
Chapter 559 Extreme Yin Qi, Nearly Killed!

Chapter 559 Extreme Yin Qi, Nearly Killed!
When Tong Yan woke up, he had already returned to the temporary bedroom in Xishaguan Bingcheng.

His injuries were severe, but not fatal.But in a short period of time, he may not be able to fight the enemy again.

The dozen or so people who accompanied him on this trip to assassinate the witch all died on the battlefield except Wu Sanlang and Nightingale who were still alive.

For these most loyal and brave fighters, Tong Yan's heart is full of reverence.He fulfilled his promise, not only ordered the general to bury their bodies properly, but also ordered people to find their families and offered a large sum of money as compensation.In addition, their names are also recorded in the annals of the State of Zhao. There are only eight inscriptions.

Later, at Tong Yan's request, the holy stone was also moved to his bedroom.He decided to study the holy stone well at night, maybe it could bring him back to his true energy again.

Dragging his seriously injured body, Tong Yan got off the couch and staggered towards the holy stone.Seeing this, Nightingale, who was in a daze in the room, immediately asked in puzzlement, "What are you going to do? Why can't you rest well after suffering such a serious injury? I think you really don't want to live!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan forced a smile and said, "Are you caring about me? Don't worry, I won't die."

When Nightingale heard this, two blushes appeared on her face, and she snorted softly, "What does it matter to me whether you are dead or alive? I don't care about you anymore. I'm hungry. I'll go find something to eat."

Seeing her leave the bedroom quickly, Tong Yan couldn't help but smile wryly.

Squatting in front of the holy stone, he took a deep breath, put his hands on the holy stone, and then slowly closed his eyes.

The holy stone contains extremely powerful aura, which moves in a very regular way in the stone, somewhat similar to true qi.Tong Yan tried to absorb a little bit, but he didn't expect the spiritual energy inside to be extremely cold. As soon as it entered the meridians, he was so cold that he couldn't help shivering.

But even so, he didn't give up.As long as it is spiritual energy, it can definitely be used for cultivation.Although it was a bit painful, in order to be able to leave this extermination, he had to persevere no matter what.

Tong Yan tried his best to do a good job cross-legged, put both hands on the holy stone, and then began to practice.It's night now, and the technique he's practicing is also the Yueling Jue of Guimen. It's a pity that he has changed his body now, otherwise, he wouldn't need to practice from scratch step by step.

The cold aura slowly flowed through the meridians in his body, and Tong Yan could not help but let out a low growl every time he passed a meridian.The pain continued, and his whole body gradually sank into it, letting go of everything.

After more than two hours, he finally completed the first Sunday cycle.But if he wanted to practice again, his whole body was numb from the cold, as if he had been frozen, making it difficult to move.

He really didn't expect that instead of allowing him to condense his true energy, the practice actually froze him.Could it be that the aura in this holy stone cannot be used for cultivation?Or is it wrong for him to absorb spiritual energy in this way?
Just when he was puzzled and couldn't retract his hands, Nightingale, who was full, returned to the bedroom.

She stared at Tong Yan with pale skin and downcast eyes, and hurriedly moved him aside.

"Are you crazy? Don't tell me, you want to absorb the qi in this holy stone? This is extremely yin qi, let alone you, even the soul officer of my Tongtian Tower dare not absorb it. You do this , is to seek death, do you understand?"

Tong Yan's whole body is stiff now, his tongue is straight, and he can't speak even if he wants to respond.

Nightingale stared at him, snorted coldly, and helped him onto the bed.He thought that Nightingale would cover him with a quilt, but unexpectedly, she untied Tong Yan's clothes.

Following Nightingale's gaze, she discovered that the blood vessels on Tong Yan's chest had burst. Although they were not broken, the blood was obviously unable to continue flowing.

Nightingale rubbed her hands together, and then slapped those protruding blood veins vigorously. After slapping again and again, the frozen blood finally regained its vitality, and then began to flow vigorously.

As the blood flowed, Tong Yan couldn't help groaning, and then felt a lot better.

Seeing the bulging blood vessels disappear, Nightingale breathed a sigh of relief, and then covered Tong Yan with a quilt.

"Idiot, let me tell you, if I hadn't discovered it in time, you would have been frozen to death by the extremely dark air. Don't do stupid things next time, remember?"

Tong Yan paused for a while, and finally said reluctantly: "I...I remember, thank you...thank you!"

Nightingale didn't say anything else, she turned around and went to the chair beside the table to sit down, then closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Looking at Nightingale, Tong Yan was filled with gratitude.At this moment, he suddenly realized that this nightingale didn't seem like a bad person.Otherwise, how could she be willing to save herself?
But now he was disappointed again. He thought that the spiritual energy in the holy stone could be absorbed and transformed into true energy, but after he almost died, he denied all of this.

But in this way, it seems to become difficult to gather true energy again and leave the realm of destruction.

"What should I do? Could it be that I will never be able to leave the Extinction Realm in my life? No, it must be because I haven't found a way, and I can't just give up. There are demons and soul officials in the Extinction Realm, so they are What method did you use to cultivate? It seems that when I look back, I have to ask the concubine Yao seriously. Maybe she has a way!"

Tong Yan was thinking wildly in his heart, and unconsciously fell into a deep sleep.

As soon as it was light the next day, the general led the generals of the defenders to visit Tong Yan.

Today is a very important day, because the coach of Feilong Kingdom asked Tongyan to meet outside Xisha Pass at noon.If we can turn enemies into friends with Feilong Kingdom and jointly deal with Beiyan Kingdom, this is of course a great joy.But who knows, will the people of Feilong Country deliberately play tricks, and the driver assassinate His Royal Highness?
"Your Highness, are you awake? The last general brought some generals to visit you."

Hearing the shouting outside the door, Tong Yan slowly opened his eyes.After yesterday's ordeal, his injury didn't get better, on the contrary, it tended to get worse.But he is a person with strong willpower, as long as he is not dead, he can still talk and laugh happily and remain calm.

"I'm awake, come in!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the general and others pushed the door open and walked in.Nightingale glanced at the visitor, yawned, and left by the door.Maybe she was hungry, or she went out to wash up.

The general and others walked up to Tong Yan's couch, and immediately knelt on one knee and said, "Your Majesty, my Highness!"

Seeing this, Tong Yan gently raised his hand to signal them to get up.

After several people got up, the general immediately asked impatiently: "Your Highness, I heard from you yesterday that you are going to meet the commander of Feilong Kingdom at noon today. Do you really want to go in person? I think you are still injured, how about Let the old minister go for you!"

Tong Yan shook his head and refused: "I'll go in person, I don't think the enemy commander will set up an ambush. If he really wanted to kill me, I would have died yesterday. By the way, that..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly felt something swimming in his body.This surprising discovery surprised and delighted Tong Yan.Could it be... Could it be that his true energy has re-condensed?
(End of this chapter)

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