
Chapter 588 Is it a blessing or a curse?Finally got through!

Chapter 588 Is it a blessing or a curse?Finally got through!
Tong Yan originally thought that this beast would surely die, but to his surprise, this beast... actually grew a new head from its split head.

Such a strong vitality shocked Tong Yan for a moment.

The lion-shaped monster that had grown its head moved its neck, and then looked at Tong Yan viciously.

Tong Yan attacked it before, and now it naturally locked its eyes on Tong Yan.

It stared at Tong Yan for a few seconds, then suddenly let out a roar, then exerted all its strength, and rushed towards Tong Yan fiercely.

Wan Guizhi was entangled by the remaining three monsters, and couldn't come to rescue Tong Yan for a while.

And as a result, Tong Yan's situation became precarious, because he had to face this ferocious and powerful monster alone.

But with his current cultivation base, is he really capable of fighting?

Tong Yan stretched out his hand and directly pulled out the soft sword. Although the soft sword is ordinary, it is considered a low-level magic weapon, and it is much stronger than ordinary swords.

Who can run faster than this monster, Tong Yan definitely has no chance, but if he fights to the death, the result will be unknown.

Clenching the soft sword tightly, Tong Yan took a deep breath, and then jumped away to one side in a flash.

The monster rushed forward, and immediately flew into the air under his dodge.

Without waiting for the magical beast to exert its strength again, Tong Yan quickly walked around it without saying a word.

The demon beast was encircled by him like this, and suddenly became angry from embarrassment, using all four limbs, chasing continuously.But Tong Yan relied on his exquisite footsteps to never let him take advantage of it, and one man and one beast circled around like this.

The reason why Tong Yan was able to stabilize the situation now was because he injected his true energy into his legs.But if it drags on for a long time, his true energy will definitely be exhausted.And by then, he would have no chance of surviving.

At this moment, he is waiting for the opportunity, and by the way, try his best to find the weakness of this monster.No one is perfect, let alone this monster?There must be some fatal flaw on its body, and as long as this flaw is found, it is possible to kill it with one blow.

The magical beasts continued to catch, but failed to hurt Tong Yan, so they became more and more irritable and angry, and in the end they went crazy with an "oooh".

Tong Yan stared at it intently all the time, and suddenly found that when this guy roared, a protruding sarcoma on its chest would expand and contract accordingly.

The sarcoma is also covered by a rock-like shell, but it is densely cracked, and it is slightly weaker than the shells on other parts of its body.

With this discovery, Tong Yan knew that the time had come for him to act.Perhaps this sarcoid is the heart of this monster, or it is the root of its whole body's devilish energy.If the sarcoma is pierced or cut off, the monster will probably not survive.

But this is just his speculation, whether it is really the case, can only be known by trying it.

The lion fights the rabbit with all its strength.To deal with such a ferocious monster, he naturally couldn't keep his hands back.

After making up his mind, he immediately mobilized the true energy in his whole body and poured it into the soft sword in his hand in an endless stream.Under the infusion of true energy, the golden soft sword suddenly shone with a faint golden light.

Only when the true energy could no longer be injected, Tong Yan stretched his legs and rolled forward.This roll just rolled under the monster's body, before the monster noticed, he stabbed out with a sword.

Hearing a "puchi", the blade of the soft sword almost sank most of it, and directly penetrated the monster's chest cavity from the monster's sarcoma.

The monster was pierced into the body by the soft sword, and immediately raised its head and roared uncontrollably.But after the roar, it gradually couldn't stand upright, and finally staggered and fell to the ground.

At the same time that the monster fell to the ground, Tong Yan also drew out his soft sword.Bright red blood gushed out from the sarcoma on the monster's chest immediately, and soon stained a large area of ​​the ground red.

The magical beast that fell in the pool of blood slowly shriveled up, and in less than a minute, it turned into a skinny corpse.

After confirming that the monster was completely dead, Tong Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at the Evil of Ten Thousand Ghosts again, although it is now covered in bruises, the three monsters it fought fiercely were even more tragic.It has gradually taken the initiative, and with an overwhelming advantage, it sent the three monsters flying continuously.

The three monsters obviously did not have the powerful vitality of the lion monster, and they were completely frightened by the aura of the ghosts when they could not recover from their wounds. After uttering a few cat-like meows, they fled out of the town resentfully.

Seeing that the three monsters had disappeared without a trace, Wangui Zhie seemed to have collapsed, and sat down on the ground, turning his head to look at Tong Yan.

Tong Yan smiled and walked towards it, then asked with concern: "How is it? Are you okay?"

Wan Gui Zhi'e nodded, and then wobbled into the size of a kitten.

When Tong Yan picked it up, he realized that it had fallen asleep.

"Brother, thank you, have a good rest!" Tong Yan touched the head of Wan Gui Zhi'e, and then put it into his cloth bag.

He wanted to return to the inn like this, but after thinking about it, he walked up to the dead monster again.

The Gengjin arrow that was shot before is still inside the monster's body, it would be a pity not to get it back.

Once the monster died, its body became no longer hard.Tong Yan cut off its head completely with a soft sword, and only then found the Gengjin arrowhead embedded in the monster's body.

After bending down to pull out the Gengjin arrowhead, Tong Yan saw a small bright red ball unexpectedly.

"Could it be the inner alchemy of this monster?" Tong Yan thought, and then directly pulled out the small ball.

He stared at the red ball in his palm for a while, then planned to put it away and go back to study it slowly.

But what I didn't expect was that at this moment, an accident happened.

The red ball automatically turned into a liquid, and penetrated directly through the pores of Tong Yan's skin.

When Tong Yan saw it, his complexion changed drastically, and he hurriedly summoned his true energy to force him out.

But who would have expected that when his true qi just touched the red liquid, instead of being able to force them out, it fused with it instead.The red liquid directly turned into an air current, and after merging with the true energy in Tong Yan's body, it immediately swam through the meridians in his body.

Until the end, return to his dantian.

Tong Yan was a little dazed and a little scared.He was worried that the red gas was demonic energy, and if he was infiltrated by the demonic energy, he might become a demon.At that time, I am afraid that not only will he not enter the holy mountain again, but he may even kill innocent people.

He knew what it meant to be a demon, and he knew what he was going to do.So he made such a decision, if there is a sign of becoming a demon, he will cut off his meridians and self-destruct his cultivation base.

However, it turned out that he was thinking too much. After the red gas was fused with true energy, it was slowly assimilated, and he was very lucky to help Tong Yan break through the bottleneck.

And in this way, it also means that the day of entering the holy mountain has finally arrived!
(End of this chapter)

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