
Chapter 585 Golden flying sword, just a coincidence?

Chapter 585 Golden flying sword, just a coincidence?
Looking at the things in the box, Tong Yan was really pleasantly surprised.I saw that what was placed in this box turned out to be a small golden sword, this sword was only as big as a finger, and there was no hilt, only the blade.

Such a small sword, of course Tong Yan knew what it was.What excites him even more is that this little sword has added a large amount of Gengjin, which means that its power will be even stronger.

This is a flying sword, a flying sword that many people dream of.

Seeing Tong Yan's surprised face, the human-headed spider smiled slightly and said, "It seems that you really know what this is, do you like it?"

Tong Yan nodded quickly and said, "I like it, thank you very much. But... But can you tell me, where did you get it?"

The human-headed spider smiled mysteriously and said, "It was stolen! It was stolen from the dark room of the villain in the holy city. The villain seemed to be a little afraid of this thing, so I stole it out, and he didn't notice it. Now that you know what it is , I must also know how to use it. I hope you can use it to save You Ji, so I will fight with her sister!"

Tong Yan nodded heavily and said: "Don't worry, I will definitely rescue her. Thank you again!"

The human-headed spider hummed lightly, then slowly closed its eyes.After talking so much, she was a little tired.

Tong Yan didn't continue to disturb, and immediately led Nightingale and the others out.

As soon as she arrived at the door, Nightingale asked in confusion, "What did she give you? Isn't it just a small sword? How could you be so happy?"

Tong Yan took a deep breath and said, "It won't be long before you know its power. Well, it's time for us to find a place to rest. Let's go to the holy mountain tomorrow morning!"

After walking in the small town for a while, I finally found an inn that was about to close down.When Tong Yan and the others tied the horse to the wooden post in front of the inn, the owner of the small shop realized that there was a guest.

"Guest officers, I didn't expect you to stay in a small town like ours. There are two rooms in the store, which should be enough for you to live in."

Tong Yan sized up the smiling shop owner, and said with a slight smile, "Okay, then I'll stay with you. Feed the horse for us, and then prepare some food."

"Okay, guest officer, please come in quickly!"

As soon as Tong Yan and the others entered the small shop, the proprietress warmly greeted them.

There are very few customers in this small shop, so there are only two tables inside, but the tables are fairly clean.

"Several guest officers, you have worked hard all the way. Sit down quickly, I will move the stove later to keep you warm."

Hearing this, Tong Yan nodded and smiled, "I'm sorry for your trouble, by the way, it's better to bring us another pot of hot water."

"Okay, then wait a moment!"

As soon as a few people sat down here, the disaster of all ghosts hidden in Tong Yan's backpack became a little restless.It poked its head out, looked around, and planned to crawl out from inside.

Tong Yan saw it, and quickly reached out to pat its little head.

"Be honest with me, there will be food later, and I won't forget you. You look like this, what should you do if you scare others?"

Hearing this, Wan Guizhi stuck out his tongue, and then retracted into the bag.

The food was not ready so quickly, but the proprietress brought a stove and a pot of hot tea.

After putting down the stove and hot tea, the proprietress hurriedly brought the bowls and chopsticks again.

"Several guests, please drink some hot water first, and I will go to the back kitchen to help cook."

Tong Yan nodded to her, and then acted as a waiter, pouring a bowl of water for each of the beauties present.

While drinking hot water, Nightingale asked, "Your Highness, do you think that big spider is really a goblin? Then is she very powerful?"

Tong Yan didn't know why Nightingale asked this question, but she answered patiently: "Normally, she should be stronger than humans. But as you can see, she will die soon. So don't be afraid! "

"No, I'm not afraid. What I mean is, even someone as powerful as her will escape from the holy mountain. Is it possible that we won't be able to come out alive when we enter the holy mountain?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan said with some guilt: "Nightingale, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have let you take the risk with me. How about this? You and these five younger sisters will stay here tomorrow. I will enter the Holy Mountain by myself. There's really no way out alive. You guys just get out of here. Okay?"

When Nightingale heard Tong Yan, she misunderstood herself, and hurriedly explained: "That's not what I meant, what I meant... is that I want to be your wife before I die..." At the end, her voice grew louder and louder. Getting smaller and smaller, the whole person almost shrank under the table.

When the witches saw it, they couldn't help laughing.

But Tong Yan couldn't bear it a little bit, becoming his wife, this might be Nightingale's last wish.Nightingale wanted to have no regrets before she died, she had the mentality that she wanted to be with Tong Yan even if she died.It was this kind of emotion that made Tong Yan a little uncomfortable.

For his own sake, he let them follow the adventure, he felt a little sorry.But after getting here, I'm afraid that even if he wanted to get rid of them, it would be impossible.

The only thing he can do is to take them in safely, and then send them out safely.Although it is difficult, he believes that he can do it.

Of course Tong Yan didn't agree to Nightingale, but he didn't refuse either.He felt that Nightingale needed to be given hope at this time, so he might not be able to complete it.

"When we get out of it alive, I will grant you one wish!"

Upon hearing this, Nightingale immediately raised her head. "Really? Then you can't go back on your word, you can testify for me."

The five witches nodded with a smile, agreeing.

After a while, the shop owner finally finished the meal.A few people were indeed hungry, and they ate up several dishes in one go.

After eating, Tong Yan gave the shop owner a few flying dragon stones, and he took everyone to rest.

There are two rooms, of course their girls live in one room, and Tong Yan lives in one room by himself.But Yeying insisted on being in the same room with Tong Yan, so Tong Yan had no choice but to agree.

After the stove in the guest room was lit, Tong Yan released Wan Gui Zhi'e from his backpack and gave it some steamed buns.

Wan Gui Zhi'e had something to eat, so he immediately squatted by the stove and began to eat.

As for Nightingale, she knew that she might encounter danger tomorrow, so she continued to delve into her soul orb very consciously, and manipulated the water into various shapes from time to time.

Tong Yan sat down on the chair, reached out and took out the flying sword presented by the human-headed spider, and watched it carefully.

What he didn't expect was that on the side of the flying sword, he saw a very small engraved seal character.This word is nothing but the word "Wu"!

Is this really just a coincidence?Or, does this flying sword have a lot to do with him?
(End of this chapter)

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