
Chapter 577 Unwilling to compromise, full of anger!

Chapter 577 Unwilling to compromise, full of anger!

In the temporary command post less than a hundred miles away from Hukou, Tong Yan was carefully looking at the map, gesturing back and forth on the map with his fingers.Now we have reached the final step, as long as we can reach Hukou and Pass before the remnants of Northern Yan Kingdom, and set up an ambush at Hukou, Pass and Wangxiang Slope less than ten miles away, we will be able to kill the remaining [-] evils of Northern Yan Kingdom in one fell swoop. Annihilate them all.

At that time, this large-scale war will be completely subsided.

"Come on, please bring the general here." Under normal circumstances, there will be soldiers guarding the door.Tong Yan was almost there on call, but at this moment there was no response at the door.

"Where are people? Is there no one?" Tong Yan was a little annoyed, and turned to Nightingale and said, "Nightingale, please go for me. Nightingale, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Nightingale's eyes widening and her silence, Tong Yan suddenly realized something.

At the same time, the door of the camp was blown open by a gust of wind, and then an old man in a red robe walked in slowly.

Seeing that the person's clothes looked familiar, Tong Yan had already guessed the person's identity.He wears a four-star tower badge on his chest, which should represent his status.

Tong Yan stared at him, then leaned slightly and said, "The soul officer of Tongtian Pagoda is here, and I am sorry to welcome you, please forgive me!"

Yes, this person is the soul officer of Tongtian Pagoda, and he is also a fourth-rank soul officer.Tongtian's soul officials are divided into five ranks, the fifth rank is the lowest, and the first rank is the highest. This person wears a four-star badge, which is enough to show that he is a fourth-rank soul officer with good strength.

This soul officer is wearing a scarlet robe, and even his beard and eyebrows are also scarlet. It seems that he controls the power of fire.The last time I was in Zhao's palace, it was a fifth-rank soul officer who came, but I didn't expect a fourth-rank soul officer to come today.It can be seen that Tongtian Pagoda has paid more and more attention to His Royal Highness, the prince of Zhao Guo.

The fourth-rank soul officer glanced at the panic-stricken Nightingale, and finally looked at Tong Yan, and then said calmly and expressionlessly: "I was ordered to come here to inform you that the Northern Yan Kingdom has been defeated, so don't kill it all. That's right. Forgive others and forgive others, let them go!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help but sneer. "Let them go? Killing people to pay their debts and debts is justified. When slaughtering the people of our country of Zhao, they should have thought of their end today. It was hard for me to lead the country of Zhao to this point. I think Let me stop here, it's impossible!"

The fourth-rank soul officer did not expect that the Prince Zhao in front of him would reject his request outright, and suddenly felt that his face was dull and his heart was angry. "Prince Zhao, I am not here to discuss with you, but to order you on behalf of the Tongtian Tower. Withdraw the troops quickly to quell this war, otherwise, you will become the enemy of my Tongtian Tower!"

Tong Yan is a typical person who prefers softness to toughness. If you try to persuade him, he may be lenient. If you speak ill and threaten him, he will fight you to the end.

"This soul officer, are you blackmailing me? Your Tongtian Pagoda is located in the middle of the three countries. It is true that you have the responsibility to quell the chaos and mediate from it. However, when our country Zhao was attacked by enemies and the people were massacred by the North Yan country, Why didn't you show up? Do you know how many unforgivable heinous crimes these bastards from Northern Yan State have committed in Zhao State? They burned, killed, looted, and committed all kinds of crimes. You let me stop now, why didn't you let them rest at the beginning? Hand? You are also the common people of Miejing. You are partial to the Northern Yan State and ignore the life and death of the people of the Zhao State. Do you still speak justice in Tongtian Tower? Let me tell you, I will kill these villains. If they escape today, tomorrow I will let the North Yan Kingdom destroy the country. It is a dream to want me to stop!"

Tong Yan's eyes were full of murderous intent, and he looked directly at the fourth-rank soul officer in front of him.These fourth-rank soul officials are usually pampered and pampered, and no mortals have ever dared to contradict them, but today they were stared at by the prince of Zhao Guo, and their hearts shuddered.

"You... are you trying to fight against Tongtian Tower? Believe it or not, I will destroy you now?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan laughed loudly and said, "Destroy me? That depends on whether you have the ability. I have fifty thousand soldiers, no matter how powerful you are, how many can you kill? I warn you, sir If you pretend to be a tiger in front of me, get out immediately. Otherwise, I will let you come and go!"

The fourth-rank soul officer gritted his teeth angrily and said: "Is there a return? Then try it! Come on, take down this big tent for me, I want to see, you mere mortal prince, can you help me?" what?"

As soon as he gave an order, only a few sounds of "time, time, time" were heard, and a good tent was instantly torn to pieces.More than 20 fifth-rank soul officials immediately appeared around the big tent, surrounding Tong Yan and Nightingale.

Tong Yan glanced at it, and made up his mind.These guys obviously came prepared, but they were worried that he would not give in, so they had knocked out all the guards close to him.

Now if Tong Yan doesn't compromise, these soul officials may directly kill him regardless of Tong Tian Tower's identity.

But how did these people know he was here?He deliberately chose a hidden place for this command post. Are the people in Tongtian Tower really so powerful?
Tong Yan didn't show the slightest panic. In this situation, it's useless to be afraid.He secretly mobilized the true energy in his body, with his current cultivation base, it's not like there is no chance at all.If he could catch the fourth-rank soul officer in front of him, the fifth-rank soul officials around him would naturally not dare to act rashly.But in this way, it means that he will completely tear his face from Tongtian Tower.

The Tongtian Tower will definitely send more soul officials to assassinate, and this will cause big trouble.

He doesn't care about Tongtian Tower chasing and killing him, anyway, he will go to Feilong Kingdom after the war is quelled.When we get to Shengcheng City, Tongtian Tower probably won't dare to do anything.But his only worry is that if the people in Tongtian Tower can't hold him, will they take their anger on the innocent people of Zhao State?

Judging from the current situation, this Tongtian Tower is not a real belief at all, it is all bullshit.These guys can't level a bowl of water, and use whatever means to achieve their goals, which is definitely not the demeanor that a god should have.In the final analysis, it is no different from those evil cults.

He hesitated a little, he didn't know whether to act rashly or seek perfection through grievances.

Seeing that he was silent, the fourth-rank soul officer smiled contemptuously and said, "Prince Zhao, didn't you let me come and go? Come, let me see your ability. Without your imperial guards, the army, you It's just a waste. A mere mortal dares to act presumptuously in front of me. It's simply beyond his control. I'll say it again, are you going to withdraw or not?"

Tong Yan gritted his teeth fiercely, and clenched his fists tightly...

(End of this chapter)

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