
Chapter 572 Open battle appointment, the strongest plotter!

Chapter 572 Open battle appointment, the strongest plotter!
Meng Ke lived up to expectations, not only swallowed up the cavalry squad from Northern Yan Kingdom, but also brought thousands of refugees back to Yong'an City.Of course, he also brought back a prisoner from Beiyan Kingdom according to Tong Yan's instructions.

Looking at the captive who was knocked to the ground by the soldiers, Tong Yan's eyes showed a hint of killing intent.The hands of these beasts from the Northern Yan Kingdom are covered with the blood of the people of the Zhao Kingdom, and each of them deserves to die.

But now, he is willing to give this captive a chance to "live".

"I am Zhao Rui, the prince of the Zhao Kingdom, tell me, do you want to live or die?"

Hearing this, the prisoner who was being pinned down immediately begged for mercy: "Your Highness, I...I want to live!"

Tong Yan smiled with satisfaction and said, "Okay, then I'll give you a chance, let him go!" As soon as he finished speaking, the two soldiers beside the prisoner immediately pulled the prisoner up from the ground.But the captive's hands were still tied and he was still kneeling on the ground.

"I don't understand, you people of Northern Yan, can't you live without killing? What can killing bring you? Is it happiness? Is it satisfaction? Or something else?"

Hearing this, the captive of Northern Yan swallowed dryly and spit out: "Success... success is king and defeat is defeat! The weak... the weak deserve to die!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan laughed and said, "The weak deserve to die? You are captured, so you are not weak? So, you deserve to die too, right?"

Hearing this, the captive of Beiyan Kingdom tried to retort: ​​"I am... that is because you have a large number of people. If you are one-on-one, you are no match for me at all."

Tong Yan said lightly, then waved his hands and said, "Untie the ropes on him, I want to see if all the people in your Beiyan Kingdom deserve to die. Come on, your opponent is me now. I hope you can seize this great opportunity!"

The soldier said in a daze, "Your this too risky?"

Tong Yan said with a disdainful smile: "Savages are no match for me, let alone this mere trash?"

The soldier was right when he heard it, and then he untied the rope on the prisoner.The prisoner had just been freed, and immediately rushed towards Tong Yan with a stride.

Seeing this, Tong Yan stood up and flew up with one leg, only to hear a "pop".Looking at the captive of Beiyan Kingdom, he was kicked to the ground by Tong Yan, and he was dizzy.

Tong Yan sat down again, and then asked the soldiers to wake up the prisoner of the Northern Yan Kingdom.After some shouting, the prisoner came to his senses.When he looked at Tong Yan again, his eyes were already full of fear.

"Are you weak in front of me? Even if you can't take one move from me, you deserve to call yourself a strong one? But it doesn't matter, I'm still willing to give you a chance. This time, I hope you can firmly grasp it!"

The prisoner was completely overwhelmed by Tong Yan's powerful strength, and hurriedly kowtowed: "Yes, Your Highness, the young one must be sure!"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "I want to know, who sent you to arrest the people in Xiliang City? After your commander died, who is in charge now?"

Hearing this, the prisoner hurriedly replied: "It was the two deputy commanders who asked us to arrest them. They said it was to lure you to send troops. After the death of Commander Haja, these two deputy commanders were in command. But... But now there is another military adviser, and the two deputy commanders listen to him."

military adviser?Hearing this, Tong Yan unconsciously sneered.He guessed that the opponent had a person who was proficient in strategy, and he must be the military adviser.It's just that he didn't know that this military adviser was actually the old man with the white beard who had met him once.

Tong Yan thought for a while, and then said: "You are quite honest, how about this, you do two things for me, as long as you promise, I will let you go back!"

As soon as the prisoner heard that he had a chance to survive, he immediately said in a hurry: "Your Highness, what's the matter? Tell me, I'll do it right!"

Tong Yan nodded and said: "First, I need you to bring me a message to your commander, tell them, it's best not to think about the people of my country of Zhao, otherwise, Commander Haja belongs to both of them." End; second, I will set up a battle formation outside the city at noon tomorrow, and inform your military advisers that if you have the courage, come and fight with me, and everyone knows each other. Can these two things be done?"

"Can..., I will definitely do it!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan waved his hand and said, "Throw him out of the city, whether he can return to the camp of Beiyan Kingdom alive depends on his own good luck!" As soon as he finished speaking, the soldiers took the prisoner She went out.

Tong Yan needs to figure out everything now, so that he can be prepared.He agreed with the third prince of Feilong Kingdom for a period of seven days, and tomorrow is exactly the seventh day.That means, after the First World War at noon tomorrow.Later, the army of the Northern Yan Kingdom will receive the news that Wolf Sun City has been attacked.

At that time, they will definitely divide into two groups, some will return to Beiyan Kingdom for rescue, and some will stay and continue to fight against Tong Yan.

There are less than 10 troops in the Northern Yan Kingdom, and they will take away at least half of them. Compared with Zhao Guo's current soldiers and horses, the remaining soldiers and horses are not too different. Zhao Guo's troops still have a certain advantage.

But in Tong Yan's view, such an advantage was nothing at all.The [-] Northern Yan army deserves to die, how can they just watch them escape [-]?

Therefore, his consideration is to divide Zhao's troops into two groups, and a large part of them will go to Beiyan to lay an ambush on the way back to the country. They were caught off guard.The remaining small part of the army stayed in the city to bluff, making the enemy army of Northern Yan think that the city was guarded by Zhao Guo's elite and did not dare to invade easily.

In this way, wait for the sent army to finish off the returning troops from the Northern Yan Kingdom, and then detour and attack the remaining Northern Yan Kingdom's enemy troops back and forth with the troops of Yong'an City.By that time, the [-] Beiyan enemy troops will be able to completely devour them, leaving no one behind!
But doing so comes with great risks.If the third prince of Feilong Kingdom did not attack Wolf Sun City as agreed, then the [-] Northern Yan Kingdom enemy troops would not need to divide their troops and return home.At that time, Yong'an City was empty, how could it stop a hundred thousand enemy troops?

There is also a possibility that even if the third prince of the Feilong Kingdom attacked Langsun City, and the Shan Yu (king) of the Northern Yan Kingdom did not send a letter to send the army back to help, Yong'an City would also face annihilation.

But thinking about it the other way around, if you want to get a huge return, you naturally have to take a huge risk.Risk and return are often directly proportional.

He is still thinking about this decision.But what he should do most now is to set up the formation.He was the one who proposed the appointment at noon tomorrow. It would be ridiculous if the first battle was defeated.But if they can win the first battle, everything will be different.

And the most important point is that he wants to let the military advisers in the enemy army of Beiyan know that he is the most conspirator!
(End of this chapter)

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