
Chapter 560 Gaining True Qi, Peace Talks Begin!

Chapter 560 Gaining True Qi, Peace Talks Begin!
Tong Yan suddenly closed his mouth, which puzzled the general and the others.

"Your Highness, what did you want to say just now?"

Tong Yan came back to his senses, and hurriedly said: "Go out first, and come see me in an hour!"

The general and others were even more confused, but His Royal Highness had already spoken, so they could only leave one after another.

Watching them leave the bedroom, Tong Yan hurriedly sat up cross-legged, and then put all his attention on the meridians in his body.

After a few minutes like this, a happy smile finally slowly appeared on his face.It is said that surviving a catastrophe will bring blessings, and Tong Yan perfectly interprets this point.

That's right, there was indeed a trace of true energy in his body, although it was very weak, it was real.This trace of genuine energy is really important to Tong Yan.Although it may not be possible to improve his strength too much, this is a beginning, a brand new beginning.

He has taken the most important step, which means that the holy stone is still useful, as long as he can continue to persevere, one day, his cultivation can return, and he will definitely find a way to leave the realm of destruction.

Tong Yan smiled foolishly, at this moment he forgot the pain, forgot everything, and some only left his longing for the future and the desire to return to the human world.

He used this strand of true qi to move through the meridians in his body again and again. With the healing of true qi, his injuries could heal faster.

In a blink of an eye, an hour passed, and the general and others came to the door again.

When they entered the bedroom and saw Tong Yan with a red face, they were all in a daze.An hour ago, Tong Yan's face was as pale as paper, but now he is refreshed.This also means that his injury is under control, and it may not take long for him to fully recover.

"Your Highness, you look good, how is your recovery?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "I've been hurt for a hundred days, it won't heal so quickly. But it doesn't matter, I can still meet the enemy's commander at noon!"

The general heard this and sighed softly: "Your Highness, what do you mean, you must go this time?"

Tong Yan nodded and said, "That's right, I must go! But you don't have to worry, I will definitely return safely."

Although the general was a little helpless, he could only reluctantly agree.

"By the way, Your Highness! I heard that you sent a messenger to the enemy commander yesterday, but the messenger hasn't come back yet. Could something have happened?"

Thinking of Zhang Long, Tong Yan was also uncertain now.But he still hoped that the young man he saw yesterday would not kill Zhang Long. After all, there is a saying that the two armies do not kill each other when they fight.This is the rule of the battlefield. If the people of Feilong Kingdom follow the rules, they should not kill them.

It was getting closer and closer to noon, and the military doctor changed Tong Yan's Jinchuang medicine again, and bandaged him again. Then he put on the soft gold armor pierced by arrows, and then rode on the horse and drove out of the pass. go.

In order to prevent accidents, the general specially selected a hundred brave men with high abilities from the whole army.With them protecting Tong Yan, even if he is in danger, they should be able to ensure his safe return.

Wu Sanlang was seriously injured because he went to assassinate the witch with Tong Yan yesterday, so today he is only accompanied by the master Nightingale.But without the concerns of the holy stone, maybe the concubine Yao is also secretly protecting Tong Yan.

Tong Yan didn't pay too much attention to this, because he was sure that today was just a pre-alliance peace talk, and there would be no accidents.And the young man holding a longbow and riding a flying dragon is likely to be the commander of the enemy army.

Standing in front of the huge stone gate at the Xisha Pass, the general once again ordered: "His Royal Highness, we will observe each other's movements at any time. If there is any danger, I will lead the army to meet you. You are still injured, don't Be brave, and if you find something is wrong, come back quickly. Okay?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, General, I've made a note. Xisha Pass will be handed over to you first. In addition, you should send a letter to the [-] defenders who came to Hukou Pass for reinforcements. Let Instead of rushing to Xisha Pass, they turned around and went directly to Sanshui City. If this meeting goes well, what we have to deal with next is no longer the army of Feilong Kingdom, but the [-] soldiers of Beiyan Kingdom."

The general heard this, and immediately responded loudly: "Yes, the last general obeys orders! Come, open the door, and send His Highness out!"

As soon as he gave an order, the huge stone gate was slowly opened by the soldiers.

Tong Yan raised his eyes to look behind Shimen, and then patted his horse forward.

Leaving Xisha Pass with a hundred dead men, Tong Yan didn't stop at all, and rushed straight to the agreed place.

But after a while, a small group of people from the Flying Dragon Kingdom appeared in front of them, presumably they were the ones who came to negotiate peace.

Getting a little closer, Tong Yan saw the young general riding the big red horse at a glance.This general was wearing a red armor, with a longbow on his back, and a thick-backed sword in his hand. He had a strong figure and a heroic face. He was the young man riding a flying dragon yesterday.

Tong Yan was sure that his guess was correct, this young man was indeed a special person, but he didn't know that he was still the third prince of Feilong Kingdom.

Of course the third prince also saw Tong Yan, compared to him, he was much more surprised.Tong Yan is wearing a golden battle armor, a red cloak, and a golden sword on his waist today, which can be described as majestic and heroic.With such a dress, there is no need to say more about Tong Yan's identity.But the majestic prince of Zhao Guo, the new king who is about to ascend the throne, dared to bring more than ten people to the battle to assassinate the witch. Such a crazy move made the third prince admire him. Even he, I am afraid he would not be able to do this thing.

There is a saying that heroes cherish heroes, and the third prince is also a warrior, and his favorability for the equally brave Tong Yan immediately increased greatly.

The distance between the two teams was getting closer and closer, and finally they were less than ten meters away.The two sides reined in their horses and stopped, with equal momentum and an equal share.

The third prince stared at Tong Yan for a while, then smiled wryly and said, "I really didn't expect that you are His Royal Highness the Prince of Zhao! I really admire you for being brave and resourceful."

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Your Excellency is absurd. When it comes to bravery, you and I are indistinguishable. Yesterday I rushed into the enemy line, and you, as the commander, dared to fight in person. Isn't this an act of bravery and fearlessness?" I’m very glad to meet you. We meet today. I think I must solemnly introduce myself. I’m Zhao Rui, the prince of the Zhao Kingdom, and I’m currently in command of all the soldiers and horses of the Zhao Kingdom!”

The third prince cupped his hands and said: "The third prince of Feilong Kingdom, Hong Yong, is the commander of the crusade army!"

After the two reported their identities to each other, they dismounted one after another out of courtesy.The peace talks are now officially starting!
(End of this chapter)

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