
Chapter 593 Come uninvited, then you will!

Chapter 593 Come uninvited, then you will!
"Get up quickly, everyone, look, what is that?"

As soon as Tong Yan said this, everyone immediately stood up and looked in the direction of his finger.

Upon seeing this, everyone's eyes widened with horror on their faces.

"Your Highness, why did that piece of snow come to us? What should we do?"

Tong Yan frowned, and immediately said: "Run, run away! Follow me, don't fall behind!" As he spoke, he took the lead and ran towards the distance.

Although everyone still doesn't know why those Baixues moved, but since Tong Yan said the word escape, there must be danger coming.Not daring to hesitate, everyone followed behind Tong Yan, wishing they could use all their energy.

But what I didn't expect was that the large piece of white snow also moved over, and the speed was more than twice as fast as before.

While running forward, Tong Yan looked back to see if everyone was following and if anyone was left behind.

Fortunately, everyone worked very hard this time, and did not stretch the battle line too long.

But even so, the large expanse of white snow was getting closer and closer to everyone.The only thing Tong Yan can be sure of is that Bai Xue's movement was definitely not due to an avalanche.Because they are at a high place now, the avalanche is spreading downward, so how can it move to a high place?In this way, it means that there is something under the moving white snow, and there is more than one, it may be a group!
Bai Xue's movement became faster and faster, and the splashed snowflakes had already blown onto everyone's bodies.If this continues, there is probably only one end for everyone, and that is death.

Since he couldn't escape, he could only bite the bullet and fight to the death.

The miko running at the back is closest to the moving Baixue. If she is caught up by Baixue, she will be the first to die.

Tong Yan stopped immediately, and then shouted loudly: "Don't run away, we can't run away. Everyone, prepare to fight!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone showed determination and moved closer to Tong Yan.

"Nightingale, build a wall of water to block these ghosts!"

Hearing this, Nightingale clasped her hands together without saying a word, and then pulled them away abruptly.She saw water droplets quickly condense in her palm, more and more, more and more, a wall of water, just like this condensed.

Coupled with the low temperature freezing, the water wall turned into an ice wall, directly protecting everyone.

At the same time, the moving snow just happened to catch up, and the sound of "Dangdang" impact immediately sounded on the other side of the ice wall.

Everyone was not idle, pushing the wall hard one after another. As long as the ice wall does not fall or break, they can block this weird "white snow".

The two sides were in a stalemate like this, until Tong Yan and the others were knocked back more than ten meters, and the moving "Bai Xue" stopped completely.

Tong Yan poked his head out from the side of the ice wall and looked carefully under Bai Xue.In the next second, he finally figured out why Baixue moved, or more precisely, why Xuelang chased after everyone.

Just because under the white snow, there are more than ten small white wild boars.Perhaps, this should not be called a pig, because their fangs are not only longer and sharper, but also have long white hairs like goats all over their bodies.

Although Tong Yan didn't know what this creature was called, he was sure that these beasts must be coming for them.Maybe, they just regarded them as prey.

These white-haired wild boars knew that they couldn't break through the ice wall in front of them, so they quickly bypassed the ice wall, and directly stabbed at everyone fiercely with their sharp fangs.

In the Northeast, the strongest combat power is not the black blind man and the tiger, but the wild boar.An adult wild boar can penetrate a tiger with a thrust of its tusks.As for the black blind man, his movement speed is much slower than that of the wild boar.In real action, the blind man probably has no chance of winning.Some people may say that tigers still eat wild boars.Eat is to eat, but generally pick those small wild boars, and big wild boars and tigers dare not provoke them.This is by no means an exaggeration, ask some old hunters and they will all say the same.

Now these white-haired wild boars are coming straight up. If they hit them, they will probably be useless.

Seeing that everyone was in danger, Tong Yan hurriedly shouted to Xue Li, "Girl, kill them with spider silk."

Xue Li was also a little frightened now, and it was only when she was reminded by Tong Yan that she realized it.But helplessly, she was still a little late after all.

It didn't matter if it was a few seconds late, a witch's calf was directly pierced by the fangs of the white-haired wild boar, and the blood immediately stained the white snow below.

" leg! Help me..."

Seeing it, Nightingale quickly condensed water into a whip and pulled out the wild boars that rushed up one after another. Tong Yan even pulled out a soft sword and went straight to the white-haired wild boars.

A fierce battle finally came to an end after Shirley's spider silk appeared.If she could have released the spider silk and cut the white-haired wild boars in half earlier, maybe the witch would not have been injured.

But combat experience is often accumulated after bloody ordeals. With this experience, maybe she can grow up faster.

She looked at the injured witch, and said with a face full of self-reproach: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's my fault. If I could have shot earlier, you wouldn't have been hurt. I'm sorry..." Tears were already rolling around her eyes, which can be seen How much she regretted it.

Hearing this, the witch whose calf was pierced forced a smile and said, "I don't blame you, I am useless. If I could use the holy stone faster, I wouldn't be injured. You have killed all those white ghosts." Hairy boar, you saved our lives. Well, don't blame yourself. You've done a good job!"

Tong Yan stepped forward, put his hands on Xueli's shoulders, and said with a slight smile: "She is right, you have done a good job, I hope you can do better next time. Come on, you all do it for her." Bandage it well. I think, I should punish these harmful things properly." He patted Shirley on the shoulder, and immediately raised his sword and walked towards the dead pigs on the ground.

Seeing this, Nightingale hurriedly followed, and said innocently, "How are you going to punish them? Burn them to ashes?"

Tong Yan shook his head and smiled, "Wouldn't it be cheaper to burn them to ashes? I think it's better to roast them and eat them?"

When Nightingale heard the boy's words to roast the white-haired wild boar, she immediately cheered and said, "Okay, okay, eat up their meat and let them get their retribution!"

Tong Yan smiled, and then began to peel off the skin and remove the internal organs.After dealing with these, he went to pick up some branches and trunks.After working for nearly an hour, the wild boar was put on top of the fire.

Because there is no spice, it can only be dry roasted like this.But the taste is still very good, at least much better than those hard jerky.

Everyone had a delicious meal, and then found a place that was fairly sheltered from the wind, and then settled down.

Tong Yan originally wanted to train Shirley so that she could become stronger.But when he thought about meeting that long-tongued monster tonight, he could only postpone the matter.

What is the secret of the long tongue monster?It followed Tong Yan and what did they intend to do?
(End of this chapter)

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