
Chapter 586 Encountering a bottleneck, the power of water arrows!

Chapter 586 Encountering a bottleneck, the power of water arrows!
Tong Yan fell into deep thought, the demon in the holy city probably entered here from the ruins of gods and demons.In addition, the time point is exactly 1000 years ago.

In the battle of gods and demons 1000 years ago, Wu Bufan, the ancestor of the Wu family, participated in the battle.Thinking about it this way, could this flying sword engraved with the word "Wu" be the magic weapon of Skywalker Wu Bufan?

The human-headed spider also said that the demon who ruled the holy city seemed to be afraid of this flying sword.Maybe it was Wu Bufan who drove the flying sword into the demon's body, and was taken to the Extermination Realm by the demon.

This speculation is not impossible, because Tong Yan never believes in coincidences.

Looking back, it would have been interesting if that was the case.Wu Bufan, the ancestor of the Wu family, did not kill the demon man. Now Tong Yan, a descendant of the Wu family, came and got the inheritance of the flying sword.Perhaps it was foreshadowing that Tong Yan would use this flying sword to accomplish what Wu Bufan had not accomplished.

But even Wu Bufan couldn't kill this devil, so could Tong Yan do it?There is no absolute in everything, it is man-made.Maybe it can, maybe not.

Tong Yan didn't think about these anymore, but poured his true energy into Feijian.But it's a pity that with the amount of true energy in his body right now, it's simply not enough to activate Feijian.

He originally planned to enter the mountain tomorrow, but it seemed that he had to postpone it for two days.It happened that a lot of holy stones could be bought here, so Tong Yan decided to practice in seclusion for a few days before entering the mountain.

As the saying goes, sharpening a knife does not cut firewood by mistake, and being able to activate the flying sword is extremely important to whether he can obtain the ability to survive in the holy mountain.After all, so far, he only has this magic weapon in the true sense.

As for his soft sword, and the Gengjin arrow that the third prince shot at him, they can only be used against people or some beasts, but they are useless against monsters and the like.

After finally getting such a treasure, how could he let it go in the cold?

Cultivation, he only has one thought now, and that is cultivation!
After making up his mind, Tong Yan immediately said to Nightingale: "Ninginging, I decided to go into the mountain a few days later, you go and inform those girls, let them rest in peace, and I will notify them when I leave."

Upon hearing this, Nightingale immediately cheered and said, "Okay, I'll go right away!"

Entering the holy mountain is tantamount to going on an adventure. If you are not an adventurer, who wants to enter the mountain so quickly.Nightingale and the other little girls were naturally very happy to be able to postpone it for a few days.

As soon as Yeying returned to the room, Tong Yan began to practice.Nightingale consciously sat next to him, because Nightingale knew that she would protect him all the time and not let him be in any danger.

Cultivation, endless practice, Tong Yan has been practicing for seven days.

After absorbing the extreme yin energy from one holy stone, he began to absorb the second and third.He bought almost all the holy stones in the whole town by himself. Not only is his cultivation level improving, but the people in the town are also happy that they have earned a lot of money.

It continued like this until the ninth day, and finally Tong Yan stopped.

Why did he stop?There are obviously several holy stones that can be used in front of him?
In fact, it's not that he doesn't want to continue to practice, but that his cultivation has reached a bottleneck, and he must break through the bottleneck before he can enter the next level.But what made him a little incomprehensible was that he had never encountered such a situation in his cultivation in the human world, but it appeared instead in this realm of destruction.

After thinking for a while, he suddenly understood.When he was in the human world, his body contained the strongest blood of the Wu family.But here, he just entered the body of Prince Zhao Rui with his soul.And Zhao Rui's physical aptitude couldn't be compared with Tong Yan's own body at all. It was for this reason that he encountered a bottleneck.

This is why we often say that martial arts wizards can reach a very high level in a very short period of time, but the reason why mediocre people can't reach it in their entire lives.

Tong Yan must break through this bottleneck.Because as long as he breaks through the bottleneck, his cultivation base will be greatly improved, and the true energy in his body will become more intense.

But to break through the bottleneck, you need an opportunity. If you don't meet an opportunity, you will not be able to break through in your life.

Fortunately, at the moment when Tong Yan was very upset, the opportunity came to him by himself.

A few ferocious beasts that did not know how to live or die unexpectedly jumped out of the holy mountain, and rushed directly into the peaceful and tranquil Kaoshan Town.

The militiamen in Kaoshan Town immediately blew the emergency horn, and all the residents of the town immediately closed their doors and windows, praying together that these man-eating beasts would leave quickly.

Tong Yan, who was sitting in the room with his eyes closed and meditating, naturally heard it, but he seemed very calm.

But Nightingale couldn't sit still anymore, she stood up abruptly, and asked Tong Yan directly: "Your Highness, what is this noise? Is there a festival going on in the town?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan slowly opened his eyes, and then smiled slightly: "This trumpet is not for offense, but for defense. I guess, it may be that the town is in some trouble!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the shop owner knocked on the door.

"Several guest officers, the beasts from the Holy Mountain have come to the town, you must not go out. Those beasts are not only big, but also eat people. Be more careful!"

As soon as Nightingale heard it, she immediately geared up and said, "I'm a dignified fifth-rank soul officer, and I'm going to protect the town. Your Highness, are you going?"

Hearing what Nightingale said, he couldn't help laughing. "Fifth grade soul officer? Who gave you the title? Beasts are so dangerous, I advise you to be honest. Those mindless things will run away if they can't find their prey. There is no need to compete with those beasts."

Nightingale curled her lips and said, "I just want to try my water arrows to see if I can shoot through the heads of those beasts. Since you won't let me go, then forget it."

Seeing her disappointed expression, Tong Yan sighed softly and said: "Alas... I really can't do anything about you, since you want to go, then let's go secretly. You have to follow the disaster of all ghosts. If you're in danger, you get bigger and run around the beasts. Got it?"

Wan Gui Zhi'er, who was warming up at the fire, yawned and said, "I see, boss, you are really willing to mess around with her. Could it be that you have taken a fancy to her?"

When Nightingale heard this, two blushes immediately appeared on her face.

Tong Yan gave Wangui Zhie a blank look, and then said to Nightingale, "Let's go, let's get out from here!" He then pointed to the closed window.

Nightingale chuckled and said, "Okay, let's go uphold justice and eliminate harm for the people! Let's go!"

Seeing her innocent smile, Tong Yan just smiled helplessly.

The next moment, Tong Yan and Nightingale had arrived on the street of the town with the misfortune of all ghosts.

Seeing a few red beasts running wildly from a distance, he suddenly felt a little regretful.What kind of beast is this? It is obviously a bloodthirsty monster!

Before Tong Yan could draw out the soft sword, Ye Ying's hand had already condensed a sky-blue longbow with water.

When the longbow was fully drawn, it was suddenly released, and several water arrows shot out immediately...

(End of this chapter)

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