
Chapter 575 Clever change of formation, run away after fighting!

Chapter 575 Clever change of formation, run away after fighting!
Although Tong Yan had only 4000 people set up the battle formation this time, the remaining 5 people also lined up in front of the city.

Today he specially put on that set of golden armor, and the horse he rode was also wrapped in golden armor.What he wants is this kind of kingly demeanor, what he wants is to make all the soldiers of Beiyan Kingdom hate him but can't kill him.

It was getting closer and closer to noon, and a battle formation composed of 4000 people had already been deployed.Tong Yan made certain adjustments to the weapons of these 4000 men.Some carried shields and swords, others spears, and still others bows.Not only that, but the 4000 people also distinguished the cavalry and the chief and deputy generals.The cavalry naturally rode horses, while the main general and the deputy general were in the center of the formation.This is convenient for changing the formation in time during the upcoming confrontation, so as to maximize the power of the battle formation.

Tong Yan had a sword hanging on his waist, and three command flags of different colors in his hand.Each command flag represents a formation, and someone in the battle formation will be responsible for observing the command flag shown by Tong Yan, and will change the formation by word of mouth in a timely manner.

These three formations, Tong Yan and the [-] soldiers selected have evolved many times.Using them to fight today, Tong Yan is full of confidence, unless the military division of Beiyan Kingdom sends more troops, if the troops are equal, his chances of winning are quite high.Of course, there is another possibility of failure, that is, the enemy's military division surpasses Tong Yan, a Qilin talent, in using troops.But if this is the case, Tong Yan will send an assassin to end the military adviser no matter what.Who would let an enemy stronger than themselves live too long?

Time passed little by little, and finally, the army of Beiyan Kingdom came to the battle.The battle of a 6 army is naturally no small matter, but Tong Yan and the others also have [-] to [-] people, so they are not at a disadvantage.

At the front of the Northern Yan army is a chariot.There was a seat on the chariot, and on it sat an old man in a white robe and holding a lupine.

Getting closer, Tong Yan recognized the old man's identity at a glance.In the camp of the rebel army that day, Tong Yan had already imagined that if this old thing was not removed, it would definitely pose a threat to him in the future.But it's a pity to let that old thing escape, otherwise there would be no peak duel today.

The chariot continued to move forward with the old military adviser, and finally stopped 50 meters away from Tong Yan's army.

The meaning couldn't be more obvious, he wanted to meet Tong Yan face to face.It can be seen that he takes himself very seriously, and even imagines that he is the real commander of Beiyan Kingdom.

Tong Yan understood, and immediately drove forward.It wasn't until the distance between the two of them was less than ten meters that Tong Yan reined in his horse and stopped.

"His Royal Highness, let's meet again, don't come here without any problems!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan sneered and said, "Thanks to you, I'm living a very good life. But I didn't expect that you, the military adviser of the rebels, have now become the dog of Beiyan Kingdom. This really makes me look at it with admiration!" I want to ask, do you still remember who your ancestor is?"

Facing Tong Yan's unkind words, the old man seemed very calm.

"Your Highness, I am different from you. You are born a master, and you can get anything you want. But what about me? Everything I have is obtained by my own efforts. Those who know the current affairs are heroes, Northern Yan Kingdom is willing to reward me with a bite of food, and it is only natural for me to work for them."

Hearing this, Tong Yan laughed loudly and said: "I don't know, I thought I drank a sip of chicken soup, and you can say that selling your ancestors and seeking glory is so grand. Old man, I really don't know if your sense of shame is still there. Want to I can give you a bite of food. Instead of being a dog to Beiyan Kingdom, you might as well be a dog to me. They are dogs anyway, so it’s better than throwing your life away, right?”

Compete with Tong Yan in terms of eloquence, regardless of his age, even if he is ten, he is no match.

The old military adviser gritted his teeth angrily, and then said fiercely: "Zhao Rui, didn't you come to let me break the formation today? I'll let you see the old man's methods. At that time, who will die, let's wait and see! "

"Okay, let's wait and see! I sent 4000 people to set up the formation, I hope you understand the rules, and don't let me down! Hehe..."

Tong Yan turned the horse's head with a smile and returned to the army.

The old army teacher was completely irritated by Tong Yan. He only had one idea now, which was to break Tong Yan's formation, and then attack the city in one fell swoop, killing all the people of Zhao Guo.

But what he didn't know was that Tong Yan did it on purpose.Tong Yan said so many ugly words just to annoy him.As long as people are irritated, they are prone to impulsiveness, and when they are impulsive, they will lose their brains. What can be done without a brain?The end of entering the battle is to lose troops and lose generals!

Returning to the front of the army of the Northern Yan Kingdom, the military adviser Lao Dong gave an order, and immediately rushed out [-] cavalry from one side.

Tong Yan said that he used 4000 people to set up the formation, but this old thing still has 1000 more, obviously trying to play tricks.But how could Tong Yan care about these?If there are [-] more people, he will eat [-] more.

Seeing that the cavalry dispatched by the old army strategist was conical, it should be one of the ten conical formations.A conical formation is a battle formation in which the striker is like a cone. The conical formation must have a sharp and quick striker and strong wings. The sharp striker can attack the enemy in a narrow front, break through and split the enemy's formation, and expand the results of the battle on the two wings. A formation that emphasizes offensive breakthroughs.

It is actually a good choice to use the cone formation to break the formation.But unfortunately, in Tong Yan's practice formation yesterday, there happened to be a wild goose formation that restrained the cone formation.

The so-called wild goose formation is actually a battle formation that spreads out horizontally, with the left and right wings arranged forward or backward in steps. The forward one is in a V shape, just like the arms of an ape stretched forward. A circuitous formation, but the rear defense is relatively weak.The backward arrangement is an inverted V shape, which protects the safety of the two wings and the rear and prevents the enemy from turning around. If the two wings are cavalry with relatively strong maneuverability, they can get protection and support from the infantry in the center when they are stationary, while It can also exert the power of attacking cavalry and increase the suddenness.

Without hesitation, Tong Yan raised the black order flag in his hand, and the observers in the battle formation saw this and hurriedly passed it on to everyone.

In less than a minute, the original square formation changed into a V-shaped wild goose formation.

At the same time, the [-] cavalry from the Northern Yan Kingdom, who were like awls, had also arrived, and immediately rushed into the wild goose formation.

The old man's face was livid, and it was too late for him to regret it now.Tong Yan seemed to set up the formation first and wait for him to break it, but in fact it was not the case at all.Tong Yan changed his formation according to his Northern Yan Kingdom's formation.

From this point on, the old military adviser has fallen into a passive state.

As for the result, of course it is very obvious.None of the [-] cavalrymen of Northern Yan was spared, and all died in the formation.Tong Yan's [-] soldiers only lost more than [-] soldiers. With one for five, Tong Yan won his first victory against Beiyan!
But how could the army of Beiyan Kingdom be willing to suffer in vain, only to see that the two deputy commanders ignored the military division and directly ordered people to blow the horn of attack.

Seeing this, Tong Yan turned his horse's head coolly, and withdrew his troops just like that.

This is just the first battle, and the best is yet to come!

(End of this chapter)

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