
Chapter 580 Confused and infatuated, so stupid and pathetic!

Chapter 580 Confused and infatuated, so stupid and pathetic!
What the third prince said was so powerful, it didn't look like a joke.And the more this happened, the more interested Tong Yan became.

"Brother Hong, I have to go to the holy mountain. Even if it's dangerous inside, I'll go there. You just need to tell me where it is, and prepare two fast horses for me."

Hearing this, the third prince frowned slightly and said, "Brother Zhao, I didn't lie to you. I really can't go to that holy mountain. You are my friend, how can I just watch you take risks? Also, can you tell me , why do you have to go there?"

Before Tong Yan could speak, Nightingale at the side said first: "Why else, to save his lover. Otherwise, who would go to such a place recklessly?"

When Nightingale said this, there was a strong sourness in it, how could Tong Yan and the third prince not hear it.

The third prince sighed softly and said: "I heard someone say this, asking what love is in the world, and teaching life and death. I didn't expect Brother Zhao, your dignified Prince Zhao, to escape the word love. If so , then I don’t need to persuade you anymore. I know that even if I persuade you, you won’t listen. Don’t worry, I will tell you where the holy mountain is, and I will send someone to escort you in.”

Although Tong Yan wanted to refute, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it, so he cupped his fists and said, "Thank you, brother Hong, but you also said that there are many dangers in there, so you should not send someone to accompany me in there. If you really can't live Come out, I won't implicate others."

The third prince shook his head and said with a smile: "The people I want to send are the masters of my country. I think you have already learned their skills. With them protecting you, I can feel at ease. If I hadn't just become the crown prince, No matter what you say, I will go with you. Don't refuse anymore, otherwise, my friend will feel even more ashamed. "

Tong Yan nodded and said, "Okay, then I won't refuse. Anyway, thank you for your kindness, I will offer you a toast!"

As he spoke, he raised the wine glass in front of him.

Seeing this, the third prince smiled wryly and said: "I am repaying my kindness. If you hadn't reminded me that day, how could I have the status I am today. You and I are brothers, and no one should say anything about kindness. Come on, do it." !"

The two clinked glasses, and then drank the wine one after another.

The meal was very happy, and Tong Yan and the third prince also had a very speculative chat.It's just that Nightingale was a little upset, probably because Tong Yan didn't refute the fact that he went to the Holy Mountain for his lover.

There is a saying that a thousand cups of wine is too small to meet a bosom friend. Tong Yan and the third prince finished their meal, and then ran outside to the pavilion to have a chat over wine.As for Nightingale, she went back to the guest room alone, saying she was going to rest, but she was actually going to sulk.

It was only after the two of them got drunk with pyrimidine that this reunion came to an end.Tong Yan used his true energy to force the alcohol out of his body, and asked the guards to accompany him to leave the Prince's Mansion.

The bright moon hung high and the stars were dotted with stars, so he returned.

Under the guidance of his servants, he came to Nightingale's guest room.Seeing the servant leave, he reached out and knocked on the door.

"Nightingale, are you asleep? Can I come in?"

"I'm already asleep, let's talk about it tomorrow!"

Listening to Nightingale's answer, Tong Yan smiled wryly.He took out a very delicate wooden box from behind him, put it directly in front of Nightingale's door, and said, "I bought something for you, and I left it at the door. When you get up, remember to take it out. I'll come back The room is resting."

After saying this, he turned and left.

After about five or six minutes, Nightingale opened the door and saw the small box on the ground.She looked around and made sure that Tong Yan was not nearby, so she picked up the box.

When she opened the box, her depressed mood immediately rose.She smiled beautifully. This was the second time His Royal Highness gave her a gift.If the previous soul orb was righteousness, then the present gift, she must be love.

There is a pair of clay figurines in the box, which is exactly the pair that she fancy today but has no money to buy.In order to help her buy the pair of clay figurines, Tong Yan specially asked the guards to find the peddler, but he didn't expect that the peddler had already sold them to others.

After that, Tong Yan went to find the buyer again, and after a lot of effort, he finally bought it back from the buyer.As for the price, it's only ten flying dragon stones.This is the face of the Prince's Mansion, outsiders do not have this ability.

As for why Tong Yan went to such lengths to please Nightingale, he himself didn't know.Perhaps it was because he saw the shadow of Tan Yuyi or Gao Qian in Yeying, so he couldn't bear to see her depressed and unhappy.

Nightingale received the gift carefully prepared by Tong Yan, and she cheered and jumped like a grass in the rain after a long drought.

At some point, she fell in love with Tong Yan deeply.But when Tong Yan left, what would be left to her?Is it nostalgia, loneliness, or heartache?
Early the next morning, Nightingale bounced to Tong Yan's door.She reached out and knocked on the door, but found no one in the room answered.After pushing open the door, she realized that Tong Yan had already woken up.

What did Tong Yan do so early in the morning?
It turned out that Tong Yan found cinnabar on the streets of Xili City, he decided to buy some, and then tried to see if he could get some yellow paper.He already has true energy in his body, so he can activate some low-level Dao talismans.For example, the fire talisman, such as the Qingming talisman, to enter the holy mountain, more preparations are still very necessary.Besides, the holy mountain was originally a snow mountain, and fire was so important in the snow mountain, at least it would not freeze to death.

As for the money he used to buy things, he asked the third prince for it.The dignified prince is naturally rich, although Tong Yan is a bit embarrassed, there is nothing he can do.

By the time he bought everything, it was almost noon.From a distance, I could see Nightingale standing at the door looking around, as if she was waiting for him.

Sure enough, as soon as Tong Yan approached, Nightingale greeted him.

"Why didn't you call me when you went out? I thought left quietly by yourself."

Tong Yan handed the snacks he bought back to Nightingale, and then smiled slightly: "Why would I leave without saying goodbye? Even if I have to leave, I will at least leave a letter for you. These are the snacks I bought for you. It's hot, try it."

Nightingale smiled sweetly, took the snack immediately, and opened the greased paper wrapping the snack in front of the two guards.

The dim sum inside is exquisite and fragrant.Seeing that the two guards swallowed unconsciously, Nightingale didn't intend to share it with them, because Tong Yan bought it for her, and she wanted to eat it all by herself, just like love, how could she How about sharing it with others?

But, will this relationship really work out?
(End of this chapter)

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