
Chapter 563: He's the one who joins forces!

Chapter 563 Soldiers join together, it must be him!

Originally, Tong Yan only practiced at night, but considering the time constraints, he decided to practice during the day as well.In the next two days, he told the general that he needed to calmly analyze the battle situation.If it's not something urgent, don't bother him.

His Royal Highness has an order, and the general naturally dare not disobey.

In this way, the crazy sprint began.

Nightingale would immediately revitalize his blood after absorbing the extreme yin energy in pain time and time again.In this way, the day of the army's departure finally arrived.

After three days of practicing day and night, the true energy in Tong Yan's body has been significantly improved.With the help of Zhen Qi, the injuries on his body healed a lot.

After receiving the letter from Wang Hu and Meng Ke in front of them, the army of the Northern Yan Kingdom has now invaded Jiuxiao City, which is [-] miles north of Yong'an City.

Every time these beasts invaded a city, they destroyed a city.Burning, killing, looting, all kinds of evil, even the elderly and children are not spared.Refugees from various cities in the north fled to Yong'an City and the cities near Yong'an City, but because most of the money and food were used for military purposes, the country and treasury are now empty, and many refugees died on the way, and some died of starvation and freezing.The death toll has expanded to tens of thousands. If this continues, half of the Zhao country will be destroyed in the smoke.

Although the guerrillas often harassed and ambushed, but because the enemy was too concentrated and the consumption was limited along the way, they were still unable to deal an effective blow to the enemy.

Tong Yan had planned for the worst before going on the expedition, but he didn't expect the situation to develop to this extent.It is no longer possible to count on those beasts of the Northern Yan Kingdom to be merciful. Only by ending the war with war can the people be saved, and this catastrophe of devastation can be quelled.

This made Tong Yan unconsciously think of the ten years of catastrophe that Master Yuxiao said back then. Counting the time, the period of ten years of catastrophe is getting closer and closer.After the crisis of the Zhao country is resolved, he must leave here quickly.He must return to the world before the ten-year catastrophe, and he must rescue Xue'er before the ten-year catastrophe.

But now, what he should do most is to go to Sanshui City, join up with the [-] troops there, and then go to Yong'an City together.Yong'an City must not be lost again. It is not only the capital of Zhao State, but also the shelter of thousands of people.If it is also lost there, it will also mean that tens of thousands of people will face danger to their lives.

With two thousand defenders left behind, Tong Yan led the army and marched towards Sanshui City.On the way, Tong Yan specially sent a letter to the fifth princess who was far away in the imperial city.

The general content of the letter is to ask her to stabilize the emotions of the people in Yong'an City and the surrounding cities, resettle the refugees as much as possible, and let them have enough food.In addition, there is another thing that is extremely important, and that is to prevent the plague that may break out at any time.

The more people died, the more likely it was that a plague would break out.This is forensics and must be guarded against.War is terrible, and the plague caused by war is even more terrible.

He had already neglected to protect the people in the northern city, so this time, he could not miscalculate again.

Riding on tall horses, the troops moved forward slowly.Because not all of them are cavalry, and quite a few are infantry.In order to take care of the infantry, those on horseback could only slow down, so as not to stretch the team too long.

While riding the horse, Nightingale played with the soul orb Tong Yan gave her.She is very interested in this soul orb, and she fiddled with it all the way.

Originally, if the horse rode forward with all its strength, it would take less than twenty hours.But because of the infantry, the speed of this march was more than doubled.

Both horses and people need to rest. After night fell, Tong Yan ordered the army to set up camp and set off after dawn.

In the big tent, Tong Yan once again began to absorb the extremely yin energy in the holy stone.He is not willing to let go of any time, and improving his cultivation is the most important thing right now.

Just stop and go like this, after more than three days of tossing, the army finally arrived at Sanshui City.

Tong Yan once again admired Huo Tian, ​​the prefect of Sanshui City, even though Sanshui City is small, but he took good care of the army who arrived here.

Tong Yan didn't tell him anything in advance, but he still pitched the tent first and built dozens of pots and stoves.

As soon as the army arrived, they drank hot porridge and ate white flour steamed buns.

If every prefect of the city had the foresight like Huo Tian, ​​then he, the prince, would not have to worry so much.

In the prefect's mansion, Huo Tian prepared a large table of dishes.Tong Yan needed to get acquainted with the general who led the troops from Hukou Pass, so he chose the prefect's mansion as the meeting place.

After Tong Yan took his seat, the other generals also took their seats.

After scanning the crowd, Tong Yan spoke. "You are all the pillars of our country of Zhao. It is not a joyful thing for us to gather together today. Why do you say that? Because there is going to be a war! What does a war mean? It means that the people suffer, it means that the lives of the people are devastated. However, How can we enjoy peace when the enemy's country is destroyed and Zhao's heart is not dead? I don't want to kill, but the enemy deceives people too much and violates my territory and kills my people. How can I ignore it? Now, the army of the Northern Yan Kingdom has invaded Nine Clouds City, the next goal is Yong'an City. If Yong'an City falls again, at least [-] people will face annihilation. These people are our relatives and compatriots. We can't tolerate it any longer, we The enemies of the future must be completely slaughtered. Only by letting them fear us, and only by letting them experience the feeling of their wives and children breaking up and their families being destroyed, can they understand the truth that harming others will eventually harm themselves. I don’t want to say more, each of you There is a bowl of wine in front of everyone, drink up the wine, and we will set off for Yong'an City tomorrow. We must not let the enemy step into Yong'an City, and we must not allow the tragedy to continue. None of these beasts from the Northern Yan Kingdom can stay. I want them to remember this lesson forever, and I want them to know that there is only one end for those who violate Zhao Guo, and that is death! Come on, do it, for Zhao Guo, for the sake of the world!"

What Tong Yan said made everyone's blood boil, although such words are more suitable for pre-war mobilization.But these generals heard it, and they would pass on the original words to the soldiers below.Tong Yan said that the prince fought side by side with them, which was worth a thousand words.

While drinking with the generals, Tong Yan asked them about the situation of the troops and what they were good at.After he understood everything, the dinner was over.

Watching the generals leave the prefect's mansion, he specifically stopped Huo Tian, ​​because he had a very important matter that Huo Tian needed to do.

What is it?

(End of this chapter)

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