
Chapter 561 Formal alliance, generous gift!

Chapter 561 Formal alliance, generous gift!
They dismounted first, and the soldiers behind them also hurriedly dismounted.

The third prince is a casual person, because he didn't bring a tent, table and chairs, he simply sat on the ground.Tong Yan likes people who have no airs, so he also sat down in front of him.

After the two sat down, the harmonious conversation began.

"Brother Zhao, although our two armies have reconciled, what are your plans next? As far as I know, the [-] soldiers of Beiyan Kingdom should have entered the hinterland of your Zhao Kingdom. I am afraid that you will not be able to defeat Beiyan with the strength of your Zhao Kingdom alone." The country's army will be repelled?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Brother Hong said it is true that my country of Zhao does not have the strength to confront the army of Northern Yan. But you may not know that I have dispatched [-] guerrillas. Carry out ambushes and blockades along the way of the Northern Yan Kingdom. If the army of the Northern Yan Kingdom approaches our Zhao Kingdom's imperial city, I am afraid that their will and strength will be greatly consumed. By then, the army of the Northern Yan Kingdom will only be at the end of their strength , it is not impossible to defeat them. In addition, with your help from Feilong Kingdom, we will undoubtedly win this battle."

The third prince smiled and said: "It seems that Brother Zhao has already planned everything, so why not tell your thoughts. Although I, Feilong Kingdom, have allied with your Zhao Kingdom this time, if there is no benefit at all, I will not go back." So that I can make a errand to my father. Are you right?"

Tong Yan nodded and said with a smile: "Feilong Kingdom is not only a friend of my country Zhao this time, but also has a kindness to my country Zhao. How can I let you all work so hard for nothing? My plan is actually very simple. I think Brother Hong should also Guessed one or two. In these few days, I will lead the army to fight the Northern Yan Kingdom head-on. And what I need Brother Hong to do is to surprise the Wolf Day of the Northern Yan Kingdom while I am fighting with the Northern Yan Kingdom City, Langri City is the second largest city in the Northern Yan Kingdom. I think you will make a lot of money by going to raid. The army of the Northern Yan Kingdom is confronting my Zhao Kingdom. In this way, I am confident that I can swallow the remaining army of the Northern Yan Kingdom. At that time, the Northern Yan Kingdom will not only be as simple as losing troops and losing generals. You Feilong Kingdom can also invade and occupy the Northern Yan Kingdom at this time. Part of the territory is by no means less rewarding than entering our country of Zhao. Such a plan can kill two birds with one stone, brother Hong, what do you think?"

Tong Yan's suggestion coincided with the third prince's idea. Now that the rear of Beiyan Kingdom is empty, it is the best time for a surprise attack.But he was still a little puzzled, so he asked Tong Yan: "Brother Zhao, it is of course a good strategy to attack Beiyan Kingdom by surprise. Can you tell me why the chosen target is Wolf Sun City? Wolf Sun City I'm already in the hinterland of Beiyan Kingdom, I'm afraid the risk is greater, right?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan laughed and said, "Brother Hong, as the saying goes, how can you get a tiger cub if you don't enter the tiger's den? Even if you eat all the small towns on the border between Beiyan Kingdom and your Feilong Kingdom, how much will you get in return? If you Being able to lead people to loot Wolf Sun City, with such military exploits, I am afraid that your father will also look at you with admiration? You are the third prince, don’t you want to sit on the throne? Now is the best time, if you miss it, I’m afraid You will never be able to stand up again. Of course, if you don’t value the throne, then go and swallow those small cities. Even if they are small cities, I don’t think Beiyan Kingdom will sit idly by. In other words, there is not much difference."

Hearing this, the third prince nodded with a smile and said, "Thank you, Brother Zhao, for thinking about me. I have decided to send troops to Langri City. It will take at least five days to go to Langri City from here. Please, Brother Zhao, set a time. I wish I could respond in time."

Tong Yan had thought about it a long time ago, so he immediately said: "Seven days later! Seven days later, I will confront the army of the Northern Yan Kingdom head-on, and that is the best time for your surprise attack on Wolf Sun City!"

"Okay, then let's make a decision like this. There is no basis for talking, so please ask Brother Zhao to write a covenant. In this way, when my father and king blame me, I can also have something to say."

The third prince was really sincere this time, he specially asked his subordinates to bring pen, ink and rice paper before leaving.Tong Yan took the pen and paper and immediately started writing on the ground.In the end, the two of them bit their fingertips and pressed their fingerprints, and the alliance between Zhao Guo and Feilong Kingdom was signed!

"Brother Hong, if the green mountains don't change, the green waters will flow forever. We will meet later! I may have to trouble Brother Hong even more. If Brother Hong has any difficulties, you can also send someone to communicate with me. Although what you and I signed today is a covenant , but you friend, I have made a deal today!"

The third prince laughed loudly and said: "I also have the same intention, brother Zhao, we will meet later!"

The two bowed to each other, and then rode their horses back to their own places.

Tong Yan was really relieved that the danger of Xishaguan was resolved so smoothly.Fortunately, the third prince of Feilong Kingdom is not an ordinary person. If he encounters a confused commander, this war might last for a long time.

Back at the Bingcheng in Xishaguan, Tong Yan specially summoned all the generals and informed everyone about the covenant with the third prince.As for the content inside, he just said a few words to the general, to prevent spies from the Northern Yan Kingdom, he had to be more cautious.

Another thing to be thankful for is that Zhang Long did not die, but was imprisoned.After the third prince returned to the barracks, he released him and asked him to bring a small gift for Tong Yan.

The small gift from the third prince was packed in a very delicate box. After opening it, Tong Yan discovered that it turned out to be a small blue ball.He could feel the powerful aura emanating from this small ball, the aura contained in just such a small ball was almost stronger than the aura contained in that large piece of holy stone.

Tong Yan didn't know why the third prince gave him such a small ball, but this small ball was priceless to him now.He desperately hopes to recover his true energy quickly, and this small ball is of great help to him.

Tong Yan fiddled with this small blue ball, which was only the size of an egg, and the desire to absorb the spiritual energy inside inevitably arose in his heart.But he didn't dare to absorb it hastily. If he was almost frozen to death like last night, then the gain would outweigh the loss.

It just so happened that Nightingale came in with a plate of chicken legs. Seeing this, Tong Yan hurriedly asked, "Ninginging, can you do me a favor? Look, this is a gift from the third prince of Feilong Kingdom. This gift What is it for? Do you know?"

Nightingale put down the plate containing the chicken legs, picked up one from it, and took a bite ruthlessly, regardless of its appearance.While eating, she looked into Tong Yan's hands.

Unexpectedly, upon seeing this, her eyes suddenly widened. With a "grunt", she didn't have time to chew slowly, and directly swallowed the chicken leg meat in her mouth, and then said in shock: "Soul Orb! This is a Soul Orb, how could the third prince of Feilong Kingdom have this? And And gave it to you?"

Judging by Nightingale's tone, this soul orb is definitely not that simple.Could it be that there is some magical power in it?If this is the case, how can it change Tongyan?Will it help him leave the Extinct Realm?
(End of this chapter)

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