
Chapter 587 The Battle of Beasts, Can't You Kill It?

Chapter 587 The Battle of Beasts, Can't You Kill It?
Of course Tong Yan knew that Nightingale's grasp of the power of water had become more and more proficient, but what he didn't expect was that it had already reached the point of proficiency.Now let's see how powerful these water arrows are, I hope it's not just a show that doesn't work.

After a few water arrows left the string, like a few sky-blue rays of light, they approached the several monsters rushing towards them in the blink of an eye.

The intelligence of Warcraft is still inferior to that of wild beasts. At least wild beasts know how to be afraid, but what about Warcraft?It is estimated that he will not be honest until he dies.

Although a few water arrows were coming towards them now, these monsters had no intention of dodging at all, and they just used their claws or heads to hit them.

Only a few "pops" were heard. Although the water arrow hit the monsters, it was a pity that they failed to cause any damage to these monsters.

Seeing this, Nightingale felt a little disappointed. "Your Highness, why is my water arrow not powerful at all? Is it because my comprehension ability is too weak? I am really useless, really useless!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan shook his head and said, "It's not that your water arrows are weak, but that these monsters have strong defenses. What are you still hesitating about? Find a way to scare them away!"

The monsters got closer and closer, and Tong Yan discovered that they had a rock-like shell on their bodies.Generally, strange beasts related to stones have rough skin, thick flesh, and steel and iron bones. Not to mention Nightingale's water arrows, even ordinary magical weapons, they may not be able to cause much damage to them.

He had to admit that it was a bit of a miscalculation for this time to rush out to fight the beast.If the misfortune of all ghosts could not scare off these monsters, both his and Nightingale's lives might be in danger.

Wan Guizhi raised his head and let out a roar, then shook his body vigorously. As it shook, its size became larger and larger, and finally turned back into that huge black monster with a height of four or five meters. .

Compared with the Evil of Ten Thousand Ghosts, the four monsters in front of them are much smaller, like a tiger confronting four wolves.

A wolf may not be afraid to fight a tiger, but a pack of wolves is fearless.Together, these four monsters are like a small pack of wolves. Even though Wan Gui Zhi E is huge, they still dare to compete with a "tiger" like Wan Gui Zhi E.

Wan Gui Zhi'e stared at the only big eye, showed his sharp fangs, and roared violently at the four monsters in front of him.

The four monsters were shocked by the roar of the ghosts, and immediately took a few steps back.But what I didn't expect was that the reason why they backed up was to run up and launch a fierce attack on the ghosts with the strongest impact.

"Aw..." As the four monsters roared one after another, they immediately ran wildly, jumped high almost in an instant, and rushed towards the disaster of all ghosts together.

The Evil of All Ghosts is the king of ghosts and beasts, and he has a kingly demeanor in his bones. When he sees four monsters rushing towards him, how can he avoid it.Just look at its forelegs jumping upwards, swiping its sharp claws and slapping the four monsters.

The monster is small in size and moves swiftly, while Wan Gui Zhi'e is big and moves slowly, but it is better in strength.

This contest between alien beasts and monsters kicked off like this. It's really hard to say who will win the final victory.

Nightingale stared at Wan Guizhi's fierce battle with the four monsters, and asked Tong Yan in a low voice, "Your Highness, can the little black ball beat them?" Little black ball was her nickname for Wan Guizhi's, Of course, Wan Guizhi would not accept it, but she often called it that.

Hearing this, Tong Yan frowned slightly and said, "It's not clear yet, maybe it will be clear after a while. Nightingale, you go back to the inn first. I'll just stay here. But they, I can let them escape in time."

When Nightingale heard this, she immediately refused, "No, it's too dangerous for you to stay here by yourself. I can condense a water shield and protect you!"

Tong Yan smiled slightly: "I know you can protect me, but I hope you can protect yourself better. Be obedient and go back, okay?"

Although his voice was gentle, there was a little bit of irresistible emotion in his voice.

Nightingale hesitated for a while, and finally nodded and said, "Then you must promise me that if there is danger, you will not be brave, and you must come back quickly. Remember?"

Tong Yan nodded with a smile and said, "Don't worry, I haven't entered the holy mountain yet, how could I throw my life here? These mindless beasts can't hurt me. Let's go!"

Nightingale agreed, and suddenly stood on tiptoe and kissed Tong Yan's face, and then ran towards the inn shyly.

Tong Yan reached out and touched the kissed face, feeling a little dazed.He unconsciously thought of Tan Yu and Gao Qian.But now is not the time to be distracted, these four monsters are not easy to deal with, you must concentrate and give your best.

He reached out and took out the fire talisman from the cloth bag hanging on his waist, trying to see if these magical beasts were afraid of fire.Ordinary wild beasts are afraid of fire, but I don't know if these monsters still retain the instinct of wild beasts.

Holding four fire talismans in his hand, he immediately read aloud: "Strange talisman, talisman, listen to my order, burn all things in the four directions, destroy the gods in all directions, hurry like a law, order!" The talisman immediately glowed red flames, and as soon as the flames appeared, he swung his hand and directly punched it out.

In fact, all the talismans of the Sly Gate are black.But in this realm of destruction, even the yellow talisman was found by Tong Yan with great difficulty, let alone the black talisman.But the power of these low-level dao talismans is almost the same.As for the color, it is nothing more than a status symbol.

Tong Yan shot out the fire talisman in his hand, and it turned into four fireballs in an instant. The fireballs whizzed away and hit the four monsters unceremoniously.

But what made him feel helpless was that the four fireballs didn't have much effect. The four monsters didn't seem to care at all, and they were still fiercely fighting with the ghosts.

Tong Yan cursed secretly, and then took out another golden arrow.This arrow was broken from the arrow that the third prince had shot at him, because it was made of Geng gold, so Tong Yan put it away carefully.

These monsters have rough skin and thick flesh, so it should be the most effective to deal with them with Seventh Gold arrows.It's a pity that he only has this one. If he knew this, he should have asked the third prince for some weapons made of Gengjin.

He squeezed the arrow in his hand and stared at the battle situation ahead.He needs a moment, he needs a goal.The Gengjin arrow cannot be taken back after being shot, so he must let it play the most effective role.

Although these four monsters are about the same size, there is still a big difference in strength.For example, this monster, which looks a bit like a lion, has obviously longer and sharper claws. Most importantly, its movements are the fastest among the four monsters.

If you want to kill nature, you have to pick the most powerful one, so Tong Yan locked his target on it.

"Nie Yi, die!" Tong Yan yelled, then turned his body, and then he shot the arrow in his hand out of inertia.

This arrow was not only accurate, but also extremely powerful. With a "poof", the arrow directly pierced through the forehead of the lion monster, and the latter also fell silent.

But what I didn't expect was that after a short period of stupefaction, it raised its head and let out a deafening roar.Immediately afterwards, red blood began to glow on its body, and a huge head unexpectedly...slowly split into two halves...

(End of this chapter)

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