
Chapter 582 Unexpected Encounter, Backing Town!

Chapter 582 Unexpected Encounter, Backing Town!

As soon as these words came out, Tong Yan couldn't help but tremble all over.Boss?Does this monster know itself?

Seeing Tong Yan's puzzled face, the monster said again, "Boss, I am the disaster of all ghosts!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan was completely shocked.This giant beast even said that it is the disaster of all ghosts!
At this moment, Tong Yan was a little messy, could it be the disaster of all ghosts?But the Evil of Ten Thousand Ghosts doesn't look like this at all, does it?But on second thought, hasn't he entered someone else's body and changed his appearance?Perhaps, just like him, the evil of all ghosts entered the body of this giant beast, so it became what it is now.

But in order to be more sure, he reconfirmed: "You said you are the disaster of all ghosts, so do you know what my identity is?"

Hearing this, the giant beast shook its head, as if thinking.After a while, it said again: "The young master of the Guilin Sect, the talented unicorn, the young master of the Demon Sect, and... and the young patriarch of the Wu family."

There are indeed many identities of Tong Yan, and the only person who can know his identities, besides Qing Ming and their good brothers, is probably the ghost who has been in his body all the time.

Hearing this, Tong Yan finally confirmed that the giant beast in front of him was the disaster of all ghosts.

He thought that he was the only one who entered the Extinction Realm, but he didn't expect that the disaster of all ghosts would also come in.It is very possible that their souls are interdependent, and they entered this place together.

Tong Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and then showed a faint wry smile. "I thought I was the only one in bad luck, but I didn't expect you to come in with me. So, you are now attached to the body of this giant beast?"

Wan Gui Zhi'e nodded and said: "No, I tried to get out, but it was like being imprisoned, and there was no way to get out. I thought I would never get out in my life, but I didn't expect I actually met you, Boss. Boss, we are really destined. With you here, I won’t be afraid.”

"Are you not afraid? I think you want to find a partner. By the way, how did you recognize me? Logically speaking, I have changed. How can you still recognize me?"

Wan Guizhi smiled and said: "Isn't that simple? I sensed a familiar aura on your body, but I couldn't confirm it, so I asked. I didn't expect you to be the boss. It really pays off." .Ha ha……"

This misfortune of all ghosts has been followed by Tong Yan for a long time, and he can even speak common sayings.

At this moment, Nightingale and the others also left the house.Tong Yan never returned, worried that she would be in danger, so he came out to take a look.

But when they saw the misfortune of ten thousand ghosts, their faces paled suddenly.Obviously, they had never seen such a giant beast before.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Tong Yan immediately said to Wangui Zhie: "Can't you...can you change your appearance like that? Isn't this too scary? Look at scaring these girls Already!"

Hearing this, Wan Guizhi made a soft sound, and then replied: "I'll try it, I don't know if it will work." Saying this, it began to twist its body hard, let alone, after a few minutes , its size became smaller and smaller, and finally became only as big as a kitten.Although the appearance is still so ugly, at least the head is small.

Tong Yan raised his legs and walked directly in front of it, hugged it, and then whispered to it: "Don't reveal my true identity, I don't want to cause unnecessary trouble."

Hearing this, Wan Guizhi nodded his head lightly.

With the evil of all ghosts in his arms, Tong Yan immediately turned around and walked back in front of Nightingale and the others. "Look, it's just a little guy, it's not dangerous. In the future, it will go on the road with us."

Upon hearing this, Nightingale looked at the misfortune of the ghosts again, and then said with a look of disgust: "It's uncomfortable to think about letting such a strange thing follow on the road."

Tong Yan was about to speak to persuade, but he didn't expect Wan Guizhi to be a little unhappy instead. "Whoever wants to go on the road with you, I don't feel well, but I don't think you feel well. Compared with sister Yu'er, you are far behind."

Nightingale didn't care about why this little thing could talk, but asked Tong Yan, "Yu'er? Who is Yu'er? Is he also your old friend?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help showing a wry smile.

In this way, after several months of absence, Tong Yan and Wan Gui Zhi'e, the brothers and sisters, finally reunited.And does this also mean that they will leave the Extinction Realm soon?Maybe, maybe not!
After a few days of rushing, Tong Yan and his group can finally see the holy mountain from a distance.

But there is still a long distance between being able to see and actually arriving.

It may be because the distance from the holy mountain is getting closer, and the temperature here has dropped below zero.Fortunately, Tong Yan and the others had already made preparations. As soon as the temperature dropped, they changed into thick animal fur coats.

There is only a small town near the holy mountain. Under the suggestion of the witch, Tong Yan decided to go to this town to prepare some dry food and all the utensils needed to spend the night in the snow mountain.

This town is called Kaoshan Town, because it is close to the holy mountain, so it took such a name.The town is small and dilapidated.This place is too close to the holy mountain, and it is rumored that wild beasts often rush out of the holy mountain to attack the town, so the life here is getting worse day by day, and the population is getting smaller and smaller.

Now there are not many strong men in the town, and more are old, young, women and children.Of course, there are also witches who come here from time to time, the reason is very simple, this place is rich in holy stones.

Under normal circumstances, government offices will be set up in the area above the town, and corresponding defenders will be stationed according to the size.The role of the government is naturally to maintain law and order here and punish those who commit crimes.The need for the existence of the garrison is often to assist the government in handling cases, or to deal with bandits and bandits.

But here, in this backer town, there is nothing.If there is any official government, it is a militia squad formed spontaneously by the townspeople.The militia squad is responsible for patrolling. Once they find a beast rushing out of the holy mountain, they will either fight the beast or notify the people in the town to hide.In short, this is a forgotten place in Feilong Kingdom, where even living is extremely difficult.

The arrival of Tong Yan and others immediately became the expectation of the residents of the town.They automatically stood in front of the door and placed the holy stone excavated from the edge of the holy mountain at the door, hoping that the witches who came to buy the holy stone would buy a piece of it.In this way, they can improve their lives a little bit.

Tong Yan rode a tall horse and swept past the doors of every house.He was looking for a holy stone with stronger aura.

Fortunately, he was actually discovered.

It's just that this person who sells the top-grade holy stones is definitely not that simple.Tong Yan can be sure that she is no more human than Yaofei!Could it be that she also escaped from the holy city?If this is the case, maybe we can learn something about the holy city from her mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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