
Chapter 583 Human-headed spider, escape from the holy city!

Chapter 583 Human-headed spider, escape from the holy city!

Tong Yan came straight to her on horseback. The seller of the holy stone was a girl, about seventeen or eighteen years old.She was wearing a shabby leather jacket, her body trembling slightly, and she wore a yellow turban on her head, which was embroidered with very beautiful small flowers.

Her skin is a bit rough, which is caused by the frequent blowing of wind and snow. Her face is flushed from the cold, but her facial features are very delicate.If she lived in a warm place, maybe she would be a pretty girl.

Tong Yan reined in his horse and stopped in front of her, then smiled and said, "Little sister, do you sell this stone?"

Hearing this, the girl nodded slightly immediately.

Tong Yan immediately got off the horse and reached out to pick up the stone placed in front of her feet.This holy stone is only the size of a fist, but its color is as bright red as blood.Holding it in his hand, Tong Yan could feel the extremely powerful Yin Qi contained in it.Such a small stone is actually stronger than the big holy stone he used to practice before.

Such top-quality holy stones are indeed rare, and even the five witches who accompanied Tong Yan showed great interest.

"How to sell it? Is this the only one?" Tong Yan asked in a harmonious voice.

The girl nodded, and then said in a timid voice: "There is only... only this one, can you... can you give me a flying dragon stone?"

This girl is indeed not greedy, such a top-quality holy stone, not to mention a flying dragon stone, even if it is 100 yuan flying dragon stone, he will buy it.For this departure, the third prince prepared more than 2000 flying dragon stones for him.If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't take it anymore, the third prince would probably give him more.

The dragon stone is about the size of a coin, although it is much lighter, it still takes up space.

Tong Yan nodded with a smile and said, "Of course, if you can tell me something, I'm willing to pay an extra ten yuan. Are you interested?"

When the girl heard that there was a chance to earn ten more flying dragon stones, she immediately nodded and said, "Yes, I am willing. What do you want to ask?"

Tong Yan didn't talk nonsense, and asked directly: "You are not human, are you?"

As soon as this remark came out, the girl's eyes widened immediately, and she said in horror, "You...can you see it?"

With her affirmation, Tong Yan continued to ask: "Did you come here from the Holy City? Do you know anything about the Holy City?"

The girl is very simple, but this time, she shook her head slightly. "I'm not from the holy city, I was born here. But... But I'm different from people, my mother said I'm half human and half demon..." Her voice became weaker and weaker at the end .

Tong Yan made sure that she wasn't lying, if she was lying, she should have said that she was a human being instead of admitting it from the very beginning.

From this point of view, maybe her mother would know more, or maybe this girl is the offspring of goblins and humans.

Tong Yan thought for a while, and then asked: "Can you take me to see your mother? Please rest assured, I will not hurt her, let alone you. I just want to ask something, if you want, I can give you the Dragon Stone right now." Having said that, he directly grabbed a handful from his purse and stuffed it to the girl.

This one cost more than 20 yuan. The girl looked at the dragon stone in her hand, and immediately said in horror: "Big brother, gave too much."

Tong Yan smiled slightly: "It's okay, you may need them more than me. Can you take me to see your mother now?"

The girl still hesitated a little, and then whispered: "I'm worried...I'm worried that you will be scared when you see her, she is no longer human."

Tong Yan said softly: "No, I've seen a lot of weird things, I'm more courageous than anyone else. Well, take me to see her."

Seeing Tong Yan's sincere and gentle face, the girl finally decided to take him to see her mother.

But when Tong Yan and the others followed the little girl into the house, they still gasped unconsciously.

The girl's mother was indeed not a human being, but a huge white spider with a human head.

The breath of this white spider is very weak, it seems that it will die soon.She can appear in human form, which is probably related to the holy stone.The reason why the girl has no problem is because she still has human blood in her body.

The girl walked up to the human-headed spider, put her face closer without any fear, and said softly, "Mother, there are people who want to see you. I...I brought them here!"

Upon hearing this, the human-headed spider suddenly opened its eyes.

But after seeing Tong Yan and the others, she showed a calm expression.

"You...Aren't you afraid of me? You still want to see me?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Hello, please forgive us for coming uninvited. The reason why I want to see you is actually because I have something I want to ask you. Would you like to answer it for me?"

Hearing this, the human-headed spider sneered and said, "That depends on what price you can offer. I'm just such a precious daughter. I want her to live a good life."

Tong Yan pulled the chair aside on his own, and then sat down in front of the human-headed spider.

"I know what you think. Any mother is great, even if you are not human. I will not treat you badly. I will give her a sum of money so that she can live a good life after you die."

Although his last sentence was a bit straightforward, it deeply moved the human-headed spider.She herself knew very well that she was going to die soon, and Tong Yan could relieve her worries, so why would she refuse.

"Tell me, what do you want to ask?"

Tong Yan was of course very happy that the human-headed spider was willing to cooperate.Without hesitation, he immediately asked, "Did you escape from the holy city? I want to ask something about the holy city!"

The human-headed spider did not show surprise, on the contrary, it seemed that she had expected this.

"Yes, I did escape from the holy city. But you also saw that this is what happened to me. And... and I will die soon!"

The girl couldn't help crying when she heard this. "Mother, don't say that, your illness will definitely be cured, and I will definitely cure your illness!"

The human-headed spider patted its daughter lightly with its white feet, then forced a smile and said: "Okay, mother is not dead, mother still wants to watch you get married. Mother is a little hungry, can I make some food for mother?" Is it?"

When the girl heard it, she immediately said happily: "Okay, big brother gave me a lot of flying dragon stones, I can buy meat for you, and then make broth for you to drink. Mother, you wait for me!"

Seeing the girl happily walking out of the house, the human-headed spider couldn't help but sigh.

The secret of the holy mountain is about to be revealed, don't miss it!

(End of this chapter)

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