
Chapter 573 Become a soul officer, where do you go when you die?

Chapter 573 Become a soul officer, where do you go when you die?
Following Tong Yan's instructions, the soldiers threw the captive directly into the pit outside the city.

When the captives saw the Zhao soldiers leaving, they staggered out of the pit, and ran towards the Northern Yan camp as if fleeing.

After more than half an hour, he finally returned to the camp smoothly, and immediately asked to see the two deputy commanders and military advisers.

In the big tent, the two deputy commanders sat cross-legged, looking at the "captive" who sent the message with angry faces.

"You mean, not only did you not take the people of Zhao State captive, but you also wiped out the whole cavalry team? Then what are you doing back alive? You should die with them!"

As soon as Batu's deputy commander finished speaking, he was about to chop up the "captive" with a big knife in his hand.

The "prisoner" saw it, and hurriedly knelt down and begged for mercy: "Deputy Marshal, you can't kill me. I came back to... to bring you a letter. The prince of Zhao Guo saw me, and he asked me to make a special trip to send you a letter. You sent a few words. If I don't come back, who else will send you a message?"

"The Prince of Zhao State asked you to send us a message? What message?"

The "prisoner" calmed down a little, and said, "He said...he told you not to disturb the people of Zhao, otherwise, Commander Haja will be your end."

When Batu's deputy commander heard this, he flew into a rage and said, "What an arrogant boy, do you really think I'm afraid of him? What else did he say?"

The "captive" didn't dare to look at Deputy Marshal Batu, but looked at the military adviser sitting fanning his fan and said, "He...he even asked me to tell the military adviser that he will set up a battle formation outside Yong'an City at noon tomorrow. If you have the courage , just go...just fight him!"

Hearing this, the military adviser's old man burst out laughing immediately. "Interesting, really interesting! This kid Zhao Rui dared to go out of the city to compete with me, he really overestimated himself. That's okay, I was worried that they would not dare to go out of the city to meet the enemy, but I didn't expect them to come here by themselves. Two deputy commanders, you Didn't you want the life of the prince Zhao Rui? Tomorrow is a great opportunity!"

When the two deputy commanders heard this, they also burst out laughing.As if they will definitely win tomorrow, but will it really be that easy?

Not long after, the general finally entered Yong'an City with reinforcements.For their late arrival, Tong Yan did not reprimand them.Because after all, many of them came on foot. Although this speed cannot be called fast, it is not considered slow.

The corpses of the people in Yong'an City have been moved out of the city by Tong Yan and buried, but the city is still a mess, broken houses and dried blood can be seen everywhere.

The reason why they didn't clean it specially was to let these soldiers have a look.I believe that after seeing it, they will know how hateful the enemy army of the Northern Yan Kingdom is, and how damned they are.

Tong Yan did not return to the palace, but was in the open space in the center of the city, leading four thousand soldiers to practice the formation.

These 4000 people are the people who will leave the city at noon tomorrow. The reason why there are not too many people is to prevent the North Yan Kingdom from playing cards according to the routine.

The general came quickly with his generals to meet him. Seeing that the team of 4000 people changed from a square formation to a circle formation, he couldn't help admiring His Royal Highness's ability to lead troops.

"Your Highness, I waited late and failed to prevent the invasion of foreign enemies. Please punish Your Highness!" As soon as the general said this, other generals also knelt down on their knees.

Tong Yan turned his head to look at them, and then sighed softly: "The matter has come to this, what's the use of blaming you? I was also late, otherwise Yong'an City would not have almost become a dead city. You all Work hard too, get up!"

After hearing this, everyone stood up one after another.

"Your Highness, I heard that the army of Beiyan Kingdom has set up camp twenty miles outside the city. What actions have you taken in the past two days?"

Tong Yan sneered and said, "I have sent someone to slaughter their commander. Now they are under the control of two deputy commanders and a military adviser. Earlier, they sent a team of cavalry to raid Xiliang City , and kidnapped more than 1000 people. Fortunately, your son, General Meng Ke, was alert and led his troops to wipe out the cavalry and rescued the people. With such a son, you really have a successor, General.”

When the general heard that His Royal Highness was praising his son, he couldn't help but feel overjoyed, but he said: "Your Highness, the dog is not very talented, and it is your Highness who trained you well. As for who will succeed, let's talk about it later. "

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said: "The general is really humble. By the way, you ordered the army to rest in the city. At noon tomorrow, I have already made an appointment to fight the army of the Northern Yan Kingdom. At that time, a large-scale battle is likely to break out. Although we There are a lot of people, but compared with the Northern Yan Kingdom, there is still a big disparity. Only by recharging your energy can you fight against a powerful enemy."

"Yes, the general will explain it later. Your Highness, do you have anything else to say? I haven't seen the dog for quite a while, so I want to go and have a look."

Tong Yan said with a chuckle: "Go, I have nothing to do. The important things are tomorrow, as long as you have a good rest today, you will be fine."

The general and other soldiers saluted Tong Yan one after another, then turned around and dispersed.

After they left, Tong Yan continued to focus on the four thousand soldiers in formation.Whether they can win a big game tomorrow depends on these four thousand soldiers.

Tong Yan and the [-] soldiers practiced until night, before he let everyone have a good rest.And he dragged his tired body back to the temporary residence in the city.

The wounds on his body have not healed, but he doesn't look like a wounded person.

Pushing open the door, he decided to change some medicine for himself, as if the wound was a little infected.

Unexpectedly, when he opened the door, he saw a wall of water.A wall of water was behind the door, blocking his way forward.

He was a little puzzled, and stretched out his hand to touch the water wall. When he touched it, he heard a "wow", and the water wall fell to the ground like beads.

Immediately afterwards, Nightingale's cheering laughter was heard: "Your Highness, have you seen it? Have you seen it? I can manipulate water now, and I have comprehended the power of water. Haha... I am so happy. La la la... "

Seeing Nightingale bouncing up and down like a child, Tong Yan's emotions were also affected.

"Have you comprehended the power of water? So powerful! Then aren't you a soul officer now?"

Nightingale stopped still, and then said a little shyly: "I can only be regarded as... a small soul officer. But I believe that in time, I will definitely become a great first-rank soul officer! At that time, I will be able to lose my soul." Zhihai has seen my dead parents!"

Sea of ​​souls?What is this place?

(End of this chapter)

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