
Chapter 591 Heart of Fear, What?

Chapter 591 Heart of Fear, What?
In order to prevent the wind and snow from blowing in through the reserved window, Tong Yan took out the fire amulet to illuminate Nightingale, and asked her to shrink the window with water, enough for everyone to breathe.

After hearing this, Nightingale immediately complied.Soon, the temperature in the ice room increased slightly.

This ice room is not big, just big enough for everyone to sit in it. If you want to lie down, you may have to stack arhats on top of each other.

Everyone was a little tired. First, they almost died in the bottomless pit, and now they encountered a snowstorm. This holy mountain is really full of dangers.But until now, none of the monsters in the holy mountain showed up, not even the men in silver armor who abducted the demon concubine.Maybe they were waiting for an opportunity, or maybe they wanted to watch Tong Yan and others commit suicide.

"Don't go to sleep, everyone, let's eat something. Although it's not too cold in the ice room, if you don't eat something and drink some water, you will catch a cold easily. So, it won't hurt to be careful after all!"

Upon hearing this, Nightingale immediately asked in puzzlement, "What is a cold?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan explained with a smile: "A cold is an illness. Although it is a minor illness, it is very tormenting. Runny nose, fever, coughing and sneezing, it is similar... similar to wind-cold, yes, wind-cold!"

Nightingale curled her lips and said, "You just said that you have a cold and a cold, does it seem that you are knowledgeable?"

When she said this, everyone immediately laughed.

Tong Yan said embarrassingly: "I was wrong, I will pay attention to what I say in the future. Hehe..."

At this time, someone needs to ease the atmosphere.Otherwise, it will only make everyone's nerves more and more tense, and if there is any danger, they will not be able to respond in time.

Anyway, having nothing to do, Tong Yan simply told everyone a joke.The jokes he told were easy to understand, which made the girls laugh non-stop, and the fear brought by the darkness gradually disappeared in the laughter.

After eating a little something and drinking a little water, the girls, who had been exhausted all day, leaned against each other and fell asleep.

Tong Yan didn't dare to sleep, and couldn't sleep either.He needs to watch, to watch.This is a holy mountain, a monster may rush out at any time, or a monster may rush.If no one is watching the night, I'm afraid it will be too late when the danger is approaching.He needs to protect these girls, after all, they are here for him.

After more than an hour like this, Xue Li, who was falling asleep leaning against the nightingale, suddenly straightened up.She looked around, then asked Tong Yan in a low voice: "Big brother... Big brother, are you asleep?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately responded softly: "No, I can't sleep yet, you should sleep well."

Xueli hesitated for a while when she heard this, and then she said uneasy: "Brother, I...I always feel that there is a pair of eyes staring at us, but...but I can't see it. What do you think is this?" What's the matter?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help frowning.The ability of goblins to sense the surroundings is many times better than that of humans.Although Shirley is only a half-human, half-demon girl, her intuition should be much more accurate than that of humans.

She said that there are always a pair of eyes staring at everyone, maybe there is really something around here that everyone can't see.

Tong Yan thought for a while, and then asked, "Girl, since when did you feel this way?"

Xue Li thought for a while, and then replied: "It seems that we have had this feeling since we first stepped into the holy mountain, but...but it was even stronger when the five sisters almost fell into the snow pit. And it's happening again."

If it was true what Xue Li said, then Tong Yan and the others might have been targeted at the first step into the holy mountain.Tong Yan secretly hated that his eyes had degenerated badly. If it was his original body, no matter what kind of monsters, monsters, sprites and sprites, it would be impossible for him to escape his eyes.But now, he doesn't have that confidence anymore.

If you want to blame, blame this poor body. Although the field of vision is fairly wide and he can see the monster, but apart from these two points, he can't see anything, and even the ability of night vision is about to be lost. up.

Tong Yan checked around, but there was no demonic aura, which meant that the thing following everyone was probably not a demon.What would that be?magic?Or something else?
He didn't continue to speculate, because guessing was useless at all, what he needed to know was the truth.Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean others can't see it either.Maybe it would be enough to deal with all ghosts, after all, he is the king of ghosts and beasts, and he is equivalent to the existence of spirit beasts.

With an idea in mind, Tong Yan immediately said to Xueli: "Girl, you should go to bed first, maybe you are too tired, so you have an illusion. Don't worry, there is a big brother guarding you, even if there are really ghosts and ghosts coming , and I will never let it get close to you."

Hearing what Tong Yan said, Xue Li felt a little more at ease, so she nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll go to bed first. Big brother, if you are too tired, wake me up, and I will change shifts with you."

Although Shirley was born in a remote town, she is obviously well-educated. It seems that the spider really hopes that she can live a normal life.It's a pity that she followed Tong Yan and the others to come here in the end.

Tong Yan smiled slightly: "Okay, if I really can't stand it anymore, I'll call you. Good night!"

Although Shirley didn't understand what good night meant, she still hugged her knees to sleep obediently.

After confirming that Xueli was basically asleep, Tong Yan reached out and shook the package in front of him, and whispered inside: "The disaster of all ghosts, it's time to wake up. If you don't wake up, all good things will be destroyed." ate up."

As soon as he finished speaking, the package in front of him stirred immediately.As soon as he noticed it, he hurriedly whispered: "Shut up, I need you to do me a favor, come, I'll take you out."

As he spoke, he gently carried Wangui Zhie out of the cloth bag.

"Boss, you lied to me again. I fought with those beasts that day, and my whole body hurts until now. If I don't sleep well, how will I protect you when you are in danger? Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

Tong Yan smiled, and then said softly: "I need you to look for me, is there anything weird around here? The girl said, she always feels that there are a pair of eyes staring at us. I think you should be able to see it."

Hearing this, Wan Gui Zhi's disaster immediately revived.It looked around carefully, and finally fixed its gaze on the big tree behind Tong Yan.

"Boss...boss, you...look at the tree behind you, then...what is that?"

(End of this chapter)

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