
Chapter 569 So comfortable to death, where to escape?

Chapter 569 So comfortable to death, where to escape?
Haja shook his head vigorously, and then shouted loudly to the girls in the corner: "You bastards, your prince dares to lead people to kill all my wildling warriors. I will let you replace him today." Be punished, all of this is your retribution, you and your prince dog deserve to die!" At this point, he vigorously swung his long whip, whipping these children who were powerless to resist.

"Please, please spare us. Don't hit us again, please, please do as you please! Woooo..."

Hearing this, Haja laughed loudly and said, "Excuse me? You are just a bunch of lambs waiting to be slaughtered. You are not qualified to beg for mercy in front of our warriors from the Northern Yan Kingdom. Give me all to die, all of you to die..."

As he spoke, he swung his long whip again, intending to continue beating these bruised girls.

Seeing the whip being swung down, the girls hugged each other and cried bitterly.However, what surprised them was that the whip didn't seem to fall, but unexpectedly stopped in mid-air.

Haja himself was a little dazed, why did the whip stop?

He tried to pull back, but it didn't.It was as if an invisible hand had grabbed the other end of the whip and was competing with him.

He frowned, more puzzled.But soon, he understood.

I saw a graceful figure slowly appearing on the other side of the whip, and finally turned into a sexy and alluring beauty.

Looking at that handsome face, cherry-like mouth, white and tender skin, and uneven body, Haja drooled unconsciously.

The big beauty stared at him, and then asked coquettishly, "Are you the commander-in-chief of the army of the Northern Yan Kingdom?"

Hearing this, Haja immediately laughed and said, "That's right, I'm Master Haja! Little beauty, who are you? What are you doing in my carriage? Do you want to make love to me? Hehe... ..." He smiled maliciously while licking the drool that was dripping down, making people extremely disgusted.

The big beauty pulled hard, and Haja immediately let go of the handle of the whip.The big beauty got the whip, immediately pulled it vigorously, and then said with a charming smile: "Don't you like to play? It's so boring to play with these children, how about I play with you?"

Haja is now on fire, and upon hearing what the beauty said, she agreed without any hesitation: "Okay, then you can have fun with me, as long as you can make me feel comfortable. I will definitely reward you heavily!"

The big beauty giggled and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely let you ****!" Having said that, she raised the long whip in her hand and lashed at Haja vigorously.

This Haja had a strong body, and when he saw the whip coming, he did not dodge, but let the whip "slap" on his body.

"Shu Tan, use more force, more force. Haha..."

The big beauty smiled cruelly: "Okay, then I won't be polite!" As soon as she said that, a green light flashed in her eyes, and then, the whole long whip was quickly wrapped in green light.

When Haja saw it, his complexion changed drastically. He turned around and was about to jump out of the carriage, but unexpectedly, the long whip wrapped around his neck.He struggled to break free, trying to snatch the whip away.But it was fine if he didn't snatch it, the more he snatched it, the tighter the whip would be, until... until it completely strangled his neck.

The children in the carriage were completely frightened by the scene in front of them, but they all showed happy smiles in turn.

In their view, this Haja is the most hateful person in the world.As long as he was dead, no one would torture them again.But they don't know at all that when one Haja dies, there will be another Haja.

Only by killing all the beasts of the Northern Yan Kingdom, can they get eternal peace.

Who is the big beauty?She is none other than the demon concubine!It was Tong Yan who asked her to come here to assassinate the enemy's commander, that's why she quietly came to the enemy's army, found this special carriage, and was able to save these poor children.

But the truth is, these kids aren't safe right now.They must be taken away from here. Only when they arrive at Yong'an City can they escape the catastrophe.

But is it so easy to rescue these children from among the [-] enemy troops?Unless this carriage has wings and can fly.But this is impossible, how can the carriage fly?
In this way, there is only one way left, and that is to take them out.A goblin even knows how to save people, but it's a pity that the army of Beiyan Kingdom is all human, but their bad behavior is worse than goblins.

Some people say that the most terrifying thing in the world is not the demons and ghosts, but the human heart.This group of beasts in the Northern Yan Kingdom interpreted this sentence vividly.It's just that they don't know that it won't be long before they will all be wiped out, and none of them will be able to escape.

Because the entire carriage is too bulky, it needs four horses to pull it together.The soldiers driving the car didn't realize that Marshal Haja had been killed, and they thought that Marshal Haja had started "playing" again.

In order not to startle the snake, Yaofei thought for a while, and then said to these poor children: "I want to save you, I am the person sent by His Royal Highness. If you want to live, then do as I say. Do you understand? "

When these children heard that she was sent by His Royal Highness, they immediately nodded in agreement.

Concubine Yao smiled with satisfaction, and then said: "Now, I need you to continue screaming and crying. Only in this way, the soldiers outside will not notice anything strange, because this beast is still alive. Can you understand me? ?”

As soon as she finished speaking, a few smart girls started yelling pretending to cry.

Concubine Yao nodded with a smile, then raised her legs and walked towards the soldiers driving the chariot.

This carriage is equipped with a door, which is blocked by the door, and the driver cannot see what is inside the carriage.

The concubine Yao found a scimitar from the armor that Haja had taken off, opened the car door immediately, and quickly put the scimitar on the driver's neck.At the same time, she also used the invisibility technique.

"Don't make a sound, if you dare to make a sound, I will cut off your head!"

The cold blade had already cut the skin of the coachman's neck, he tried hard not to make a sound, then nodded his head lightly.

"Drive the carriage into the woods and tell the soldiers that your commander is going to have some fun in the woods. Don't let them follow!"

Hearing this, the coachman hurriedly drove the carriage to the side, and shouted loudly: "The commander-in-chief said... the commander-in-chief said that he is going to the woods to have fun, and none of you should follow."

The coachman said so, plus the cries in these carriages.

The soldiers in front of and behind the carriage did not become suspicious, but let the driver drive the carriage into the woods aside.

Seeing the carriage getting farther and farther away from the team, the concubine Yao breathed a sigh of relief, and cut off the coachman's head neatly.

Just when she was planning to drive the car herself and continue walking far away.

Unexpectedly, an accident happened.A few people in silver costumes and silver masks appeared without any warning.They stopped the carriage directly, and shouted loudly: "You Ji, you have escaped for five full years, and we have finally found you. This time, where are you going to escape?"

(End of this chapter)

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