
Chapter 568 Marshal Haja, brutality in the car!

Chapter 568 Marshal Haja, brutality in the car!
At this time, the army of the Northern Yan Kingdom was advancing towards Yong'an City without any haste.It is not Shan Yu (the name for its monarch and leader) who commands the [-] soldiers, but his most valiant, cruel and bloodthirsty Marshal Haja.

This Marshal Haja is a murderous maniac who committed suicide. He once led several followers to attack a tribe in Beiyan Kingdom. Cook it in several large pots, and finally feed it to the wolves he has domesticated.

Even if he treats people in his own country like this, it is conceivable to imagine his various evil deeds in Zhao country.

He was ordered to lead an army to attack the Zhao country, and his most important purpose was to turn the Zhao country into a purgatory on earth, first to satisfy his bloodthirsty desire, and second, to rob all the treasures here and transport them back to the North Yan country.

The territory of Beiyan Kingdom is already big enough, they don't need the land of Zhao Kingdom, they only need to come here to plunder from time to time, and "hunt" the lambs here, and they will get great happiness.

Conquering alien races and trampling them under their feet, in their view, is not only glory, but also reflects the value of life.

Yong'an City is getting closer and closer, he seems to have hallucinated that he is standing on the throne of the emperor in the palace, and then executed those so-called royal families one by one with his own hands. I am afraid there is nothing that excites him more than this.

It turned out that the military adviser of the Third Prince was riding beside him at this moment.

"Marshal Haja, you are the bravest and most majestic hero I have ever seen. It is the greatest honor in my life to be your counselor!"

Haja seems to be very receptive to the old man's flattery.He laughed loudly, and then said arrogantly: "I, Hajia, is the number one warrior in the Northern Yan Kingdom. Killing Zhao Guoren is as easy as crushing an ant. I'm afraid it's useless if you are a counselor." Land of martial arts?"

Hearing this, the old man hurriedly smiled and said: "Yes, Commander Haja arrived in the hinterland of Zhao State without hindrance, and he will soon be able to take over the imperial city of Zhao State. How can the people of Zhao State be your opponents, little boy?" People are satisfied if they can follow the commander-in-chief. The title of counselor is just for others to hear, and I am actually just your dog!"

Hearing this, Marshal Haja couldn't help laughing again. "I still like your dog very much. Don't worry, as long as you are loyal to me, you will be indispensable to me. Haha..."

Just as the two of them were chatting and laughing while riding forward, a fast horse suddenly ran forward. " to the Commander! The spies ahead report that our army of savages has... been wiped out!"

As soon as this remark came out, Haja immediately opened his eyes with anger. "What did you say? The entire army of the Savage Corps was wiped out? This is impossible. How can Zhao Guoren be the opponent of the Savage Corps? Did you make a mistake?"

Hearing this, the soldier who sent the letter swallowed dryly and said, "Great... Marshal, this matter is absolutely true! And... and I heard that His Royal Highness the Prince of Zhao State has led the army back to Yong'an City, and they are the ones who killed all of them." of our wildling legion."

"The prince of Zhao? Is this person really that powerful? How many people did he bring?"

"Probably tens of thousands! It's hard to say the exact number, but it's quite a lot anyway."

"Okay, I got it, send the order quickly, let the army rush on their way, I will raze Yong'an City to the ground tonight. I will smash the prince of the Zhao Kingdom to pieces!"

"Yes, this subordinate will send the order!"

Watching the messenger leave on horseback, the old military advisor rolled his eyes, and then he said, "Marshal, I once met that prince once when I was young. This man's skills are average, but he is cunning, deceitful, and full of tricks." , in the view of the villain, it is best not to launch a strong attack tonight. We set up camp ten miles away from Yong'an City, so as not to be ambushed. After we find out the reality of the opponent, it is not too late to launch an attack. I don't know What do you think, Shuai?"

Hearing this, Marshal Haja suddenly furiously said: "Shut up! Tell me to set up camp? How can I relieve my hatred? Even if there is an ambush in Yong'an City, can you still stop my ten great soldiers? You old man Things, don’t let others’ ambition destroy your prestige. Don’t blame me for tearing you apart if you dare to disturb my army’s morale again!”

Seeing that Haja's oil and rice were not coming in, the old military adviser hurriedly shut up obediently, not daring to say another word.But in his heart, he greeted all eighteen generations of Haja's ancestors.

The night is getting heavier and heavier, and the army of the Northern Yan Kingdom is still advancing towards Yong'an City.Because of the large number of people, the area of ​​the team is not only huge, but also very long.

The soldiers had already lit the torches and gathered together like a huge fire dragon.

Marshal Haja did not continue to ride, but entered the huge carriage in the center of the army.The carriage was as big as a room. Not only was it stable and comfortable, but there were also several beautiful women from the Zhao country inside.

These are the women who were captured during the looting of the previous cities. In the eyes of animals like Haja, they are just their own playthings.First, it can satisfy his own physical needs, and second, it can satisfy his pleasure of killing.

As soon as he stepped into the carriage with his front feet, piercing screams and pitiful cries sounded from the carriage with his back feet.

The soldiers who heard these screams not only showed no sympathy, but even clapped their hands and laughed disgustingly.

Birds of a feather flock together.With the commander of this beast, there will naturally be soldiers of this group of beasts.These people deserve to die and go to hell!

At this moment, a gust of wind suddenly blew open the curtains on the windows of the carriage, and with the help of the dimly lit oil lamp inside the carriage, it was discovered that the women in the carriage were all half-grown girls.The clothes on them had been torn into strips, their hands and feet were bound, and they were huddled close to each other in the corner of the carriage.

There were whiplashes, scratches, and scars all over their bodies.Their hair was loose, and their eyes were full of fear and despair.At this time, how much they longed for someone to rescue them?However, this is not possible.The army of this group of beasts is too powerful, they are unimpeded all the way, no one can stop their steps.

Is there really only death waiting for these girls?They are still so young, still children who have not grown up.

Marshal Haja has already taken off his armor and is only wearing a pair of trousers.His strong muscles are covered with scars, and the scars are like a tiger's head.

He held a leather whip in his hand, which he usually used to train the wolves.But now, he decided to use it on these poor girls.He wanted to vent his anger, because his army of savages had been killed by the prince of Zhao.So these girls from the Zhao country naturally became the targets of his venting.

But for some reason, when the night wind blew into the carriage, he seemed to smell a seductive fragrance...

(End of this chapter)

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