
Chapter 570 The demon concubine died, the mysterious holy city!

Chapter 570 The demon concubine died, the mysterious holy city!
Tong Yan stood on the city wall, watching the dawn, he knew that Yaofei's beheading task had been completed.They survived the night smoothly. As long as they persist until noon, the general's reinforcements will arrive at Yong'an City, and then they will be able to fight the Northern Yan Kingdom.

At this moment, he suddenly saw several thin figures walking slowly towards Yong'an City from a distance.

Only when these figures got closer, did he suddenly realize that they were a few children in ragged clothes and bruises all over their bodies.

"Come on, welcome those children into the city immediately and settle them properly."

"Yes, this subordinate will do it!"

War, war, is simply a disaster.Seeing so many people displaced, his heart ached.

The soldiers in the city quickly welcomed these children into the city, but they did not expect to bring them in front of Tong Yan.

"Your Highness, they...they insisted on seeing you. I thought they might have something to say to you, so I brought them here."

Looking at these pitiful little girls, Tong Yan showed a kind smile. "You will be safe here. I will guard this city and wipe out the enemy completely. So, you can rest assured. Go, let these uncle soldiers take you to eat something. I think you must be very hungry, yes ?"

Tong Yan thought that they just wanted to see him and get some comfort, but unexpectedly, they all knelt down all of a sudden.

"His Royal Highness, please save her, please save her..."

Hearing this, Tong Yan frowned slightly, and then asked in puzzlement, "Save her? Who is she?"

One of the girls replied: "She told us that she was the person you sent to get rid of the enemy commander. She saved us, otherwise, we would all be dead now. But...but she... woo Woo..." At this point, the little girl couldn't help crying.

From her words, Tong Yan could already confirm that the person she was talking about was the concubine Yao.Concubine Yao was sent by Tong Yan to carry out the beheading operation. It may be that she killed the opponent's coach and then saved the children.But after that?Did the demon concubine encounter any danger?
"Little sister, don't cry. Tell me what you know, where is your sister who saved you? What happened to her?"

The little girl tried her best to hold back her tears, and then she replied: "I saw that she was... injured by some people in silver clothes. Those people drove nails into her hands and feet, and then took her to the hospital. gone!"

The man in the silver suit?Tong Yan didn't know who the man in the silver clothes was, and he had never heard of it.He doesn't even know the identity of the concubine Yao, he only knows that the concubine is a goblin, other than that, he doesn't know anything.

Why did these people in silver clothes take her away?Could it be someone from Tongtian Tower?
Thinking of this, he immediately turned to look at Nightingale beside him.And Nightingale was crossing her arms and contemplating at the moment, it seemed that she was also thinking about who the one who wrote the silver clothes was.

Tong Yan didn't bother her, instead, he turned his attention to the little girl who spoke just now.

"Little sister, did those people in silver clothes say anything? Do you remember?"

The little girl nodded and said: "I remember, they said they had been looking for the eldest sister for several years, and they finally found it. They also called the eldest sister You Ji, is You Ji the name of the eldest sister?"

Tong Yan secretly kept the name You Ji in his heart, and then said: "It should be her name, is there anything else?"

The little girl thought for a while, and then said: "It seems that I still want to take it back and send it away. What else is there? I was too scared last night, so I didn't remember it!"

Tong Yan nodded, and then comforted them: "Don't worry, I will definitely save her. Thank you for telling me this, now you can go to eat, and then put on a set of clean clothes. Go!"

The little girls waved to Tong Yan, and then followed the soldiers towards the city.

Among the words spoken by the little girl, there is very little information that Tong Yan can confirm.First, the name of the demon concubine is You Ji; second, the person who captured her knew her well, and probably belonged to a certain organization; third, these people were very powerful and could take down the demon concubine. Concubine, she is definitely not an ordinary person.Apart from the above three points, he really couldn't guess anything else.

In desperation, he could only pin his hopes on Nightingale. She was originally a member of Tongtian Tower, and her job was to inquire about news and assassinate some enemies of Tongtian Tower.If she doesn't even know, then things will be troublesome.

Nightingale pondered for a while, and finally opened her eyes suddenly, and said in shock, "Could it be... Could it be Saint City?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately asked, "Holy, what is the city? How strong is it?"

Nightingale showed a dignified expression on her face, and answered, "In Destroyer Realm, besides the Tongtian Tower, there are actually several small forces. However, due to the strength of the Tongtian Tower, these small forces dare not move around easily. To avoid being besieged by the soul officials of Tongtian Tower. Tongtian Tower is the only belief in Miejing, so other forces are not allowed to exist. However, in the snow mountain located in the deepest part of Feilong Kingdom, there is an ancient and mysterious force. They Call the snow mountain there holy, mountain, and they call the city they built holy, city. Holy, the people in the city are with the snow all day, so they like silver. The person you mentioned should have been with you all the time Beside, someone who refuses to show up? She can hide, which means that her strength is comparable to that of a fourth-rank soul officer. It is impossible for ordinary people to subdue and take away such a powerful person, so it should be Saint, city. Besides that, I really can’t think of other powers.”

It turned out that Nightingale had already noticed the existence of the concubine Yao, but she didn't make it clear.Listening to her analysis now, maybe the concubine Yao was really abducted by the people of Shengcheng.Holy, city, holy, mountain, and holy stone?The name Holy Stone, shouldn't it be named by the people of Holy City?

"Nightingale, where does the holy stone come from? Is it the holy mountain?"

Nightingale nodded and said, "That's right, it's the Holy Mountain!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan roughly understood everything.

The holy mountain is located in the depths of Feilong Kingdom, and it is rich in holy stones. There is a city called holy city there.The holy stone contained the power to restrain the goblin, so the goblin concubine didn't dare to assassinate those witches for him that day.The concubine Yao must have escaped from the holy city, so she was willing to become the concubine of Zhao Rui's father.In order to prevent Zhao Rui's father from touching her body, she took on the shape of a monster and lived alone in the cold palace.

There is another very important thing, Yaofei should know Tong Yan's true identity, and she said that she hopes Tong Yan can always take her with her.This also means that she not only wants to accompany Tong Yan, but the main reason is that she wants to leave the Extinct Realm.

Only by leaving here can she escape the city's hunt for her.But because Tong Yan asked her to help with a lot of things recently, her whereabouts were exposed and people from Shengcheng found her.

"No matter what, the concubine Yao was arrested because of me, and I can't escape the blame. Even if I chase her to Shengcheng, I must save her!"

"Save her? It's really difficult. I heard that Shengcheng City believes in a god with a human head and a snake body, and the people there have supernatural powers. If you go, I'm afraid not only will you not be able to save her, but you will also die!"

A god with a human head and a snake body?Could it be... Could it be Nuwa... Empress?
(End of this chapter)

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