
Chapter 576 Killing people with a borrowed knife is so unfair!

Chapter 576 Killing people with a borrowed knife is so unfair!

When Tong Yan led the army back to Yong'an City, the army of Beiyan Kingdom approached the city.Although they wanted to forcefully break through the city gate, Tong Yan had already deployed archers.

After some shooting, Beiyan Kingdom could only be dumb and eat Coptis chinensis and retreat angrily.

In this one battle alone, tens of thousands of enemies were killed. Such a feat is very satisfying.

Although the old military adviser was only defeated for a while, the murderous villains of Northern Yan Kingdom could no longer bear it.After whipping him a few times, he was locked up.

There is a saying that if you cut the grass without removing the roots, it will regenerate when the spring breeze blows.Tong Yan had already hated that old military adviser to the bone, how could he let him go when he met this time?
He immediately wrote a letter, and ordered his skilled soldiers to "hand over" the letter to the patrol soldiers of the Northern Yan State Camp very cleverly.

The patrolmen intercepted the letter and immediately reported it to the two deputy commanders. After the two deputy commanders read the letter, they immediately flew into a rage, and the old military adviser lost his life just like that.

What exactly did Tong Yan write in the letter?It's actually very simple, he just wrote a few simple sentences.

"Thanks to the secret help of the military master, this prince can defeat the enemy army. After killing all the enemy troops, I will worship the military master as my prince of Zhao!"

People in Beiyan Kingdom are prone to act impulsively, and this is often the case with bloodthirsty people.When they saw this letter, they must have thought that today's defeat was due to the secret trick of the old military adviser.So they cut off the military division's head without thinking at all.

Tong Yan's tactic of borrowing a knife to kill people is ingenious. Firstly, it got rid of the old military adviser, and secondly, it also completely lost the army of the Northern Yan Kingdom.Everything he is doing now is to prepare for the complete annihilation of the enemy forces in Beiyan Kingdom.

It wasn't long after Beiyan's army retreated, Tong Yan sent out the [-] troops in the city.He finally made this risky decision, as long as he could completely annihilate the enemy army in Beiyan Kingdom, he thought everything would be worth it.

The rest will be left to the third prince of Feilong Kingdom, I hope he will not disappoint Tong Yan.

Half a day later, a letter from Feige from Xisha Pass fell into Tong Yan's hands.The letter was delivered by the generals of Xishaguan, and it said: "Your Highness, the third prince of Feilong Kingdom has asked his subordinates to tell you that Wolf Sun City has been successfully plundered, please rest assured!"

Seeing this letter, Tong Yan finally let go of the big stone in his heart.The third prince of Feilong Kingdom did not miss the appointment. He was afraid that he would launch an attack on Langsun City before dawn.Otherwise, it is impossible for the letter to be delivered so quickly.

Now that the backyard of the Northern Yan Kingdom is on fire, the Great Shanyu of the Northern Yan Kingdom may soon recall some of his soldiers and horses in the Zhao Kingdom.And as long as the enemy troops of Beiyan Kingdom divide their troops and return home, their doomsday will come.

There were spies closely watching the movements of the North Yan State Camp, and Tong Yan finally relaxed and rested in Yong'an City.

Unexpectedly, the good news came again.But this time it was sent by Huo Tian. He had already purchased a full [-] deniers of grain, and the transportation team had already moved towards Xishaguan in batches.

Facts have proved that Tong Yan was not mistaken about Huo Tian, ​​this guy is really powerful.It took a cart full of broken stones to get so much food.The refugees in Zhao State can finally have enough to eat, and finally no one will starve to death.

Tong Yan replied to the third prince of Feilong Kingdom and Huo Tian respectively. The content of the letter was nothing more than gratitude. Of course, he asked Huo Tian to continue to purchase a large amount of grain. Whether Zhao Guo can rise rapidly is inseparable from grain.

Everything was going on in an orderly manner according to the plan, but there was one thing that gave Tong Yan a headache, and that was the concubine Yao!

The team he sent before had been searching for so many days, but still hadn't found anything.It's probably useless to search any further, and the concubine Yao may have been brought back to the Holy City.

Tong Yan has already decided that when the war is completely over, he will hand over the throne to the fifth princess, and then he will leave Zhao country with Nightingale and go to Feilong country.

The concubine Yao is not only imprisoned in the holy city of Feilong country, but Tongyan can also obtain the holy stone relatively easily in Feilong country.He couldn't stay in the Extinction Realm for too long, he had to return to the ruins of the gods and demons earlier, and then return to the human world.

He only hoped that the Holy City would not disappoint him, so that he could successfully awaken Xue'er, a descendant of Nuwa.

In the blink of an eye, it was already the second day, and the North Yan State Camp, which had been silent for a long time, finally became restless.

They received a letter from Fei Ge, which was sent by Da Shanyu.The letter asked them all to withdraw from the State of Zhao and not to stay any longer.So it also means that they did not divide their troops and withdraw from Zhao State, leaving some of them to continue to attack, but all of them.

This obviously exceeded Tong Yan's expectations. He originally thought that it was the best time to make a move.But now, can the 8 army led by the general completely eat up the more than [-] Beiyan enemy troops?
Fortunately, the spies reported back in time, and emphasized that all the enemy troops from the Northern Yan Kingdom withdrew from the camp and marched towards the northern part of the Zhao Kingdom.

After hearing the news, Tong Yan immediately decided to personally lead the soldiers and horses in Yong'an City to pursue them.These beasts from Northern Yan State killed so many people from Zhao State, how can they let them just pat their butts and leave now?So how to avenge the tragic deaths of the people of Zhao State?
If the [-] troops of the Northern Yan Kingdom were to return to the Northern Yan Kingdom, then the foundation of the Northern Yan Kingdom would not be shaken, and its strength would not be weakened too much.These beasts have tasted the sweetness, and it won't be long before they will make a comeback.

For the long-term peace of Zhao State, and for those innocent people who died tragically, Tong Yan blew the clarion call for counterattack.An unprecedented war has completely kicked off.

The enemy army of Beiyan Kingdom was determined to return home, so naturally they had no intention of fighting.The morale of Zhao's army was high, and the momentum was like a broken bamboo, beating countless enemies.Although Zhao Guo's army also sacrificed a lot, the [-] army of Beiyan Kingdom has only the last [-] left.

This pursuit lasted for three or four days, and the remaining 1 enemy troops were getting closer and closer to Hukou Pass.As long as they break through the Hukou Pass, they will be able to return to the territory of Beiyan Kingdom. There are already more than [-] troops there, and it will be difficult to kill them all.

Tong Yan knew that there was not much time left for Zhao Guo, so no matter what price he paid, he would kill the last ten thousand enemy troops on Zhao Guo's land.

But at the moment when he dispatched his troops and quickly pursued him, something happened that he didn't expect.

Tongtian Tower, which has never been involved in the War of the Three Kingdoms, sent dozens of soul officials.The purpose of these dozens of soul officials coming here is even more absurd, to ask Tong Yan to withdraw the army, not to kill them all.

They did not show up when Northern Yan State sent [-] troops to attack Zhao State and massacre the people.Now that Zhao Guo is in jeopardy to fight back, they will not allow it.

Facing such unfair treatment, Tong Yan was completely angry...

(End of this chapter)

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