
Chapter 589 Companions Join, Enter the Holy Mountain!

Chapter 589 Companions Join, Enter the Holy Mountain!
As soon as it was light the next day, Tong Yan opened his eyes.He didn't practice at night because he was worried that the red gas that entered his body yesterday was demonic energy. If he practiced, it would only speed up the invasion of demonic energy and make him become a demon earlier.

But after waking up, he didn't find anything special. Instead, he was refreshed and full of vitality.

He was a little doubtful and doubtful, so the first thing he did was sit cross-legged and entered the cultivation.

In less than 5 minutes, a big smile appeared on his face.Instead of turning him into a demon, the red gas turned into true energy, which helped him break through the bottleneck and greatly increase his cultivation.

According to the amount of zhenqi in his body now, he decided to try to control Feijian again.Taking out the flying sword from the package, he immediately channeled his true energy, and poured it into the flying sword continuously.

Huangtian paid off, and the result this time has changed dramatically.After absorbing zhenqi and saturating it, the golden flying sword not only glowed with a dazzling golden light, but under Tong Yan's control, it flew slightly upwards by tens of centimeters.

In this way, it also means that he can use the flying sword engraved with the word Wu.

Of course, if you want this flying sword to move as you wish like a magic weapon of your own destiny, this is by no means something that can be done in a short period of time.But no matter what, he is confident that he can already use the power of the flying sword, so he has one more killer move.

To break through the bottleneck of his cultivation, he must strengthen it well, only in this way will there be no accidents that will cause great damage to his cultivation.Ever since, the day to enter the holy mountain was set for tomorrow.

Tong Yan informed Nightingale of the news, and asked her to pass it on to the five witches, while he concentrated on practicing in his room.

Nightingale quickly told the five witches about the mountainous days, and then quickly returned to the room to assist Tong Yan in his cultivation.

Time passed quickly, and the dawn of the next day finally came.Seven people and one beast were ready to go, the horse stayed at the inn, and the few people walked out of the town on foot.

But what they didn't expect was that outside the town, they met the daughter of the human-headed spider.Her hands were dusty, and her face was covered with tears, as if something had happened.

Tong Yan led the crowd up to her, and immediately asked, "Girl, why don't you take care of your mother at home, what are you doing here? Are you looking for a holy stone?"

The girl shook her head, then couldn't help crying again.

Seeing this, Nightingale couldn't bear it, and hurried forward to appease her.

After a while, the girl stabilized her emotions, and then said sadly: "My mother...she died, I just buried her well."

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help but sigh.The human-headed spider passed away after all. Although she was reluctant to part with her daughter, she had already run out of fuel and she couldn't change anything.

Tong Yan stretched out his hand and patted the girl's shoulder, comforting her: "Life is a fate, you don't need to be too sad, let's be sad! I still have some money here, maybe I won't need it in the future. Give it all to you, Take them and you go to a warm place and live a good life!"

Hearing this, the girl shook her head and refused, "No, I don't want to. I...I want to go into the mountains with you!"

Tong Yan really didn't think that this girl would make such a request. Going to the mountain might mean going to die, how could Tong Yan let her take such a risk.

"Girl, the mountains are too dangerous. Your mother's last wish is for you to live a good life. I'm sorry, but I can't promise you. You'd better leave here with your money and live a good life. Okay?"

When the girl heard this, she knelt down on her knees, tried her best to restrain the tears in her eyes, and said in grief and indignation: "I know what's in the mountain, it's those bad guys who killed my mother. I want to avenge my mother, even if you don't bring I will go, and I will go myself. Big brother, I will not drag you down. I can protect myself, please, promise me, please?"

Tong Yan frowned slightly, and then asked: "You said you can protect yourself, what are you capable of? Then let me see, before I am not sure that you have the ability to protect yourself, I hope you still Don't take risks with us. Is that okay?"

The girl nodded heavily, then suddenly stretched out her hand and patted the boulder not far away.All I saw was a strand of white filament shot out directly from her palm, wrapping around the boulder at an extremely fast speed.

This boulder was as big as a car, but within a few seconds it was wrapped into a "cocoon" by white silk.This is not over yet, the girl suddenly turned her palm into a claw, and then squeezed it hard.

With this grip, a "bang" sound was heard, and the huge stone was cut into pieces by the white filaments.

Tong Yan and the others were stunned by such a powerful force.

The girl's mother is a spider with a human head, and the spider's greatest ability is to spin silk to weave a spider web.

This girl should have inherited her mother's abilities, that's why white silk came out from her palm.But Baisi was so sharp, which surprised Tong Yan.

In foreign movies, Spider-Man can also spin silk, but either from his fingertips or with the help of a spinner (The Amazing Spider-Man), and the biggest ability of the silk they spray is to bind others or use stickiness to help the protagonist Come and go freely.

But the girl's spider silk comes from the palm of her hand and is as sharp as a knife, which is really incredible.

Tong Yan had to admit that this girl did have the ability to protect herself, not only that, but even she might not be her opponent.

But this girl should also have a weakness, perhaps the weakness is that she has a human body.As long as she is close, the enemy can easily kill her.In addition, the spider silk shouldn't be left on all the time, otherwise, it would be too heaven-defying.But this is not important, as long as Tong Yan and the others protect her well, she will definitely be able to give everyone the most powerful support and help at that time.

"Can you tell me how much spider silk you can put? You shouldn't spit too much at a time, right?"

Hearing this, the girl nodded lightly and said, "Yes, it takes me half an hour to cast it once, and I can release so much at most at one time. Brother, you think I'm useless? Please, Just take me with you. Okay? Huh..." At this point, she couldn't help crying again.

Seeing this, Tong Yan shook his head and said: "No, you guessed wrong. I think you can accompany us into the holy mountain. Not only that, but you will also bring us a lot of help. Don't worry, this On the way, I will train you well, and I will fight with you for revenge and justice! Welcome, brave spider warrior!"

Tong Yan once again subconsciously used modern words, but it was very inspiring and warmed the girl's heart.

With the addition of spider warriors, their strength has been greatly improved, but even so, Tong Yan is still cautious, not daring to be sloppy in the slightest, for fear of mistakes, and let these innocent girls accompany him to die.

But from their first step into the holy mountain, danger followed!
(End of this chapter)

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