
Chapter 562 Sending gifts to beautiful women, the correct way!

Chapter 562 Sending gifts to beautiful women, the correct way!

Upon hearing this, Tong Yan immediately asked in puzzlement, "What is a soul orb? Can you tell me more about it?"

Nightingale put down the chicken leg in her hand, and said solemnly: "The soul orb is the most mysterious thing in this world, and there is no one who does not desire to have it. The third prince of the Feilong Kingdom can give you such a precious thing, see Later, he did treat you as a close friend. When talking about soul beads, you have to mention the soul officer of Tongtian Tower. Do you know why the soul officer has this name?"

Tong Yan shook his head, expressing his ignorance.

Nightingale continued: "The ability of the soul officer is not a gift from heaven, but learned from the soul orb. The color of the soul orb is different, and the ability contained is also different. For example, yours is blue, it should contain The power of water. If you can comprehend the mystery of it, you can manipulate water. After your ability improves again, you can also manipulate ice and cold air. In short, soul orbs are the only way to become a soul official. Without soul orbs, There is no hope of being promoted to a soul officer in this life!"

When Tong Yan heard this, he probably understood what a soul orb was.To put it simply, this bead contains one of the powers of the five elements.As long as the holder can comprehend and absorb it, he will be able to obtain the corresponding soul power, which is a certain kind of power of the five elements.And Nightingale's last words were actually her own helplessness.Since she failed to be promoted to a soul officer, it was probably because she didn't get a soul orb.

Remembering that she had saved his life, Tong Yan's brain suddenly became hot, and he said directly: "Nightingale, this is for you. I think you should want it very much, right?"

As soon as the words came out, Nightingale couldn't help trembling all over, and then said in disbelief: "You... what are you talking about? You want to give it to me? Do you know how precious it is? The soul officers in the entire Extinction Realm are no more than A few hundred people means that there are only a few hundred soul orbs, if you give it to me, are you out of your mind?"

Hearing what Nightingale said, he unexpectedly thought of Tan Yu who also spoke straightforwardly.On Yeying's body, she seemed to see Tan Yu's shadow, and her yearning flooded unconsciously.

He stood up slowly, and walked towards Nightingale step by step.Nightingale stared at him blankly, a little at a loss and a little panicked.

He wanted to take Nightingale into his arms and talk to comfort his missing Tan Yu, but he didn't do so until the end because the person in front of him was not Tan Yu.

"Take it, I think you want it more than I do, don't you?"

Facing Tong Yan's gentleness, Nightingale was a little fanciful and flattered for a while.Encouraged by Tong Yan, she finally took the soul orb, then solemnly knelt on one knee and said, "Thank you for giving me the soul orb. From this moment on, I, Nightingale, is yours. I will do my best Protect you, I will always be by your side!"

Tong Yan smiled slightly: "Take it and study it. Later, I may really need you to do something."

"Later? Let me..." She didn't say the last two words, but lowered her head shyly.

In her impression, any high-ranking official would have some fun at night, such as having a maid serve her bed, such as letting a beautiful woman warm her bed.If Tong Yan made such a request, would she refuse?She didn't know herself, maybe she would, maybe she wouldn't.

But she obviously misunderstood Tong Yan. Although Tong Yan sometimes does frivolous things, he is not a womanizer.If he is lustful, the concubine Yao is probably more suitable to warm his bed, the temptation of Yaomei is much more than that of ordinary beautiful women.

Sitting on the couch, Tong Yan healed himself with what little zhenqi he had. He stayed here for three days, and when he was sure that the Feilong Kingdom's army would retreat from here, he would lead his troops to Sanshui City.After the [-] troops gathered there, he will start to deal with the [-] soldiers of the Northern Yan Kingdom.

So he decided to try his best to increase his true energy and recover from his injuries during these three days.

The night came soon, Tong Yan simply ate some, and asked Nightingale to help him.

In the bedroom, Tong Yan was sitting on the bed, while Nightingale stood aside in a daze.

"What... do you want me to do? It's... to help you take off your clothes like those maids, and then... and then..."

Tong Yan felt a little baffled, so he asked with a smile: "I haven't said yet, how do you know what I asked you to do? What I want you to help me with is that I will try to absorb the spiritual energy in this holy stone later." .If I am frozen again, I hope you can save me with yesterday's method. Can you?"

Upon hearing this, Nightingale breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Don't worry, I will guard you. But why do you want to absorb the extreme Yin energy in this holy stone? Oh, no, you call it spiritual energy." .Why are you absorbing it? Does it work for you?"

Tong Yan nodded and said, "That's right, I know a method of cultivation. The only way to cultivate is to absorb the aura in it. So, in case of accidents, I hope you can help me."

"Do you practice exercises? It's amazing that you can still practice."

Tong Yan smiled slightly: "If you want to learn, I can teach you too. But if you are frozen like me, would you mind if I take off your clothes to save you?"

At the thought of taking off her shirt to promote blood circulation and remove stasis, Nightingale's face turned red all of a sudden.

"Forget it, I have already received the soul orb you rewarded, as long as I study hard, I will definitely become a soul officer."

Tong Yan chuckled, then stood up and walked towards the holy stone in the house step by step.

Having had the previous experience, Tong Yan sat cross-legged in front of the holy stone, pressed his hands on the holy stone, and an endless stream of extremely yin energy immediately surged from his palms to the meridians in his body.

It may be that the meridians have adapted to the extreme yin qi to a certain extent, so the absorption this time is not as painful as imagined.But the accumulation made more, but after a long time, he was frozen again.

Seeing that his face was pale and trembling, Nightingale hurriedly dragged him aside and spread the cup on the couch on the floor so that he could lie down smoothly.

After some patting, the painful chill finally gradually disappeared.Tong Yan also seemed to have experienced a baptism, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

The next morning, after Tong Yan woke up, he began to practice.It is gratifying that the true energy in his body has finally increased a little.In this way, it can be confirmed that this method of cultivation is effective.

As long as he continues to persevere, maybe it won't take long before his cultivation can be improved even more.At that time, what are the savages in Beiyan Kingdom?What is the soul officer of Tongtian Tower?In this world, he can go wherever he wants, no one can stop him!
(End of this chapter)

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