
Chapter 581 Meeting a monster at night, calling him the boss?

Chapter 581 Meeting a monster at night, calling him the boss?

After three days of preparation, Tong Yan finally decided to set off.Outside the city gate, Tong Yan personally handed over the box that Nightingale had been carrying when she came here to the third prince.

What is inside is actually a book, a book written by Tong Yan.The title of the book is 36 counts!
"Brother Hong, no matter whether I come back alive or not, I hope you can promise me one thing."

The third prince took the box, nodded and said: "Brother Zhao, if you have something to say, just say it, as long as I can do it, I will never refuse!"

Tong Yan nodded in satisfaction, and then said solemnly: "I hope that you can stay on good terms with my country of Zhao as long as you live. If Zhao country has difficulties, please help me a lot. Beiyan country is definitely not as simple as we imagined. , Behind them is probably the Tongtian Tower. Only the Feilong Kingdom and the Zhao Kingdom can maintain the peace of Miejing and let the people here live in peace. You are a kind person and the person I respect the most. Please do whatever you want Promise me everything. Okay?"

The third prince nodded heavily and said: "Brother Zhao, don't worry. Brother, I am your only friend in this life. I will definitely do what you ask. But you have to promise me one thing. No matter what, you must Alive. I'm waiting to have a drink with you, and I'm waiting for you to come back!"

The two hugged tightly, and Tong Yan stepped onto the horse and led them towards the mysterious holy mountain.

The third prince helped Tong Yan find five mistresses in total, and these five girls were different from the ones Tong Yan had seen in Xisha Pass.Each of them wore a necklace polished from a holy stone around their necks.With this holy stone necklace, they can perform witchcraft at any time, and will have the strength to fight against fifth-rank soul officials.

In the past month or so, Tong Yan's cultivation has not improved much, but Nightingale's ability to control water has improved by leaps and bounds.

She can now use water to attack, and can also condense into a water shield for defense.

With the help of the five witches and Nightingale, Tong Yan became more confident.What secrets are there in the holy mountain, and what gods are believed in in the holy city?I believe it won't be long before they can all be untied.

Xili City is more than 1000 miles away from the holy mountain, and it is definitely not within a short period of time.The five witches knew a lot about the holy mountain, and Tong Yan was very relieved to have them lead the way.

Perhaps because of their special identities, these five witches remained silent all the way.Nightingale, on the other hand, kept talking along the way. She seemed to have a lot to say to Tong Yan, as if she would never have another chance.

Tong Yan listened to her patiently. Although the horse's hooves were too loud and he couldn't hear much, he still tried his best to respond.

After a day of running around, the group finally stopped in a small village.It was getting dark, and both men and horses needed to rest.Under the suggestion of the five witches, Tong Yan decided to spend the night here.

The people in this village are very simple. After seeing the costumes of Tong Yan and others, they were not afraid, but warmly invited them to come over as guests.

In fact, many rural people are hospitable and hospitable. As long as you have bad intentions, they will treat you as relatives.In modern terms, this is called folk customs, and it is also called literacy.

Tong Yan and the others tied up the horses, bought some fodder from the villagers, and followed the kind villagers into the house.

The architecture of Feilong Country is very different from that of Zhao Country. The temperature here is low all year round and the winter is longer, so the walls of the house are not only thick, but also support the stove all year round.

"Several distinguished guests, where are you from?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Hello, old man, we are from Xili City."

Hearing this, the old village man immediately cheered and said: "It turns out that they came from the territory of the third prince. When you go back, you must send our greetings to His Highness the third prince. He robbed a lot of grain from the North Yan Kingdom and gave them as gifts. For us poor people. He is a good man, and he will definitely become the wisest king of Feilong Kingdom."

It seems that these three princes are indeed not ordinary people. To become a future king, it is very important to establish a good image among the people.Water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it.The people are the water, and the king is the boat.He can understand this truth, and will surely bring prosperity and peace to Feilong Kingdom in the future.

After Tong Yan chatted with the old villager for a while, the people in the village brought delicious food.

I really didn't expect that there was still meat in such a remote village, which made Nightingale a little overjoyed.

The meat sauce color is very similar to the elbow that is often eaten in the world.Not only the color is attractive, but also the aroma is tangy.

"Old man, what kind of meat is this?"

Hearing this, the old villager laughed and said, "This is the leg meat of the earth dragon. We will treat guests with it when they come. Come on, try it. Although it is not as delicious as Xili City, it is delicious. It is the best food in our village!"

Before Tong Yan could make a move, Nightingale couldn't wait to pick up a big piece with a fork.Seeing her eating with relish, the five witches couldn't help taking off their masks and joining in.

Although Tong Yan didn't know what an earth dragon was, he had to say that the meat tasted really good.Paired with the soju brewed by the village itself, it tastes absolutely delicious.

The dinner ended in a joyful atmosphere, and the old villager deliberately vacated a house for Tong Yan and the others to live in.

There is a kang in the house, which surprised Tong Yan.There was a big kang, and several people lay down crowded together like this.

Probably when entering the house, the horses outside the house roared restlessly.The horse's barking woke up Tong Yan and the others, because they hadn't undressed at all, so Tong Yan turned over and got off the kang, then quickly pushed the door and walked out.

After going out, he couldn't help staring, and then quickly pulled out the soft sword hidden in the soft gold armor.

In the open space less than ten meters away from the house, a huge monster appeared at this moment.This thing is four or five meters high, with four legs, a head, and the whole body is pitch black, only a huge eyeball and a huge mouth on the head are particularly eye-catching.

Tong Yan is sure that he has never seen such a strange beast before. Could it be that this is a unique species of Miejing?
The goal of this huge monster is very clear, it is the horses that Tong Yan and the others rode.It wanted to eat these horses, but if they were eaten by it, Tong Yan and the others might have to walk towards the holy mountain on two legs.

But if there is a battle with this beast, what if he loses?Wouldn't that mean he had to pay for his own life?

Just when Tong Yan was hesitating, he didn't expect the giant beast to look at him.

After the giant beast inspected him carefully, something even more incredible happened.

This gigantic beast... unexpectedly said in a human voice: "Boss, is that you?"

(End of this chapter)

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