
Chapter 555 Make waves, do it yourself!

Chapter 555 Make waves, do it yourself!
After eating, Tong Yan pondered for a while, and wrote down the alliance letter.Zhang Long put away the letter, took two followers, and quietly left Xisha Pass, heading straight for the enemy camp.

Without taking off his armor, Tong Yan fell asleep on the soft couch.As for Nightingale, she was sitting on a chair and leaning against the table and fell asleep.

Unexpectedly, after they slept for less than an hour, an orderly entered the bedroom in a hurry.

After Tong Yan was woken up by Wu Sanlang who was waiting outside, he already guessed what was going on, so he went out with Nightingale holding the sword.

"Your Highness, I just received a message from the general that the enemy launched a second onslaught. The general asked you to go to the high wall to have a look. He has assembled all [-] defenders and is waiting for your order!"

Tong Yan knew that the enemy army would definitely come back, but he didn't expect it to be so fast.He didn't say anything, just walked out quickly.

Horses had been prepared outside the palace, and Tong Yan and his party rushed towards the pass as soon as they got on the horses.

But just before he reached the pass, before he climbed the high wall, an accident happened.

Originally, the sky was still clear, but suddenly it was covered with dark clouds, thunder and lightning.The biting cold wind is like a roaring herd of beasts, rushing from a distance.

To the west, the high wall of Shaguan is 30 meters high, but it still cannot stop the strong wind.

The uneasiness in Tong Yan's heart became more and more intense. He faintly felt that what happened in front of him might not be a coincidence, but that someone was playing tricks behind his back.

It is definitely not that simple for the Feilong Kingdom's army to choose to attack at this moment. I am afraid that the strong wind and dark clouds and lightning are one of their means of attack.

But if this is the case, it also means that there are people in Feilong Kingdom who are proficient in witchcraft or heresy, how can ordinary troops resist it?
He frowned tightly, but decided to climb up to the high wall against the strong wind to have a look. Only when he saw it with his own eyes could he be truly sure.

Seeing that Tong Yan was about to go up the wall, Wu Sanlang hurriedly stopped him and said, "Your Highness, we can feel the icy cold and strong wind under the wall. It is too dangerous for you to climb up the high wall now. Why don't you go up to the wall for you?" Take a look at the wall and report to you later."

Tong Yan knew that Wu Sanlang cared about his safety, but now that the situation was urgent, how could he wait willingly.

"General Wu, you don't have to worry. If you can climb the wall, I can. Well, you go up with me. If there is any danger, I will ask you to take care of me. How about it?"

Seeing that Tong Yan insisted on going, Wu Sanlang couldn't stop him, so he could only respond: "Your Highness, please rest assured. This subordinate will definitely protect you!"

Tong Yan smiled and nodded, then raised his legs and walked towards the high wall.The higher it goes up, the stronger the wind, and when Tong Yan climbed onto the high wall, he felt like he was about to be blown up.If it wasn't for the concubine Yao secretly protecting him, he might have been blown down by the strong wind.

At this moment, all the soldiers on the high wall were lying on the ground. It wasn't that they didn't want to stand up, but that when they stood up, they would be blown away.There were hundreds of soldiers who fell directly from the 30-meter-high wall because they underestimated the power of the strong wind.

Wu Sanlang was quite sincere, although he himself was a little bit weak, but he still stood up and stood in front of Tong Yan.But in fact, it might not help if he did so. If he was blown down first, Tong Yan would probably have to be dragged down by him and be taken under the wall.

Reluctantly climbing up the high wall, Tong Yan didn't care about his image, he just squatted on the ground, and then looked into the distance through the gap in the wall.

With this look, he saw a few women standing on the circular wooden platform at a glance.These women are dressed in very gorgeous costumes, with masks like ghosts on their faces.There were wheels under the wooden platform where they were sitting, and soldiers were pushing them forward slowly.

These women were dancing very ugly dances on wooden platforms, and there was even a blood-red stone among them.The eye-catching red light emanates from the stone, and the red light goes straight into the sky, which is moving.

It is very strange that the sky behind the wooden platform is still clear and the breeze is gentle, only in front of the wooden platform is the strong wind, lightning and thunder.

Tong Yan has now confirmed his conjecture that it is these women who are casting spells that disturb people's minds.Being able to manipulate the wind, dark clouds and lightning, these women are indeed not simple, if they are not the soul officers of Tongtian Tower, then they must be witches.

In fact, their true identities are indeed witches, and they can also be called witches.And the title of being a master is just another name for witches in ancient times.

If he wanted to stop the storm, he had to kill these five witches, but now that he had no real energy, he had no way to fight against them.In desperation, he had no choice but to place his hopes on the concubine Yao, perhaps only she had the ability to get rid of those dead witches who were causing trouble in a short time.

"Yaofei, are you there? Is there a way to help me kill the five women on the high platform in the distance?"

Soon Yaofei's voice rang in his ears, "Your Highness, although I really want to help you, but...but I can't get close at all. Did you see the red stone on the wooden platform? That's The holy stone is the nemesis of elves like me. I am afraid that I will die before I get close to them. I am really sorry, please forgive me!"

Although Tong Yan was a little disappointed by Yaofei's words, he also developed a strong interest in the holy stone.He still hasn't figured out why he came here, but he understands that this place doesn't really belong to him.He still has a lot of things to do, he still needs to take back the Sly Sect, he still needs to revive the Demon Sect, he still needs to get rid of the Crown Prince and Nangong Yun, and he still needs to...

In short, he had to get out of here no matter what.As long as there is a glimmer of hope, he will not give up.

"Yaofei, it's okay, I'll think of other ways!" After saying this, Tong Yan began to plan.

Although these witches can make waves, it doesn't mean they have absolute power.

That being the case, maybe there is no need for the concubine Yao to take action, as long as he sends out a brave and skilled team, maybe these witches can be eliminated.

As long as the witch is dead, the army of Feilong Kingdom may not be able to easily cross the Xisha Pass.

Tong Yan thought for a while, and finally decided resolutely to lead the team to assassinate those hateful witches.

Although it was very risky to do so, he couldn't refuse the holy stone in Yaofei's mouth.He had to find out for himself, he had to leave the Extermination Realm!So no matter what price he pays, he can't shrink back, he can only go forward bravely!

(End of this chapter)

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