
Chapter 571 Inheriting the Mandate of Heaven?General 1 army first!

Chapter 571 Inheriting the Mandate of Heaven?General first!
Tong Yan once again fell into deep thought, if the Holy City is really related to Empress Nuwa, is it possible to find a way to wake Xue'er there?If this is the case, is it not God's special arrangement for him to come from the ruins of gods and demons to the Extinction Realm inexplicably?
At this moment, he suddenly thought of the word Skywalker.Act for the heavens and save the common people.Could it be... Could it be that he was chosen as the new generation of Skywalker?
And coming to the realm of destruction is actually God's test and temper for him.If he can find a way to wake up Xue'er here, and when he returns to the human world smoothly, he can prevent ten years of catastrophe.

Thinking about it this way, everything seems to make sense.

Tong Yan looked up at the sky, only to feel that he was under a lot of pressure.Thank God for not forsaking, actually entrusting such a heavy burden to him.Does he have a choice?Obviously not!Then work hard and complete your task of coming to the Extermination Realm!
Now that the concubine Yao has been kidnapped, he can't sit idly by.In order to find the concubine Yao, he specially dispatched a patrol team composed of a hundred people.Now that manpower is limited, he dare not send too many people.

Firstly, it is easy to be discovered by the enemy army of Beiyan Kingdom due to the large number of people, and secondly, he does not know the current situation of Beiyan Kingdom. If there is a sudden attack, he can respond in time.

Tens of thousands of soldiers and horses had assembled as early as last night, and if there was any trouble, these people would arrange the battle formation according to Tong Yan's previous instructions, and go out of the city to meet the enemy together.

But the army of Beiyan Kingdom has not moved for a long time, which makes Tong Yan overestimate.

The death of Marshal Haja directly led to the fact that both deputy commanders wanted to be the boss.Since everyone wants to be one, there will be conflicts.When conflicts arise, it is inevitable to open your mouth to yell and yell, and if you are not satisfied with yelling, you will naturally fight, and in the end you almost go to war and start a civil war.

The worse they fight, the better for Zhao Guo.But the old military adviser came out to pretend to be his grandson, not only persuaded the two deputy commanders, but also improved his status a lot.In Haja's eyes, he was just a dog.

But now, he has become a veritable military adviser.

In the temporary large tent set up by Northern Yan Kingdom, the old military adviser was holding a feather fan and sitting on top of it. The weather was already cold, and he even used the fan to fan the wind, which was really enough to pretend.

Sitting below him on the left and right was a burly man in armor. One of them had a beard all over his face, but there was no hair on his head.He picked up the wine bowl on the table in front of him, and then said to the old military adviser: "You are right, military adviser. We are indeed here to flatten Yong'an City and take down Zhao Guo. If our own people beat our own people, I am afraid I have really fulfilled the wish of Prince Zhao. Brother Nada, none of us will be the coach now. When the teacher returns to the court, we will give half of the credit to each of us. How about it?"

The one called Nada was about the same age as this big bald head, with a long scar on his face, he looked like a brave and good fighter.He also picked up the wine bowl in front of him and said, "Brother Batu, you are right. We once fought the enemy side by side, so there is no need to fight to the death for the position of commander. Come on, drink this bowl of wine, We are still brothers!"

"it is good!"

Watching the two finish their drinks, the old military adviser immediately laughed and said: "Okay, okay, the two deputy commanders are really generous and heroic. The current plan is to deal with the Prince Zhao in Yong'an City. As long as Yong'an City is taken down, This battle is over. At that time, the two deputy commanders can go back to receive the reward."

The two looked at each other and immediately burst out laughing.

"Military teacher, I heard that you know something about the prince of Zhao. This little thing can make the Feilong country retreat. It seems to be a bit capable. Marshal Haja probably died in the hands of the killer he sent. We two brothers Unlike Haja, Haja is arrogant and conceited, and now he underestimated Prince Zhao and was killed. This is entirely his own fault. We brothers do not want to repeat his mistakes. If you have What plan, just tell us brothers directly. We can add up together! Brother Nada, are you right?"

Hearing this, Nada quickly smiled and said, "That's right, military advisor, just tell me if you have any plans!"

It seemed that the two deputy commanders were really a little scared, maybe because they saw the death of Commander Haja, that's why they were so.

The old military adviser fanned the wind with a feather fan, and then smiled slightly: "Yong'an City is the capital of Zhao State, where the imperial palace is located. Prince Zhao State will not give up easily. According to the old man's speculation, they will definitely not be able to hold on. Because Zhao State Our troops are limited, if they go out of the city to fight our army head-on, they will only lose faster. So the old man's plan is to lure the enemy out. As long as they dare to go out of the city, it is the best time to eat them!"

Hearing what he said, it is enough to see that he does have some tricks.

The two deputy commanders looked at each other, and Nada deputy commander immediately asked: "Then how to lure them out of the city?"

The old military adviser smiled cruelly and said: "As far as I know, the prince of Zhao State is a benevolent king who cares about the people. Since he values ​​the people so much, the people of Zhao State are his weakness. Just go Thousands of people have been kidnapped from the nearby city, if you don’t believe him, he will come out of the city to rescue them!”

Hearing this, Deputy Marshal Batu immediately clapped his hands and applauded: "Gao, Gao! The military division is really powerful, I admire it! If so, then we will send people to do it. We will ask the military division for advice after capturing the people!"

The old military adviser laughed and said: "Okay, then the two coaches will work hard!"


An hour later, Tong Yan in Yong'an City was eating with Nightingale.Standing on the city wall all night last night, they have just eaten now.

But an orderly broke into the house in a hurry and brought bad news.

"Report Your Highness, the military situation is urgent! Not long ago, a group of Northern Yan cavalry bypassed Yong'an City and raided Xiliang City."

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately put down the bowl and chopsticks, and asked with a frown, "How about the casualties of the people in the city?"

The messenger hurriedly replied: "There are not many casualties, but... but more than a thousand people were taken away!"

"What? More than a thousand people were taken away? Do you know where the cavalry route of Beiyan Kingdom is?"

"This... this subordinate doesn't know!"

Tong Yan really wanted to swear a few words, but it was no wonder the messenger soldier.They are only responsible for passing on the news, as for the specific situation, it is the defenders of those cities who are in charge.

Just when Tong Yan was planning to send someone to inquire about the news, Meng Ke suddenly barged in.

"Your Highness, according to the report of the spies I sent, they found a group of cavalry from the Northern Yan Kingdom driving a large number of refugees. The last general made his own decision and has sent [-] black armored troops. I am here to report to you. The general is willing to bear all the guilt!" Having said this, he directly knelt on the ground on one knee.

Looking at the little general Meng Ke, Tong Yan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Get up, you are doing the right thing. The people are the foundation of the country, and it is our duty as soldiers to protect the people and the territory. You did not make a mistake this time, but you have made a contribution. Go, give me all the cavalry of the Northern Yan Kingdom Get rid of it and take the refugees back to Yongan City. Also, remember to leave an enemy soldier alive, I want to ask about some things myself."

Tong Yan has realized that there are strategists in the enemy ranks, and the next battle will become more interesting!
PS: In order to hit the highest sales volume tomorrow, only 10 chapters can be updated at noon today.But there will be more than 20 chapters of big explosions in the early hours of this evening.That is to say, within 12 hours, Yaren will update more than 30 chapters.Don't miss it, everyone!In addition, I would like to ask for a reward, for the sake of sales, and for the success of the deceitful way to have a better tomorrow, I hope you will support me a lot, and I would like to thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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