
Chapter 556 Swear to Kill the Witch, Immortal and Never Return!

Chapter 556 Swear to Kill the Witch, Immortal and Never Return!
After making up his mind, Tong Yan immediately turned his head and said to Wu Sanlang: "General Wu, help me find ten strong soldiers immediately, let them take off their armor and go into battle lightly. By the way, remember to bring the rope. When you are ready, Just let me know!"

Wu Sanlang was taken aback when he heard this, and hurriedly responded loudly: "Yes, the last general obeys orders!" After saying this, he turned around and carefully stepped down the high wall.

Among the hundreds of cavalrymen who came from the imperial city with Tong Yan this time, there are many people with high martial arts skills. It is not difficult to gather such an elite squad.

Tong Yan then ordered the soldiers on the side to call the general. He had to explain everything to the general. If he really never returned, the heavy responsibility of guarding the frontier would fall to the general.

Nightingale, who was squatting next to Tong Yan, seemed to have sensed something, so she asked, "What are you going to do?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "I'm going to assassinate a few people, so don't follow me. Stay here!"

Upon hearing this, Nightingale couldn't help but sneered. "Why? Look down on me? Let me tell you, you may not be better than me in killing people. Also, as I said, I will stay by your side for a moment. It's not that easy to get rid of me!"

Tong Yan laughed and said: "You said this, then go with me later. If there is danger, I hope you can protect yourself. Remember?"

"Stop talking nonsense, I'm not your subordinate, you have no right to order me. My life and death has nothing to do with you, just take care of yourself."

Tong Yan didn't say anything more, but actually, why didn't he want this Nightingale to go with him?This Nightingale is from the Tongtian Tower, so she is naturally capable. With her by her side, she is more secure.As for whether the concubine Yao will follow or not, let her make her own decision.

As the witch's wooden platform got closer to the high wall, the strong wind became more and more violent.If this continues, the high wall of Xishaguan may not be able to hold.If the army of the Feilong Kingdom breaks through the pass, the consequences will be disastrous.The [-] reinforcements transferred from Hukou Pass have not yet arrived, and this is not the time to fight head-on, so this Xisha Pass must not be lost, even if it is the last soldier in the battle, we must persevere.

Not long after, the general climbed to Tong Yan's side with difficulty.

"Your Highness, this place is so dangerous, you... why are you still here?"

Tong Yan heard this, and hurriedly replied: "General, now is not the time to talk about these things. I will lead a dozen elite soldiers to attack the enemy in a sneak attack. There are a few things that I must tell you."

Hearing this, the general's expression changed drastically. "Your Highness, are you crazy? With more than a dozen people, you are going to sneak attack the enemy? Isn't that a suicide attempt? No, I don't agree!"

Tong Yan already knew that he would say this, but the situation was urgent, and he couldn't care less.

"General, I asked you to come here, not to listen to your opinion, but to give you orders. Listen to me, I will go here, but it doesn't mean there is no chance. If I really can't come back Come, the safety of Xishaguan and Zhao Kingdom will be entrusted to you. Don’t worry, I will definitely stop this storm. As long as you lead the defenders and hold on, the army of Feilong Kingdom will be fine with you. As long as the reinforcements arrive, At that time, you will have the capital to compete head-on with the enemy. At that time, I hope you can defeat the army of the Feilong Kingdom as soon as possible, and then return to the imperial city to fight to the death with the army of the Northern Yan Kingdom. Do you understand? The order issued to you in the name of Lord Zhao Guoxin, I hope you will not let me down, the people of Zhao Guo depend on you!"

What Tong Yan said was absolute, he gave the order as the Emperor of Zhao.The sacred order is hard to violate, the general understands this truth in his heart.

He knew that the reason why Tong Yan went into danger alone was to prevent this "natural disaster". For such a fearless, courageous and resourceful new king, what reason would he have to refuse?

"Your Majesty, the old minister takes orders!"

Tong Yan smiled in satisfaction, and then hurriedly took off the golden armor on his body.The soft gold armor was worn next to his body, so it was equivalent to saying that he had worn two armors before.Now that the outer layer has been removed, he still has a soft gold armor for self-defense.After removing the heavy armor on his body, Tong Yan tied the long sword behind his back with a belt.

Just at this time, Wu Sanlang also climbed up to the high wall with ten men in black suits.

With everything ready, Tong Yan's assault finally started.

It is very difficult to rush over from the front, the strong wind is enough to blow them away.So if you want to get rid of those hateful witches, you have to go around behind them, and in this way, you have to face the danger of being surrounded.

Now there is no other way, he can only bite the bullet.

Leading ten elite soldiers together with Wu Sanlang and Nightingale, a group of 13 immediately crawled towards the distance of the high wall.Jumping off the high wall with a rope from a place where the wind is weak, and then launching a surprise attack from the side of those witches, this is the whole plan.

But whether it will be successful or not, who knows?

After tying the rope, more than a dozen people descended the high wall one by one along the rope.After everyone landed on the ground, Tong Yan took the lead and ran ahead.

The others followed closely behind, not daring to delay for a moment.

Although there is an open space under the high wall, there will be a few grass fields from time to time.Although the grass in the meadow is dry, it is one meter high.This is the best bunker for Tong Yan and the others. If they can make good use of these grasslands, their chances of success in this operation will increase a lot.

The enemy army was getting closer and closer, not to mention the ten soldiers, even Tong Yan was very nervous.

1000 meters... 500 meters... 300 meters... 100 meters... The soldiers of Feilong Kingdom behind the wooden platform still didn't find Tong Yan and the others.

Maybe they didn't expect someone to come to assassinate, only a fool would do that.But is Tong Yan stupid?Obviously not, he was just too brave.

From the grassland where Tong Yan and the others hid all the way to the wooden platform, there is no barrier in between.And this means that the next 100 meters will be the key to the success of this raid.

Tong Yan pulled out the long sword on his back, and then said solemnly: "Soldiers, we have only one purpose for this trip, and that is to kill the witches on the wooden platform. Now the opportunity has come, Even if you die, you must complete the task! Soldiers are proud to die in battle, but I hope you can all survive. If anyone dies in battle, your family members will be well taken care of, and your names will be engraved On the tombstone of the martyrs of the Zhao Kingdom, they will last forever and be admired by people! Now, I give an order to slay the witch, so that she will never die and never return! Let’s go!"

As soon as the words fell, he was the first to rush out of the grass, holding a long sword and fearlessly slaying towards the wooden platform...

"The wind is rustling, the water is cold, and the strong man will never return once he is gone. When he explores the tiger's den, he enters the Jiao Palace, and when he looks up to the sky, he becomes a white rainbow."

(End of this chapter)

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