
Chapter 584 Shocking secret, a helping hand!

Chapter 584 Shocking secret, a helping hand!
"It's hard to bear, right?"

"Yeah, who would be willing to part with their own child? But there is no way, in a few days, I will be turned into dust."

Tong Yan really wanted to comfort her a few words, but what can comfort change?This human-headed spider knows everything, even if it is comforted, it may not help.

"Is it because of the holy city that you are like this?" Tong Yan asked directly.

The human-headed spider shook its head lightly, and then replied: "To be honest, I should have done it myself. If I hadn't had the heart to defect back then, maybe I can still live like a dog now."

Her words were full of self-deprecation, and it was certain that something must have happened in the holy city.Otherwise, how could the goblins in these holy mountains escape?The concubine should be the same.

"Why did you run away? Isn't the holy city your home?"

The human-headed spider smiled bitterly and said, "Home? It was originally a home, but unfortunately, villains came to the home. Now it is no longer a home, but a purgatory."

"Here comes the villain? Who? From where?"

The human-headed spider shook his head and said, "I don't know where he came from. I only know that he suddenly descended on the holy mountain and quickly became the master of the holy mountain. As for who he is, maybe only the Holy Mother knows." Will know!"

"Holy Mother? Is it the god you worship?"

"That's right, the Holy Mother is the god of our holy city. Unfortunately, the Holy Mother may have forgotten this place. Her idol has been desecrated even more. The originally pure holy mountain is almost completely defiled by the devil's energy. Maybe not How long will it take for the holy city to become a demonic city, and all of us demon spirits in the holy city will also turn into monsters, walking corpses who only know how to kill!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan's brows were deeply intertwined. If it weren't for a major change in the family, who would be willing to leave their hometown?But what about the so-called magic energy?Could it be that a demon descended into the Holy City, which caused all this to happen?If this is the case, wouldn't the devil fall into this place from the ruins of gods and demons just like him?

Tong Yan's brain was spinning rapidly, he was thinking, trying to connect everything.

Soon, an uneasy thought appeared in his mind, and he asked anxiously, "When did the villain you mentioned suddenly come to the Holy City?"

The human-headed spider thought for a while, and then replied, "About 1000 years ago!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately took out the top-quality holy stone that he bought from the girl before from his backpack, and asked again: "What is this? I'm afraid it's not a real holy stone, is it?"

Looking at Tong Yan, the human-headed spider smiled approvingly. "You are really smart, you can even guess this. That's right, this is not a holy stone, we call it the stone of evil spirits. Of course, in the eyes of you humans, this stone that can bring you special power is Holy stone. But what is it called? It’s just a saying. Why should you care?”

Although she said that, it was very important to Tong Yan.

Now Tong Yan had a bold guess in his mind, and it was related to the battle between gods and demons thousands of years ago.

If Tong Yan's guess is correct, things should be like this.

Thousands of years ago, there was a war between gods and demons.Although nothing happened in the end, there were demons or heavenly demons who inadvertently entered the realm of extinction, and the place where he fell was the holy city.

The holy city is located in the holy mountain, which contains extremely powerful aura.But because of the arrival of the demon or the demon, everything changed.

He ruled the entire holy city and began to enslave the demon spirits in the holy mountain.He spread his evil spirit outward, intending to turn the holy mountain into a place like the devil world.

The demon spirits in the holy mountain did not want to be his minions, so they fled the holy mountain one after another, and hid in various places in the realm of destruction.

But he refused to give up, so he sent his subdued men around to capture the demon spirits who had left the holy mountain.Maybe he wanted to form a huge army of monsters, and the monsters are already very powerful, if they can be controlled, they will become his strongest warriors.

Whether it's the human-headed spider or the demon concubine, they are holy mountain demon spirits who refuse to give in, but after so long, the holy city still refuses to let them go.

Maybe he realized that the spider was dying, so he let her go.But Yaofei is different, she is not only healthy, but also has high abilities, so she became the target of capture, and finally returned to the holy city.

The culprit of everything is likely to be that evil demon. If you want to save the concubine Yao, you will inevitably have to be an enemy of that demon.

Doing so is indeed very risky, but it is imperative.Because the Madonna mentioned by the human-headed spider is probably the Nuwa Empress.

As for the so-called holy stone, it should have been a holy stone in the first place, but it became what it is now after it was polluted by evil spirits.This may be the reason why it obviously contains extremely strong aura, but cannot be directly absorbed.

Why does Tong Yan make such speculations?In fact, the most fundamental reason is that he also came here from the ruins of gods and demons.Since he can come in, why can't other people or demons?
But the above is just his speculation, and he can't be completely sure.If you want to solve everything, maybe you can only get the answer if you meet the evil devil.

Tong Yan was silent for a while, then suddenly asked: "Do you know You Ji?"

As soon as this remark came out, the human-headed spider immediately widened its eyes, and said in disbelief: "You know her? Is she okay?"

Tong Yan shook his head lightly and said: "Not good! To be honest, the reason why I asked you about the Holy City was to go to the Holy City to save her. She has been kind to me and helped me many times. Just Some time ago, she was captured by the people of the holy city. I think she should be imprisoned there!"

Hearing this, the human-headed spider said in pain: "You Ji is my best sister. I didn't expect her to be taken back. Five years ago, she escaped from the holy mountain and came to my place to bid farewell to me. She I said that she is going to a place where the four seasons are distinct, and she wants to live a happy life like a human being. But I didn't expect...I didn't expect...Why didn't those beasts let her go?"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said: "Don't worry, I will definitely save her, and she will definitely live the life she wants. Thank you for telling me so much. We will set off tomorrow morning. The money will be left to you Your daughter. You are a good mother, and your daughter will be blessed by the Virgin. Goodbye!"

Putting down the purse, Tong Yan turned around and was about to leave.

Seeing this, the human-headed spider suddenly shouted: "Wait a minute, since you are going to save You Ji. I think you might need this thing!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately turned around, and then saw the human-headed spider trying to move her body away, unexpectedly there was a box hidden under her body.

Tong Yan frowned slightly, then raised his legs and stepped forward.After he opened the box, an excited smile appeared on his face.

What's in the box?Let's talk about it in the next chapter!
(End of this chapter)

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