
Chapter 592 Peaceful One Night, Horrible Snow White!

Chapter 592 A safe night, terrifying Bai Xue!
Tong Yan could hear the fear and uneasiness in Wan Gui Zhi'e's words, which could make a king of ghosts and beasts like Wan Gui Zhi'e a little afraid. It seemed that there must be something scary on the tree behind him.

Taking a deep breath, he held the flying sword in his backpack in his hand, and then slowly turned his head to look at the big tree behind him.

But after looking at it carefully, he didn't see anything, and the more he couldn't see anything, the more chilling he felt.

Tong Yan's grip on the flying sword became tighter and tighter, and his brows were deeply knit together.

"The disaster of all ghosts, is it still on the tree?"

"Yes, is looking at you."

Tong Yan swallowed dryly unconsciously, trying to calm down his uneasy emotions.But it can't see anything, and it's too fucking torturous.

"The disaster of all ghosts, what does it look like? Describe it to me!"

"Okay, then listen. It has a head and long hair. Although it hangs down, its eyes are exposed from the gaps in the hair. By the way, its tongue is also very long, and it is still Blood red."

Tong Yan heard that the disaster of all ghosts stopped talking, and immediately asked: "It's gone?"

"It's gone! That's it! Oh, its hair is black. It's over, that's all!"

If Wan Gui Zhi'e is sure that there is no mistake in the description, Tong Yan already has a rough idea of ​​what this thing is like.This should be a long-tongued monster with disheveled hair, or in other words, a long-haired head with a tongue sticking out.

But the question is, why can't Tong Yan see such a thing?
Is it a ghost?No, if it is a ghost, will the disaster of all ghosts be afraid?Is it a demon?If it is a demon, why is there no demon energy?It must be something else, I just hope it's not too difficult to deal with, otherwise, it's really terrible enough.

"Does it do anything else? Just stare?"

"Well, I've been staring at you, maybe it's because I've taken a fancy to you?"

Tong Yan was speechless enough about the misfortune of all ghosts, but at this time he would talk about such things.

"Aren't you afraid now?"

Ten thousand ghosts laughed and said: "Don't be afraid, talking to you will make me courageous again."

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Okay, since you're not afraid, then just keep an eye on it for me. I'll go to sleep first, and if there's anything you need, just let me know." Having said that, he sat down directly .Anyway, I can't see it, so what kind of expression is wasted, I might as well sleep for a while if I have time.

"Boss, are you being too unjust? I want to sleep too..."

After that, Tong Yan couldn't hear clearly.He was also quite tired, arguably the most tired of all.If the head monster really wanted to attack, he probably would have done it long ago.Maybe it's just to take a look, or maybe it's the eyes sent by the master of the holy city to monitor Tong Yan and the others.

Wan Guizhi'e felt aggrieved, but Tong Yan had already ordered him to do so, so he stared at the monster with big eyes and small eyes all night, until the dawn of the next day!

The blizzard finally passed, and the small icehouse where Tong Yan and the others were staying was almost completely buried by the blizzard.Fortunately, there is the vigil of Ten Thousand Ghosts, and it even knows to help Tong Yan and the others push the snow off the window, so that Tong Yan and the others can avoid suffocation.

The first thing Tong Yan does when he wakes up is to ask Ten Thousand Ghosts about the whereabouts of the human-headed monster.

Looking at the bloodshot eyes of Wangui Zhie, Tong Yan could barely hold back his smile.

"It's gone, probably near dawn."

"Where did you go? Do you know?"

"Boss, I don't have clairvoyance, so how do I know where it went. Maybe it's afraid of light? Anyway, it ran away."

Tong Yan let out a sigh, and then said gratefully: "Thank you brother, you have been tired this night. Go back to your bag first, and I will put the food in for you later."

Upon hearing this, Wan Gui Zhi'e immediately cheered and said, "Okay, boss, you are so particular. Hehe..." Seeing it happily enter the backpack.Tong Yan took out a steamed bun-like food from the food bag, and took some dried meat. After throwing these things into the rucksack, Wan Guizhi'e immediately started to eat.

Although the Long Tongue Monster didn't attack Tong Yan and the others in the end, it didn't mean that it was no threat to Tong Yan and the others.Before figuring out what it is, everything is still unknown.

Tong Yan used Gengjin arrowheads to cut a big hole in the ice wall, and then walked out alone.After he picked up a dry branch and raised firewood, these girls woke up one after another.

Before entering the mountain, Tong Yan brought a small pot and some bottles.In the snow-capped mountains, if you don't even drink a little hot water, it's really hard to get through.

Tong Yan directly put the snow into the small pot, and then put the pot on the fire.It didn't take long for the hot water to boil.He threw the dried meat and dry food into the pot again, and a pot of simple meat porridge was born like this.

Originally, these girls’ appetites were very small, but I don’t know if it was because it was too cold, or the meat porridge was too delicious, and one pot was not enough. Tong Yan cooked another pot until the third pot. abdomen.

If you have enough rest and enough food, you will naturally have to start again.

But Tong Yan didn't mention that long tongue monster last night to them.If they knew about being stared at by such a monster at night, it would be difficult to sleep peacefully.

The holy mountain does not just refer to a mountain, it is more like a large mountain range.Turn over one, and another.No one knows where the holy city is, it is probably deep in the mountains.

After yesterday's adaptation, people have gradually mastered how to walk and save energy, and their physical strength seems to have strengthened a little.

They turned over the mountain in front of them in one breath, and the higher mountains were still waiting for them to conquer.

Soon, it was noon.Although the five witches insisted that they were not tired, Tong Yan still insisted on taking a break.It is not so easy to find the holy city. It is not a day's cold to freeze three feet, and it is not a river of water to be full of waves.There are some things that cannot be rushed.If you are too anxious, it will only backfire.

Sitting on the snow on the hillside, Tong Yan did not regenerate firewood, but asked everyone to simply eat some dry food and rest for a while.

While chewing on the hard jerky, Tong Yan asked Xue Li, "Do you still feel that way now?"

Xueli is very smart, so of course she knew what Tong Yan was asking, so she answered, "Yes, there is, but there is nothing. Maybe it's an illusion caused by tiredness."

Although she answered like this, Tong Yan was sure that the long-tongued monster must still be following the crowd, but only at a distance.

He decided to find out the purpose of the long-tongued monster anyway tonight, and get rid of it if possible.

He thought this way in his mind, and then casually admired the beautiful scenery of the holy mountain.But at this moment, he suddenly saw a large expanse of white snow moving rapidly.

When he took a closer look, he suddenly turned pale with shock.

(End of this chapter)

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