
Chapter 558 The lips are dead and the teeth are cold, this trip is worthwhile!

Chapter 558 The lips are dead and the teeth are cold, this trip is worthwhile!
Seeing someone coming, Tong Yan endured the severe pain in his body, and directly grabbed a witch and put a sword on her neck.As soon as the witch was pressed against Bai Nen's neck by the blade, she couldn't help screaming.

The cry was so ear-piercing that Tong Yan's ears went numb.

"You'd better keep your mouth shut, and if you dare to yell again, I'll cut off your head."

When the witch heard this, she immediately closed her mouth obediently, but her body couldn't help shaking.

The third prince jumped directly from Feilong's back onto the high platform, then looked at Tong Yan with great interest, and then asked with a smile: "I didn't expect Zhao Guo to have such a warrior like you, this is an eye-opener for me." I don’t know if this warrior can make a deal with me? If you let them go, I will spare you! How about it?”

Hearing this, Tong Yan said coldly: "Forgive me not to die? If I was afraid of death, why would I come here? There is only one condition to save their lives, and that is to withdraw their troops and swear to me that they will never attack me again." Half an inch of Zhao's land!"

Hearing what Tong Yan said, the third prince immediately couldn't help laughing.

"This strong man, you are really arrogant. It would be a bit of a joke if you want me to let Zhao Guo go like this. Although these masters have a high status in our Feilong Kingdom, they are very good friends with Zhao Guo. However, they seem a bit insignificant. This time I am determined to win. If you really want to kill, then do it. Anyway, you don't want to leave alive. With you on the road with them, I don't think they will be too much alone."

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled contemptuously and said, "Just because you want to swallow Zhao Guo? It's just wishful thinking! Without the help of these witches, you would not be able to break through just one Xisha Pass. Don't you forget the more than 2000 flying dragon soldiers?" How did you die? I, Zhao Guo, can easily get rid of the flying dragon soldiers, and I can kill all of your [-] enemy troops. From the tone of your voice, you must not be an ordinary person. As a general, do you Do you really want to watch [-] soldiers die in vain like this?"

The third prince was a little irritated by Tong Yan's words, his lips trembled slightly, and then he said fiercely: "Zhao Guo is the weakest and least populous country among the three kingdoms in the Extinction Territory. If you want to block my [-] strong army, your words are a bit absurd." No shame. Although I don’t know how you found a way to get rid of the flying dragon soldiers, even if there are no flying dragon soldiers and masters, the iron cavalry of my flying dragon country can still level the mountains and rivers of your Zhao country. Now you are surrounded and defeated. How can you speak so bravely? I advise you to recognize the facts and catch them without a fight!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately said ruthlessly: "Arrest with nothing? Since we have come here at risk, we have already regarded death as home. Even if we fight to the last person, we will definitely make you Feilong Kingdom pay a heavy price. In addition, there is one thing you may not I know that the [-] troops stationed at Hukou Pass have also gathered at Xisha Pass. Even if our Zhao Kingdom destroys the country, we will not allow you Feilong Kingdom to gain any benefits. On the contrary, if your Feilong Kingdom and our Zhao Kingdom are both defeated, you Think about it, who will benefit in the end? Your [-] soldiers, even if they are not all the soldiers and horses of your Flying Dragon Kingdom, are probably elite troops, right? When you and our two countries fight to the death, when the time comes, will the Northern Yan Kingdom Will you let you go again? Even if I, Zhao Kingdom, are the first to perish, you, Feilong Kingdom, will not escape the same fate in the near future! The snipe and clam fight each other for the fisherman’s profit. As a general, you will not Don't you know?"

Hearing this, the third prince hesitated for a while.An hour ago, he received a letter sent by a messenger sent by Prince Zhao.The content of the letter is to propose an alliance to jointly deal with Beiyan.

In terms of the current strength of the Three Kingdoms, the Northern Yan Kingdom is the only one.Although Feilong Kingdom is stronger than Zhao Kingdom, if Zhao Kingdom perishes, Feilong Kingdom must be the next target of Beiyan Kingdom.In the past, with Zhao Guo as a restraint, Beiyan country did not dare to easily invade Feilong country.But after the Northern Yan State swallowed the fat of Zhao State, the strength of the Northern Yan State will grow unprecedentedly.At that time, how can the Feilong Kingdom be alone?How could Beiyan Kingdom let Feilong Kingdom go?
The third prince is not stupid, he really understands this truth.At this moment, he regretted it a little.In fact, he shouldn't have led his troops to really attack the Zhao country, but took this opportunity to launch a surprise attack on the empty North Yan country in the rear.

He could have been the oriole, waiting for the mantis to catch the cicada's strength to decrease, and become the final winner.But now, he fell into a passive state instead.

Seeing that he was silent, Tong Yan knew that he was lost in thought.But he can't wait too long, the arrow that pierced his ribs is still in his body, and the blood is flowing out quickly, if he doesn't think about leaving here at this time, I'm afraid he really won't be able to leave.

At this moment, a cry of killing suddenly sounded from the direction of Xisha Pass.Tong Yan raised his eyes and couldn't help but smile.

The general has led the army to open the gate and rush out.It seemed that he had already discovered himself, so he came to rescue him.Although the general's actions were somewhat reckless, Tong Yan's heart was filled with joy.Only a fool would want to die, if there is a chance to live, who would give up?
The shouts of Zhao Guo's army awakened the third prince who was thinking. He turned his head and looked at Zhao Guo's army that was rushing towards him like a herd of beasts. The last worry in his heart was finally dispelled.

That's right, he can't just die with Zhao Guo, it's too irrational.He had to admit that he underestimated the strength of Zhao Guo, otherwise, he would not have ended up in this situation.

Having made up his mind, he immediately said to Tong Yan: "You are right, we really shouldn't be enemies. We have only one enemy, and that is Beiyan Kingdom. Let go of the master who is under your sword, I will Let you go. In addition, please inform your Royal Highness. I will meet with him here at noon tomorrow. I think I have made a decision on his suggestion. I hope he can come to the appointment on time tomorrow!"

Although Tong Yan didn't know who the three princes were, he could almost conclude that this person was the commander of the Feilong Kingdom's army.

Similarly, the three princes didn't know Tong Yan's true identity, he just regarded Tong Yan as a brave warrior who was not afraid of life and death.

Tong Yan took a deep breath, and then said loudly: "Okay, then you can let your people retreat now. I will return to Xisha Pass immediately to meet His Royal Highness, I think he can't wait to meet you. "

The third prince nodded, and then shouted orders to the soldiers below: "Retreat!"

The soldiers below were puzzled when they heard this, but they could only obey the prince's order.Watching the army of Feilong Kingdom retreat slowly, watching the defenders of Xishaguan rushing quickly.

Only then did Tong Yan put down the sword in his hand, and then said with satisfaction: "In order to highlight your sincerity, I hope that I can take this holy stone away. If I guessed correctly, your master is relying on it to call the wind and rain Bar?"

The third prince did not refuse, and took the witch to ride on his huge flying dragon, and immediately flew into the distance.

Looking at the figure of the third prince leaving, Tong Yan couldn't hold on any longer, and passed out on the high platform...

(End of this chapter)

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