
Chapter 565 Corpses strewn all over the place, bravely fight the savages!

Chapter 565 Corpses strewn all over the place, bravely fight the savages!
"Report...His Royal Highness, the urgency is extremely urgent, the savage army of Beiyan Kingdom has already broken through the city first!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan, who was galloping on horseback, trembled all over.

He reined in the reins, and said in disbelief, "What did you say? The enemy army has broken through the city? Where are the defenders of Yong'an City? What are they doing?"

Hearing this, the messenger said in a low voice, "Your Highness, the defenders...the defenders have all abandoned the city and fled for their lives!"

These words were like five thunderclaps, causing Tong Yan to tremble uncontrollably.

"Abandon the city and run for your life? This group of damned things, order the whole army to advance quickly! We must arrive at Yong'an City before dark!"

Tong Yan was completely angry, he didn't expect that the defenders would run away.what does that mean?It means that the people of the whole city will have to face the brutal and bloodthirsty savage army in person, it means that tens of thousands of people will be massacred, and it means that blood will flow into rivers and corpses will be strewn all over the ground...

He didn't dare to think about it anymore, any worst thing could happen.And the only thing he can do now is to mend the situation, hoping that it will not be too late.

He swung his whip vigorously while scolding himself.If he didn't choose to rest in Sanshui City yesterday, but led some people to Yong'an City first, would the result be different now?If he can let Wang Hu Mengke and the others lead the guerrillas back to Yong'an City first, will they be able to hold the city?if……

There are too many ifs, but who can really calculate everything?As the ancients said, who is not a sage?Even though Tong Yan is a talented Qilin, he can't think so thoroughly.

In the midst of pain and suffering, Tong Yan led thousands of cavalry finally arrived at Yong'an City.Looking at the broken city gate, Tong Yan gritted his teeth fiercely.

"Order the whole army. After entering the city, if they encounter enemy troops, they will be shot and killed, and no one will be left behind!"

Having said that, he drew out the long sword himself first.

The city gate has not been re-armed. There are only two possibilities. One is that the savage army from the Northern Yan Kingdom left after massacring the city;

Tong Yan hoped that it was the second type, because only in this way, he could sacrifice the blood of these animals to the people who died in the city.

With a long sword in his hand, Tong Yan directly drove his horse into the city.Not long after passing the city gate, he saw innocent people dying tragically.Many of these people have incomplete bodies. You can imagine how painful they were before they died.

He couldn't bear to look at these directly, and continued to move forward.But the further forward, the more cruel the scene.These beasts of Northern Yan Kingdom, they are not simply for attacking the city, but for massacre and venting.There were a few corpses whose heads had been chopped off, but were smashed to pieces again.This is not for venting, but for fun, and what is it for?
This is a living person, how can they do it?Could it be that in their hearts, only the people of Beiyan are human beings, and the people of Zhao are just their prey?

Tong Yan tightly held the long sword in his hand, his eyes were full of murderous intent.In fact, not only him, but also the cavalry who followed him into the city witnessed all this, and they also hated the enemy army of Beiyan Kingdom to the bone.

This is war, yes, but why do wars kill innocent people in the end?Such a thing, only animals can do it.Tong Yan will never be soft on animals!
Just as he was suppressing his grief and anger and looking around, a roar suddenly came from the house beside him.

Without the slightest hesitation, Tong Yan immediately got off the horse.In fact, his injuries are not healed at the moment, and he is not suitable for fighting the enemy, because if he moves too aggressively, it is likely to tear the wound.

But now he only has killing intent in his eyes, he wants to avenge the innocent people who died in this city, and he wants to kill all those executioners.

Seeing Tong Yan get off the horse, Nightingale jumped off too.Several cavalry behind Tong Yan also dismounted one after another, for fear that Tong Yan would be in danger.

Tong Yan approached the roaring house step by step. Such screams could not be made by humans, but more like wild animals.

It is very possible that there is a savage from the Northern Yan Kingdom hiding in this house.

Seeing that it was less than ten meters away from the house, Tong Yan put all his attention on the closed door.

At this moment, only a "bang" sound was heard, and the closed door was slammed into the air, and the door panel roared, hitting Tong Yan straight.

Seeing this, Tong Yan snorted coldly, held the long sword in his hand, and slashed down with it.He only heard the sound of "噗", the door panel was split in two by his sword, and then a ball-like object smashed towards him.

Tong Yan was strong and agile, and he dodged the ball with a sideways move.After the ball hit the ground, he suddenly realized that it was a person's head.

Who would throw people's heads out, who would slap the door panels away.The answer was already very clear, Tong Yan finally found someone to vent, he was finally able to unleash his full anger without reservation.

"Evil barrier, do you still want to hide? Do you think you can escape the punishment you deserve by hiding? Killing people pays for their lives, you beasts, don't even want to live!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a loud "boom", and a wall of the house was knocked down, and then the guy hiding in the house finally appeared.

I saw that this guy was more than two meters tall, with a strong body, wearing only a pair of trousers, and the exposed skin was covered with armor-like armor.He had tusks, an ax in one hand, and a fist in the other, with dark skin and thinning hair.

Although it is in human form, it is completely beyond the scope of human beings.No need to guess, this is the Savage.

It was these beasts who killed so many people in the city.

Seeing this, the soldiers behind Tong Yan were about to attack.Seeing this, Tong Yan stopped immediately and said, "Stop, leave him to me. I will kill him myself!" His tone was unresistable, these soldiers had never seen His Royal Highness so angry.

Holding a long sword, Tong Yan approached the savage step by step.

Before he could get close, the savage had already swung the big ax in his hand and struck at him first.

This ax was powerful and heavy. If it was hit on the body, it would probably be split in half on the spot.

Although Tong Yan was angry, it didn't mean he lost his mind. Seeing the ax coming, he immediately jumped to the side, and then slashed at the savage's arm with his sword.

There was only a sound of "Dang", but the sword failed to cut a single bit, instead, Tong Yan's arm was a little numb from the shock.

A single strike failed, and Tong Yan stabbed a few more strikes in succession with his exquisite steps, but the result was the same, still unable to cause fatal damage.

Such a strong body shocked all the soldiers present.

But does this savage really have no weaknesses?
(End of this chapter)

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