
Chapter 557 Rush to the high platform, kings duel!

Chapter 557 Rush to the high platform, kings duel!
If His Royal Highness is like this, why don't the fighters behind him fight bravely?

More than a dozen people rushed to the wooden platform with fearless faces. Although they were facing [-] strong soldiers, they only had one belief in their hearts, that is to kill the witch and resolve the danger of Xisha Pass.

At this moment, they all turned into gods of war. At this moment, they are already heroes.As for the result, leave it to heaven!

The enemy soldiers under the wooden platform were still lowering their heads and pushing hard, but the soldiers behind them found Tong Yan and the others.

Then, someone shouted loudly: "Soldiers from the State of Zhao are coming to make a surprise attack, everyone get ready!"

As soon as the sound came out, the soldiers of Feilong Kingdom who were walking in front showed their weapons one after another, and charged towards Tong Yan and the others without any hesitation.

Seeing this, Tong Yan immediately shouted loudly: "Don't be obsessed with fighting, don't forget our goal!" With his reminder, the soldiers behind continued to rush towards the wooden platform.

But before they got close, soldiers from Feilong Kingdom blocked their way.

Tong Yan snorted coldly, and said loudly again: "Follow me to kill together, gods block and kill gods, Buddhas block and kill Buddhas!" As soon as he finished speaking, he slashed down with his sword, and the hapless enemy soldiers had not yet had time Get ready, Tong Yan splits his head with a sword.

He set an example, and the morale of more than a dozen people behind him soared, and they fought bloody battles with the enemy soldiers standing in front of him.

Tong Yan and Nightingale moved forward all the way, and killed anyone who blocked them.Fortunately, the soldiers at the front of the line were all mediocre, and Tong Yan could kill a man with at most three swords.

But Nightingale was sharper than Tong Yan. What she used was a long whip with a short sword tied to the head of the whip.Just like a rope dart, it is very sharp.

The two rushed forward, Wu Sanlang and the remaining ten fighters were cut off from the rear, and fought forward with all their strength, the distance from the wooden platform was less than ten meters.

This wooden platform is more than 20 meters high, and there are witches on it. If you want to completely overthrow the wooden platform, unless you are a barbarian as powerful as a cow, ordinary people cannot do it at all.It is not an easy task to destroy the shelf of the wooden platform.In this way, there is only one way to kill these witches, and that is to climb up the wooden platform.

Fortunately, the enemy's archers haven't arrived yet, so it should be safe to climb onto the wooden platform before they arrive.

Tong Yan jumped up high, cut the necks of the two soldiers in front of him with a sword, and after a few long strides, he came to the wooden platform.

Without any hesitation, he held the sword in one hand and grabbed the beam under the wooden platform with the other, exerting strength on his feet, he quickly climbed up.His intention was very obvious, that is to deal with the witches on the wooden platform.

No matter how stupid the enemy soldiers around him were, they could react now.It is true that they do not have bows and arrows in their hands, but they have spears.

All I saw were a few tall and mighty soldiers throwing their spears straight at Tong Yan like arrows flying from the string.

Tong Yan noticed this, and hurriedly kicked his legs continuously. After a few kicks, although he barely kicked the spear flying away, his feet were also severely injured by the continuous kicks.

At this moment, as long as you don't die, you have to fight hard.Tong Yan gritted his teeth and continued to climb regardless of these.

But just after climbing to a height of more than ten meters, more spears came roaring.

It is basically impossible to avoid so many spears.Tong Yan simply gritted his teeth and ignored it.He was clad in soft gold armor, and so long as the lance kept his head and legs out of the way, he was safe.

But there happened to be such a spear with eyes that went straight into his ass.

Although there is the most flesh on the buttocks, Tong Yan still suffers from the deep pricking.He pulled out the spear that stabbed him, and continued to climb up desperately.

And just when he was less than two meters away from the high platform, a golden arrow suddenly shot from behind the enemy army.

This arrow is extremely fast, like lightning.All Tong Yan's attention was on climbing, and he was immediately shot by the golden arrow.

Hearing a "poof", Tong Yan couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.It never occurred to him that something could penetrate the soft gold armor on his body.

Looking down at the bloody arrow protruding from his ribs, Tong Yan suddenly understood.The arrow head of this arrow is actually made of Geng gold, the Geng metal Yang is made of gold, silver, copper and iron, which is made of the sun.Only by making it with Dinghuo can it be made into a weapon.If you see Binghuo, you will never meet it when you meet it.

It can be said that Gengjin is the toughest and sharpest metal among metals.Ordinary weapons, like adding a little Gengjin, can cut iron like mud and break hair.If Gengjin can be added to the magic weapon, it will have the ability to indestruct everything.

Feeling the pure yang energy emanating from the arrow, Tong Yan can be sure that he is not mistaken.If it is Geng Jin, how can a mere soft gold armor resist it?
But he is still alive, as long as he is alive, he will not give up.

Tong Yan raised his head and let out a growl. Regardless of his serious injuries, he continued to climb upwards. Finally, he successfully climbed to the high platform.

The witch on the stage was still dancing around the holy stone, when Tong Yan, whose body was covered in blood with a sword, came up, she screamed in fright.When they called out, it meant they stopped casting spells.

The gust of wind and dark clouds and lightning in front of them slowly dissipated immediately after they stopped casting spells.

Tong Yan guessed correctly, these witches were indeed the culprits.Now is the time to kill them.

But unexpectedly, these witches knelt down and begged for mercy.

"The strong man spares his life. We are following orders and have no intention of harming others. Please let the strong man spare us. We will never dare to make trouble here again."

Listening to the voice, these witches seemed to be young, and praying so much, Tong Yan really felt compassion for a while.

The word witch is just a general term and has nothing to do with age.Some little girls are born witches, not only old women are witches.

Tong Yan has a kind heart, he is not a person who likes to kill, and there are several helpless women in front of him, so he can't do anything.

But if they are not killed, who can guarantee that they will not cast spells again to harm others?

When he was in a dilemma, the holy stone in the high platform suddenly caught his attention.

"What a strong spiritual energy. Could this stone be the legendary spirit stone? If I can use it to practice, my true energy may be reunited soon!"

But what should these women do?To kill or not to kill?
Just as he was hesitating, a flying dragon quickly flew towards the high platform carrying a person, and after only a while, the flying dragon arrived on the high platform.

There is a young man sitting on Feilong's back. This young man is holding a longbow and is very heroic. Isn't it the third prince of Feilong Kingdom?

Prince vs. prince, who will be superior?

(End of this chapter)

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