
Chapter 566 Eliminate the savages, the peak duel!

Chapter 566 Eliminate the savages, the peak duel!
Tong Yan continued stabbing without stopping, he had only one purpose in doing this, and that was to test.Naturally, he can kill the mere savages, but for other Zhao soldiers, it is very difficult.

He needs to find out the weaknesses of the wildlings for the soldiers, only in this way can he kill all the wildlings in the city with the least casualties.

After several rounds of continuous stabbing, the long sword left at most a few marks on the savage's body.Tong Yan shifted the attack area to the savage's head, but unexpectedly, the savage's head was harder than his body.

In this way, it seems that only the eyes of the savage are left.

Tong Yan made a smart somersault, dodging the huge ax that the savage was slashing across, and took advantage of the opportunity to grab a handful of dust on the ground with his hands.Just waiting for the savages to attack again, he suddenly threw the dust out of his hand.

The savage couldn't dodge in time, and was immediately blinded by the dust.When he squinted his eyes, Tong Yan immediately jumped up high, and pierced his eye socket with a sword.Hearing only a "poof", the long sword pierced in easily without stopping.

The savage felt the pain, and immediately raised his head and yelled "Aww", Tong Yan stabbed a sword and quickly pulled it out.One leaped high and thrust out a second sword, and the wildling's second eye was not spared.

His eyes were stabbed blind, and the savage wielded a giant axe, chopping around like crazy.But he can't see people at all, so how can he cut people?

This lasted for about 5 minutes, and the savage finally fell to the ground with a "bang" unwillingly.

After confirming that the savage was dead, Tong Yan raised his legs and stepped forward.Although his two sword strikes just now seemed to blind the wild man's eyes, they were not. The long sword pierced extremely deep, almost passing through the brain, and only then did he kill the wild man.

If this method is followed, these soldiers are probably not as agile as Tong Yan, and they will probably be cut in half by the wild man before they stab the eye.

So Tong Yan decided to continue looking for weaknesses in the savages.After carefully tapping on the savage, he finally found the fatal flaw in the savage.And this defect is exactly the navel of this savage!

Although the savage's whole body is as hard as iron, his belly button can be broken with a single poke.In this way, as long as soldiers use bows and arrows or spears to stab the navel of the savages, these savages can be easily killed.

Tong Yan asked the messenger to tell every soldier what he had discovered. After everyone learned about it, their previous tension and fear finally disappeared, replaced by an unstoppable killing intent.

Tong Yan ordered the thousands of cavalry to disperse and divide into teams of hundreds of people to search the whole city like a blanket.Whenever a large number of savages are encountered, the left and right teams will immediately support them.

He himself rushed to the palace in Yong'an City with 500 cavalry. The five princesses were the candidates he selected to succeed him, and those ministers were all very important to the country.I just hope that nothing happened to them, so that the foundation of the country can be preserved.

Approaching the palace, there was a roar of "嗤嗤" and a "tong tong" crash in front of it.He picked up his horse and stepped forward quickly, only then did he suddenly realize that there were no less than a thousand savages crazily hitting the closed palace gate.

Seeing this, Tong Yan finally breathed a sigh of relief.Although there were many savages, they did not break through the city gate.This also means that the palace is currently safe.

The Imperial Forest Army in the palace is limited in number, and they are still able to block the invasion of the wildling army.It's a pity that the more than 2000 defenders actually fled.Tong Yan gritted his teeth fiercely, if the more than 2000 defenders hadn't fled without a fight, how could the people in this city have suffered such a catastrophe?
He has already decided that after the danger of the Zhao country is resolved, he will not let go of any of the two thousand defenders, and must let them be buried for the dead people in the city.

At this moment, more than 1000 savage troops gathered in front of the palace gate, while Tong Yan only brought more than 500 people.With an army of wildlings twice as large as his own, he had no chance of winning.

Just as he was hesitating whether he needed to call back the scattered cavalry in the city, the sound of hurried footsteps came from not far away.

His grandma's, could it be that the army of Beiyan Kingdom has arrived?It would be bad if that was the case.

After a while, he breathed a sigh of relief.These footsteps were not made by the enemy troops of Beiyan Kingdom, but by Wang Hu and Meng Ke's guerrilla brigade.

After Tong Yan saw clearly that it was the Heijia Army, he immediately sent someone to call Wang Hu and Meng Ke over.

After Wang Hu and Meng Ke came trotting all the way, Tong Yan stretched out his hand and slapped each of them loudly without saying a word.

"Do you know why I beat you? What should you do?"

Seeing that Tong Yan was angry, the two hurriedly knelt down on the ground.Wang Hu swallowed dryly, and immediately said: "Your Highness, please calm down. I am late, and my crime is unforgivable. Please give us a chance to make up for our mistakes. I am willing to lead the army to fight the enemy head-on. Even if I die, I will die on the battlefield!" "

Tong Yan looked at them, and then said fiercely: "Dead? You are dead, did the people in that city come back to life? You should have arrived in Yong'an City before me, how could it be so late? Could it be that Do you stagnate because you are greedy for life and afraid of death?"

Hearing this, Meng Ke immediately said aggrievedly: "Your Highness, we...we met a large number of cavalry from the Northern Yan Kingdom on our way, and because we fought against them, that's why... I'm sorry, we are useless. We should change the road , it will not be discovered by the enemy, and it will not be too late. The death of the people in the city has a great relationship with us. We have delayed the battle, and we cannot escape the responsibility. But your highness, please believe that we are definitely not greedy for life and afraid of death. "

Tong Yan forcefully suppressed the anger in his chest, and then said: "You all get up, and we will talk about this later. How far is the army of Beiyan Kingdom from here? How long will it take?"

Wang Hu hurriedly replied: "The distance is less than a hundred miles, at least two hours!"

Tong Yan nodded and said: "Fortunately, it's not too close. You leave 1000 people, and the rest divide into two teams to guard the two city gates. If you encounter the enemy, report it in time! In addition, there are still savages in the city Although I have ordered people to clean up the remnants, it will take time. If there are savages approaching, remember to attack their navel, that is their life gate. Remember?"

Wang Hu responded immediately: "Yes, the last general obeys orders!"

"Okay, let's do it. The situation is urgent this time, and there must be no mistakes, otherwise you will come to see me!"

"Yes, I will take orders!"

After speaking, the two hurried to make arrangements.

After receiving the support of the Thousand Black Armored Army, Tong Yan immediately led his troops to fight against the more than 1000 savages.

After pinpointing the fate of the savages, they were no longer invincible. In less than half an hour, more than 1000 savages were all wiped out.The crisis in the imperial palace can be regarded as a temporary relief.

But the real decisive battle has only just begun.What Tong Yan didn't expect was that the reason why the army of Beiyan Kingdom would raid Yong'an City was actually all because of one person's suggestion.This person is the former military adviser of the Third Prince, that old thing who disappeared!
The battle of the conspirators is about to take place, who will have the last laugh?

(End of this chapter)

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