
Chapter 590 Black Hole in the Snow, Shadow on a Snowy Night!

Chapter 590 Black Hole in the Snow, Shadow on a Snowy Night!
Because horses are not suitable for entering the mountains, food and supplies are basically carried by everyone.The holy mountain looks pure and beautiful, but it is also full of too many crises.

Walking on the thick snow, everyone felt very difficult.Every step is almost below the knees, so the huge consumption of physical strength is inevitable.

As the only man in this team, Tong Yan naturally had to shoulder the task of clearing the way for everyone.Not only that, but he also carries the most things on his body.After walking for more than three hours, he was already tired and out of breath.

In comparison, Nightingale and Shirley are much better.Shirley is the daughter of the human-headed spider. Because her skin is as white as snow, her mother named her that.

Before Nightingale understood the power of water, all she did was scout for Tongtian Tower and occasionally kill people who disrespected Tongtian Tower.Regardless of the power of water, her skills are also quite good.

As for Shirley, it may be because of her physique, she is much lighter than others.Walking on the snow not only will not sink, but even the footprints are very shallow.

The most exhausted were the five witches. They walked at the back of the team. Although they could drive the power in the holy stone, they couldn't strengthen their physical strength.If there is no holy stone, they are just five weak little girls.

In order to take care of the five witches behind, and at the same time allow himself to preserve his body to the maximum extent, Tong Yan decided to take a short rest, eat something and drink some water to relieve his fatigue.

Since it is a mountain, there are still many trees here, mostly pine and fir.Tong Yan picked a big tree that was relatively sheltered from the wind and stopped, then turned around and said to the people behind: "Come and rest for a while, replenish your energy, and then continue walking up the mountain."

Hearing this, Nightingale said with some contempt: "You are a big man, and we didn't complain that you were tired, so you couldn't stand it anymore? I think you are a prince who is usually spoiled and spoiled. How can we suffer so much. But it doesn't matter. , wait a moment, I'll clear the way, so you can relax a lot." The ridicule was ridicule, this Nightingale still knows how to hurt people.

Tong Yan smiled awkwardly and said, "Okay, then I'll have to work hard on you, Xia Xia."

Nightingale chuckled, and seemed to like the title of female hero very much.

The five witches were sweating profusely from exhaustion, and when they heard that they could rest, they immediately lay down on the snow with relief.But what I didn't expect was that when they lay down, they sank directly with a "crash".

Tong Yan looked at it and said in shock: "No, hurry up and save them."

Before Nightingale could make a move, Xue Li had already released the spider silk in time, but she might be worried about hurting the five witches, so the spider silk released this time was much thicker than before.

The five witches were entangled by the spider silk, which was considered to prevent them from falling into the deep pit below.

Tong Yan and Nightingale rushed to support, helping Xueli grab the spider silk, and finally pulled the five of them back.

The five witches were covered in snow, but they forgot to clean it up. Looking at their expressions, they seemed terrified.

Tong Yan took a closer look at the snow pit, and couldn't help but gasped.This snow pit is bottomless, and if you fall here, it may be difficult to climb out again.Fortunately, Shirley was here, otherwise, all five of them would have died.

Nightingale also looked at the deep pit, and then asked Tong Yan puzzled, "Your Highness, why is there such a deep pit here?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan explained: "There may have been an earthquake here, and then there were cracks in the mountain. The cracks were covered with new snowflakes, and over time it became a natural trap. If you are unlucky and step on it, it is likely to be like them Five of them almost fell into the pit. But everyone is safe and sound, but we must be more careful in the future, and we must not do it casually. Do you remember?"

The five witches escaped unharmed, but Tong Yan didn't need to tell them, they didn't dare to lie around and sit around anymore.Tong Yan's words were mainly for Nightingale, relying on her skill, she would not follow Tong Yan's path at all, she was actually the most likely to encounter such danger.

Nightingale swallowed dryly, and nodded slightly, which was considered to have a long memory.

Tong Yan asked her if she still wanted to clear the way for everyone, but she dared not agree, and she seemed scared.

Everyone ate something, rested for a while, and then started on the road again.

But I don't know why, after experiencing this turmoil, Shirley always looked back from time to time, as if she was looking for something, and she seemed to be waiting for something.But after realizing that there was nothing behind, she shook her head helplessly and continued to follow everyone.

There were still two or three hours before dark, but the sky suddenly darkened, and then not only a strong wind blew, but also smoke and snow.

Driving in a snowstorm is never a wise choice.The top priority is to find a place where you can avoid the wind and snow, and then survive the wind and snow.

Tong Yan looked around, and finally fixed his eyes on a big and thick tree.With Nightingale around, it is not difficult to build a temporary residence.

Thinking of this, he immediately walked towards the selected big tree, then turned his head and shouted to everyone: "Come to me quickly, Nightingale, come here first!"

He tried his best to raise his volume to the highest level, and everyone finally heard him clearly.

Nightingale speeded up and was the first to come to Tong Yan's side.

Tong Yan didn't care too much, and directly lowered his head and whispered in her ear, "Nightingale, use water to condense a water wall, and then let the water wall freeze into an ice wall. A total of six sides are needed, and remember to leave a window on one of them. Remember that. ?"

He stuck too close to the nightingale, and the nightingale's heart was in a turmoil when he said it, and he couldn't hear a word clearly.

In desperation, Tong Yan could only repeat it again, and then she realized it.

When everyone approached, Nightingale had already started making ice walls.The temperature here is very low, almost dripping blood into ice.A wall of water condensed on Nightingale's side, and it automatically froze into a wall of ice.

Tong Yan lifted the ice wall vigorously, and put it down directly against the big tree.Then he went to move the second piece, and the third piece, until a small house made of ice was built. He was already sweating profusely and panting like a cow.

Worried that the ice house was not strong enough, Tong Yan asked Nightingale to re-strengthen the gaps in each ice wall with water again, and the small ice house that was strong enough to withstand the wind and snow was considered completely completed.

When everyone climbed into the ice room through the reserved windows, the surroundings were completely plunged into darkness.

And at this moment, a somewhat illusory black figure slowly floated over from a distance...

(End of this chapter)

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