houses in the military city are not only solid, but also very neat. The most important thing is that the doors of each house are very large, so as to prevent the enemy's surprise attack, and the soldiers cannot leave the room in time to fight.

There is also a watchtower in the military city. Although there is only one, its function is obvious.If the enemy breaks through the high wall, and the patrolling soldiers do not release the fire alarm in time, the watchtower in the soldier city can play the role of repairing the dead, which can be called the second insurance.Not only that, but the watchtower in the military city is also responsible for transmitting information. As long as the beacon tower on the high wall is lit, they can find it immediately, and then notify the generals in the military city, saving time for dispatching troops.

After a general inspection, Tong Yan didn't find anything that needed improvement.In this way, he can eat and sleep in peace.

The news of His Highness the Prince's arrival at Xisha Pass had already spread throughout the military city, and all the soldiers knew that His Highness was a young general wearing golden armor.Whenever a soldier saw Tong Yan, he would kneel down on one knee and say hello to Tong Yan.

Of course, Tong Yan also responded very kindly, which made his image even taller and laid a solid foundation for leading the whole army to fight against foreign enemies in the future.

If there is anything that dissatisfies Tong Yan, it is this temporary bedroom.This bedroom is obviously specially remodeled, and the decoration inside is magnificent.Tong Yan came here to fight wars, not for pleasure, this kind of arrangement is really superfluous, with this money, it would be more practical to give each soldier a piece of meat.

But it's not easy for Tong Yan to express any opinions. After all, the construction has been completed. If he can't stay, the general will lose face.

The cook in the dormitory had already prepared the meals early. Although they didn't know when His Highness would come, they prepared them in advance, and made His Highness dissatisfied. They couldn't afford such a crime.

Tong Yan washed his face and sat down directly at the table.Naturally, he couldn't share a large table of delicious dishes by himself.Nightingale followed him all the time, without his invitation, Nightingale sat down by herself.

He specifically called Wu Sanlang and the responsible patrol captain Zhang Long. After all four of them sat down, they began to eat.

It was less than an hour before morning, and everyone was a little tired.But it is a great honor for both Wu Sanlang and Zhang Long to be able to have dinner with His Highness the Prince.

Seeing that the two of them were restrained, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said: "You are about the same age as me, and although you are in different positions, we are all comrades in arms here. Don't be restrained, eat and drink as you want. Of course , can’t drink too much, if the enemy launches a surprise attack, you must give me the top. Do you understand?”

Wu Sanlang is the leader of the Imperial Forest Army, and he has been getting along with Tong Yan for the past few days. He knows that Tong Yan is a prince who has no airs, and he is very considerate of his subordinates.Tong Yan spoke, he hurriedly picked up the jug and filled Tong Yan's glass, and then poured himself another glass.

However, Zhang Long still sat upright with a little sweat on his forehead.

Tong Yan looked at him and said with a smile: "General Zhang Long, we don't know each other. I have always respected you for being a meticulous and principled person, so I asked you to have dinner with me. It's because I value you, and secondly, I hope you can do one thing for me."

When Zhang Long heard this, he quickly knelt down and said, "Your Highness, if you have something to do, you can order it, and the final general will definitely do his best, and he will not hesitate to die!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan nodded in satisfaction and said, "Okay, I did not misunderstand the person. Then I'll just say it, I need you to send me a letter."

Hearing this, Zhang Long asked in puzzlement, "Your Highness, who are you sending the letter to?"

"To the commander of the Feilong Kingdom army! Do you dare to go?"

Although Zhang Long was a little shocked in his heart, he still responded loudly: "Your Highness, the final general is willing to go, and he will fulfill his mission!"

"Very well, come on, let me toast you and help you achieve success immediately!"

When Wu Sanlang heard that he was asking Zhang Long to do something that was likely to kill him, he hurriedly filled Zhang Long with a glass of wine.The meaning of this glass of wine is extraordinary, one is Zhuangxing wine, and the other can be called Jue Ming wine.

Zhang Long picked up the wine, raised his head and drank it without saying a word, and then said solemnly: "Your Highness, when do you want me to go?"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "As soon as the sun breaks, you can go. So now, you have to eat well, and I will prepare the letter later, and you can leave with the letter."

"Yes, the last will obey!"

Maybe because he thought this might be his last meal, Zhang Long finally let go of his restraint, seeing him devouring his food, Tong Yan couldn't bear it.

But from the current point of view, he thinks that Zhang Long is the best candidate, and he would not feel at ease if he were someone else.

As for why Tong Yan sent an envoy to deliver the letter, the reason is actually very simple. He doesn't think that he can really defeat the Feilong Kingdom and the powerful Beiyan Kingdom in a row.So he decided to try to form an alliance with Feilong Kingdom. In this world, there are no permanent enemies, only permanent interests.

It's just that his action was a little late, because a new round of onslaught from Feilong Kingdom is coming soon!

(End of this chapter)

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