
Chapter 564 One step late, wildlings attack the city!

Chapter 564 One step too late, wildlings attack the city!

"Your Highness, do you have anything to say?"

Tong Yan nodded and said, "That's right, I have a very important thing for you to do!"

Hearing this, Huo Tian hurriedly knelt down on his knees and said: "Your Highness, just give me orders, you are kind to this official, and I will be ashamed of you, and I will not hesitate to say anything!"

Tong Yan corrected his words, and said directly: "You are wrong, it is not because I am kind to you that you can make a fool of me. What I asked you to do is for the country of Zhao, not for me."

Huo Tian immediately bowed his head and said, "Your Highness is right to criticize, please give me instructions directly! I will promise to finish it!"

Tong Yan smiled with satisfaction, and then said truthfully: "Sanshui City is a good place. Although it is not big, the people in the city are very rich. The most important thing is that the trade here is constant, which shows that you have managed it well. It is a small city. The ability to have such a prosperous scene is inseparable from the talents of the ruler. It would be a bit condescending to leave such a powerful person like you in such a small place. Therefore, I want you to represent me and do some big business How about it, are you interested?"

"Big deal? Your Highness, can you elaborate a bit more?"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "What do you think the country of Zhao lacks the most?"

Huo Tian thought about it carefully, and then replied: "Now is the time of war and chaos. Not only are the houses of the refugees destroyed, but the fertile land may not be able to be cultivated as scheduled. If I guess correctly, what is most lacking now is food!"

Tong Yan nodded and smiled and said, "You're right. The most lacking thing now is food. The food in the north has been robbed and burned. Seeing that winter is coming, those refugees not only have to survive the winter, but also Survive the spring and summer. It means that they have nothing to eat in three seasons of the year. It is no exaggeration to say that food is basically equal to life! Although the people in the south have not been affected by the war, but like your Sanshui city There shouldn’t be many such wealthy cities. It’s a drop in the bucket to count on collecting food from the people in the south to help the refugees in the north. So, I hope you go to Feilong Kingdom and Beiyan Kingdom. With different identities, Go buy their food. Of course, you can also take the things that our Zhao country is rich in and return them to them. When you get the food, you can transport it back to the country through the West and Shaguan, and hoard it. When the war comes, distribute it to the refugees to help them overcome obstacles."

What Tong Yan proposed was actually cross-border trade. If the country cannot be self-sufficient, then it should look further.Although the three countries are now at war, this does not affect the circulation of merchants. As long as the goal can be achieved, why bother to stick to those details.

In order to save the refugees as much as possible, any method needs to be tried.

Huo Tian thought for a while, and then asked: "Your Highness, what is my capital?"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Your biggest capital is me, and I will support you behind the scenes. Not only can you buy food from Feilong Kingdom and Beiyan Kingdom, but you can also provide them with a channel to let them come to us to do food. Business. As for how you will discuss with them, that is your business. As for how much money you need to bring, it is up to you. I have no money now, and I have nothing to give you. But don’t worry, it’s up to you If you do well, I will never treat you badly. Also, this is a war without gunpowder, and I hope you will not let me down."

Tong Yan is actually a bit embarrassing. There is a saying that it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.Give Huo Tian nothing, but let Huo Tian buy food from other countries, even if Huo Tian is a genius, I'm afraid he can't do it.

Huo Tian fell into thinking again. After more than ten minutes, he seemed to have thought of something, and then asked: "Your Highness, there is a quenching volcano beside Shaguan in the west. There are many beautiful stones in the belly of the mountain. Whether it is the high-ranking officials and nobles of Feilong Kingdom or Beiyan Kingdom, they all love such stones. I want to send people to mine, prepare a full cart, take this cart of stones, and then set off. What do you think? May I?"

Tong Yan nodded and said: "No problem, I promise you. It is not too late. I will lead the army to Yong'an City tomorrow, so you can start to do this. In addition, report your progress to me at any time. Then By the way, help me take a good walk in these two countries, and tell me if there is any special place."

Hearing this, Huo Tian immediately responded loudly: "Yes, I will fulfill my mission!"

With Huo Tian going to buy grain from other countries, Tong Yan still has some confidence in his heart.This guy is not only smart, but also has made a lot of achievements in management and trade. He is the perfect candidate.

No matter what kind of battle is fought, in the final analysis, it is actually fighting for money.And in ancient times, what was money?The main embodiment of money is food.People have to eat, so why fight if they don't have the strength?Therefore, as long as Zhao State can control the economy of the entire Extinction Territory, the weakest Zhao State can rise rapidly, and finally become the most powerful country among the three countries.At that time, neither the Feilong Kingdom nor the Beiyan Kingdom will be a threat to the Zhao Kingdom anymore.Only when others are jealous of you and afraid of you, will they not dare to fight against you, and can there be real peace.

Back in the room prepared by Huo Tian, ​​Tong Yan did not rest, but was protected by Nightingale, and he started to practice again.

As soon as it was light the next day, Tong Yan led an army of [-] and set off towards Yong'an City.

At the same time as they set off, the army of the Northern Yan Kingdom also came out in full force, and also marched towards Yong'an City.

This is a race against time, but also a race for victory.Whether it is the coach of Beiyan Kingdom or Tong Yan, they all know how important the strategic significance of Yong'an City is.In order to prevent accidents, Tong Yan decided to rush to Yong'an City with a few thousand cavalry.And Fei Ge sent a letter to Wang Hu and Meng Ke, asking them to bring the guerrillas to support Yong'an City.

The five princesses who were in charge of Yong'an City also dispatched all the Imperial Forest Army to guard the city wall, swearing to the death that the army from the Northern Yan Kingdom would not step into Yong'an City.

But an accident still happened, and the army of Beiyan Kingdom sent out their savage army.These beast-like savages ran faster than horses. They were ferocious and roaring, and they arrived outside Yong'an City one step ahead of Wang Hu and the others.

There are only a few more than 2000 defenders guarding Yong'an City, and many of them have never been on the battlefield.Facing the army of savages who were as strong as cattle and covered in armor, they couldn't help trembling, how could they have the courage to fight.

These savages all carried huge axes in their hands, and as soon as they arrived outside the city, they slammed into the city gate fiercely.The huge city gate was finally shattered under the repeated collisions of the savage army.But the defenders guarding the city retreated without a fight, fleeing in all directions like bereaved dogs.

It's a pity that the people in this city fell to the ground one after another under the slaughter of the savage army, and the blood quickly stained the entire Yong'an City red!

(End of this chapter)

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